Скачать презентацию IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing Weigang LI 2005 -10 -21 Скачать презентацию IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing Weigang LI 2005 -10 -21


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IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing Weigang LI 2005 -10 -21 2005/10/18 IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing Weigang LI 2005 -10 -21 2005/10/18 IJCNLP 2005 -paraphrasing

Jeju, The Republic of Korea 2 Jeju, The Republic of Korea 2

3 3

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 4

Paraphrasing in Main Conference Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web Paraphrasing in Main Conference Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web n Web-Based Unsupervised Learning for Query Formulation in Question Answering n Exploiting Lexical Conceptual Structure for Paraphrase Generation n 5

Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web 6 Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web 6

Basic Information n Author: Marius Pasca and Peter Dienes Affiliation: Google Inc. Main Idea Basic Information n Author: Marius Pasca and Peter Dienes Affiliation: Google Inc. Main Idea ¨ IF two sentence fragments have common word sequences at both extremities, then the variable word sequences in the middle are potential paraphrases of each other ¨ A significant advantage of this extraction mechanism is that it can acquire paraphrases from sentences whose information content overlaps only partially, as long as the fragments align 7

An example 8 An example 8

Pre-processing Filtering out HTML tags, POS n Words number: 5 < n < 30 Pre-processing Filtering out HTML tags, POS n Words number: 5 < n < 30 n At least one verb More than One Billion sentences n At least one noun word starts in lowercase n Every word length less than 30 n Less than half words are numbers n 9

Algorithm 10 Algorithm 10

Problem of this method n An example ¨ “decided to read the government report Problem of this method n An example ¨ “decided to read the government report published last month” ¨ “decided to read the edition published last month” n How to avoid this problem? 11

Alignment Anchors Ngram-Only n Ngram-Entity n ¨ Preceding and following named entities, here, just Alignment Anchors Ngram-Only n Ngram-Entity n ¨ Preceding and following named entities, here, just use the noun n Ngram-Relative ¨ Several lexico-syntactic patterns 12

Results 13 Results 13

Web-Based Unsupervised Learning for Query Formulation in Question Answering 14 Web-Based Unsupervised Learning for Query Formulation in Question Answering 14

Basic Information Author: Yi-Chia Wang, Jian-Cheng Wu, Tyne Liang, and Jason S. Chang n Basic Information Author: Yi-Chia Wang, Jian-Cheng Wu, Tyne Liang, and Jason S. Chang n Affiliation: National Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University, n Query Formulation n 15

Main Idea n n n Training-data: questions are classified into a set of fine-grained Main Idea n n n Training-data: questions are classified into a set of fine-grained categories of question patterns Using a word alignment technique: the relationships between the question patterns and n-grams in answer passages are discovered Finally, the best query transforms are derived by ranking the n-grams which are associated with a specific question pattern 16

Transforming Question to Query n Search the Web for Relevant Answer Passages n Question Transforming Question to Query n Search the Web for Relevant Answer Passages n Question Pattern Extraction ¨ n Some rules are manually made Learning Best Transforms ¨ Word Alignment Across Q and AP n n SMT aligned Technology to apply qi and ai (bigram) Select top k bigrams, t 1, t 2, . . , tk, for every question pattern or keyword q Distance Constraint and Proximity Ranks (between bigrams and answer) ¨ Combing Alignment and Proximity Ranks ¨ 17

Runtime Transformation of Questions Pre-processing n Classified according to the rules n According to Runtime Transformation of Questions Pre-processing n Classified according to the rules n According to the training result to select the top bigrams (or’s) n Query conjunction n 18

Experiments n Training corpus ¨ 3806 Q-A pairs ¨ 338 question patterns, 95, 926 Experiments n Training corpus ¨ 3806 Q-A pairs ¨ 338 question patterns, 95, 926 answer passages n 45 questions as test corpus 19

Result 20 Result 20

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 21

Basic information about workshop n Total: 12 published papers ¨ 3 papers from USA Basic information about workshop n Total: 12 published papers ¨ 3 papers from USA (2 of them are from MSR, 1 of them from New York University) ¨ 5 papers from Japan(3 of them are from ATR, 1 from Nagaoka U. , 1 from Kyoto U. ) ¨ 2 papers from UK (The open University) ¨ 1 paper from Australia (Macquarie U. ) ¨ 1 paper from China (HIT) 22

