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Illegal logging update and stakeholder consultation Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House Promoting Illegal logging update and stakeholder consultation Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House Promoting Cooperation among Customs and Forestry Authorities in East Asia to Combat Trade in Illegal Wood Products Chen Hin Keong TRAFFIC

Workshop recommendations National: 1. Coordination n Create an inter-sectoral national working group n n Workshop recommendations National: 1. Coordination n Create an inter-sectoral national working group n n n share information and experience harmonise systems (possible participation of civil society) Customs to serve as the focal institution in the country to provide one stop service. 2. Legal framework n Fundamental reform – at forest level. n Review 3. Capacity building n Customs on illegal logging, forestry concerns and issues. (Customs recommends extending their mandate to take on this role and that adequate funding should be available) n

Regional Level: 1. Regional framework. n Create an ad hoc working group (within 6 Regional Level: 1. Regional framework. n Create an ad hoc working group (within 6 months) to define a regional level structure. n n 2. n ASEAN was identified as the appropriate regional forum – establish an interagency cooperation with RILO, and to include other relevant agencies. The results of Asia FLEG was recommended to be presented to ASEAN at the next ASOF and DG customs meetings. Information Encompasses a number of measures related to the information itself n n Way intelligence is collected, the exchange, analysis and valuation of the information. Firstly need for reliable data. ASEAN was identified as an appropriate platform to establish and strengthened information sharing on timber trade in addition to RILO for specific data and information requirements especially related to intelligence on illegality of timber trade. host a workshop to assist in sharing of information especially on official documentation, that encompasses legal requirements from forest, transport, trade to international market and other related processes.

Regional (cont. ) 3. n n n 4. n 5. n Coordination Development of Regional (cont. ) 3. n n n 4. n 5. n Coordination Development of a prior notification system through bilateral cooperation. Use of e-documentation to share information. ASEAN secretariat to encourage MOUs on maritime coordination. Harmonized Systems Codes initiate discussions on the Harmonized Code System (HS) Chapter 44, (a regional workshop with forestry/customs authorities) Regional definition of legality Develop a clear and workable definition of legality, building on experience with implementation of the Indonesia-UK Mo. U – no agreement on this.