3 sessions n phrase-level ¨ Automatic paraphrase discovery based on context and keywords between 3 sessions n phrase-level ¨ Automatic paraphrase discovery based on context and keywords between NE pairs n Sentence-level ¨ Automatic generation of paraphrases to be used as translation references in objective evaluation measures of machine translation n discourse-level ¨ Support vector machines for paraphrase identification and corpus construction 23

Automatic paraphrase discovery based on context and keywords between NE pairs Author: Satoshi Sekine Automatic paraphrase discovery based on context and keywords between NE pairs Author: Satoshi Sekine n Affiliation: New York University n Task: Aim to extract the phrases between two NEs as paraphrases n 24

Overview n n NE taggers (140 NE catatories, rule-based system) Gather instances with NEs Overview n n NE taggers (140 NE catatories, rule-based system) Gather instances with NEs C 1 -C 2 domain with topic keywords using TF/ITF, and the same keywords are clustered together Phrases linked individual NEs as paraphrases in the same domain 25

Experiments 0. 63 million instances with NE pairs n Total: 2, 000 NE category Experiments 0. 63 million instances with NE pairs n Total: 2, 000 NE category pairs, 5184 keywords n 13, 976 phrases with keywords n 26

Results 27 Results 27

Limitations Just one keywords n Not using any structural information n The chunks number Limitations Just one keywords n Not using any structural information n The chunks number is less 5 between two NEs, can’t process long distance problem n 28

Automatic generation of paraphrases to be used as translation references in objective evaluation measures Automatic generation of paraphrases to be used as translation references in objective evaluation measures of machine translation Author: Yves Lepage and Etienne Denoual n Affiliation: ATR - Spoken language communication research labs n Task: To produce reference sentences using machine translation evaluation n 29

Algorithm Detection: find sentences which share a same translation in the multilingual resource n Algorithm Detection: find sentences which share a same translation in the multilingual resource n Generation: produce new sentences by exploiting commutations; limit combinatorics by contiguity constraints n 30

Results • The lower the scores, the better the lexical and syntactical variation 31 Results • The lower the scores, the better the lexical and syntactical variation 31

Support vector machines for paraphrase identification and corpus construction Author: Chris Brockett and William Support vector machines for paraphrase identification and corpus construction Author: Chris Brockett and William B. Dolan n Affiliation: Natural Language Processing Group , Microsoft Research n Task: Paraphrase Identification and Corpus Construction n 32

Background Paraphrasing SMT n How to construct large scale paraphrase corpora, it’s a very Background Paraphrasing SMT n How to construct large scale paraphrase corpora, it’s a very hard task! n ¨ Annotated datasets ¨ Using SVM to induce larger monolingual paraphrase corpora 33

Datasets n. Randomly select 10, 000 sentence pairs n. Hand-tagged (1 or 0) n Datasets n. Randomly select 10, 000 sentence pairs n. Hand-tagged (1 or 0) n 2968 positive and 7032 negative examples 34

Features Total: 264, 543 features n After filtering: less than 1000 features n ¨ Features Total: 264, 543 features n After filtering: less than 1000 features n ¨ String Similarity Features ¨ Morphological Variants ¨ Word. Net Lexical Mappings ¨ Word Association Pairs ¨ Composite Features 35

Results 36 Results 36

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 37

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Thought on Future Work Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Thought on Future Work of Paraphrasing n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 38

The Biggest Harvest n Know many fellow people ¨ Old ¨ Young ¨ Man The Biggest Harvest n Know many fellow people ¨ Old ¨ Young ¨ Man ¨ Women (few) 39

Other harvest Beautiful prospect n Beautiful food n Beautiful show n Beautiful people n Other harvest Beautiful prospect n Beautiful food n Beautiful show n Beautiful people n 40

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 41

Pities in IJCNLP Poor English hearing block communication n Korean has poorer English n Pities in IJCNLP Poor English hearing block communication n Korean has poorer English n So many mosquito n Few beautiful girls n 42

Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Outline Paraphrasing in Main Conference n Paraphrasing in Workshop n Harvest in IJCNLP n Pities in IJCNLP n Conclusions n 43

Conclusions Know many peoples n Wide one’s views n Exercise one’s self-confidence n Grasp Conclusions Know many peoples n Wide one’s views n Exercise one’s self-confidence n Grasp the newest research direction n Enjoy taking part in international conference! n 44

Thanks! 45 Thanks! 45