Скачать презентацию IIS Running Oracle for z Linux as a Sysplex Скачать презентацию IIS Running Oracle for z Linux as a Sysplex


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IIS Running Oracle for z/Linux as a Sysplex Guest Under z/OS Alexander Shmid, Doctor, IIS Running Oracle for z/Linux as a Sysplex Guest Under z/OS Alexander Shmid, Doctor, Professor EC-leasing Head of the Board of Directors, IIS, LLC CTO www. ec-leasing. ru www. iis-service. com www. gs-s. com 17 April 2007

IIS ЕС- Group is a System Integrator for Major Corporate Customers Basic activity –to IIS ЕС- Group is a System Integrator for Major Corporate Customers Basic activity –to decrease Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for corporate customers via architecture consolidation EC-leasing EC-engineering EC-leasing soft Global System Services (GSS) Interpretive Information Systems (IIS) EC-group in Russia T www. ec-leasing. ru in USA www. gs-s. com www. iis-service. com IBM BP in Russia, USA, Germany e s decrea CO ORACLE BP in Russia

Target Architecture (Centralized with Virtualization, “Thin Clients”) IIS Dynamic Resource Allocation, z. OS USS Target Architecture (Centralized with Virtualization, “Thin Clients”) IIS Dynamic Resource Allocation, z. OS USS + Linux Workload Static Resource Allocation, UNIX Workload UNIX Servers Consolidation Functions Transfer to UNIX Servers Enterprise Servers Intel Servers Consolidation Intel Servers Clients Linux – Bridge between UNIX & Intel Servers Dynamic Resource Allocation, Windows + Linux Workload WBI MB Rational Functions Transfer to Intel Servers or UNIX-Servers Client Unloading z. Series p. Series x. Series Tivoli Websphere BDW Data Stage Thin Clients Linux, Windows

From any ORACLE to z. Series Oracle’s IIS Consolidation Issues BEFORE AFTER 78 centers From any ORACLE to z. Series Oracle’s IIS Consolidation Issues BEFORE AFTER 78 centers 234 boxes BOX OS DBMS HP HP-UX Oracle 8. 1. 7 p. Series AIX Oracle 8. 1. 7 SUN Solaris Oracle 9. 2 DEC VMS Oracle 9. 2 Intel Windows Oracle 10. 2 Intel Linux Oracle 10. 2 NCR Unix Oracle 7 z. OS ORACLE z. Linux ORACLE

Some Problems to Port Oracle Applications to z. OS With problems z. OS Oracle Some Problems to Port Oracle Applications to z. OS With problems z. OS Oracle 9. 2 z. Linux Oracle 10. 2 ORACLE 10. 2 – Target 3 Q 2007 No problems DBMS Restrictions: ∆z. OS vs. z. Linux IEEE Standard Floating Point Number Restrictions Native compilation of Java or PL/SQL Oracle External Tables Oracle Scheduler Oracle Streams (DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER package not supported) Oracle Utilities (trace, dbnewid not supported) XML Database (Web. DAV, HTTP, FTP access not supported) Unsupported in z. OS Features & Functions: Generic Connectivity using ODBC Oracle Data Mining Oracle Dynamic Services Server Oracle HTTP Server Oracle Messaging Gateway Oracle Real Application Cluster Guard Oracle JSP Oracle Workflow Oracle Workspace Manager IIS

IIS Functional and Security Issues to Compare on z. Series Functional Security z. OS IIS Functional and Security Issues to Compare on z. Series Functional Security z. OS – z. Linux Oracle Functional Difference List DBMS Features z. OS Oracle z. OS – z. Linux Security Difference List z. Linux Oracle IEEE Standard FP Number Restrictions - + Native compilation of Java or PL/SQL Agent - + Oracle External Tables - + - + Oracle Scheduler Oracle Streams Features Availability from 8 hours to 5 minutes per year outages Disaster recovery: distance more than 1000 km, recovery time less than 15 minutes z. OS z. Linux Yes No (DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER) Oracle Utilities - + (trace, dbnewid) XML Database - + (Web. DAV, HTTP, FTP) PORTABILITY, MAINTAINABILITY to z. Linux to z. OS SECURITY

IIS Solution with New Topology and z. Linux Image Status (Virtual machines in z. IIS Solution with New Topology and z. Linux Image Status (Virtual machines in z. OS for execution of any guest system US patent № US 6, 530, 078 B 1, DATE March 2003) Linux z. OS Linux z. OS II I Linux L 1 z. Linux 1 … z. Linux n … Ln LPAR 2 … II z. Linux imageexternal to z. OS III z. OS LPAR 1 LPAR n I VM LPAR 1 Topology: LPAR 2 z. Linux image – internal to z. OS(TASK) Status: I III z. Linux 1 … z. Linux –z. Series image II z. Linux -VM GUEST III z. Linux –z. OS TASK z. Linux n z. OS Computer or LPAR

IIS From z/OS to Oracle for z/Linux ISX –Interpretive Space Executive SSH client Oracle IIS From z/OS to Oracle for z/Linux ISX –Interpretive Space Executive SSH client Oracle z/Linux Oracle client z. ISX z/OS Tn 3270 client Mainframe ISX creates z. Virtual machine on z. OS task level

Using z. OS Features for z. Linux Virtualization IIS z. Linux Feature / Status Using z. OS Features for z. Linux Virtualization IIS z. Linux Feature / Status ISX Feature / Status z. OS Feature Console 3215 /Yes V 3215 / Yes z. OS Console ECKD DASD / Yes VECKD / Yes VSAM File Tape / Yes VSAM File CTC / Yes V CTC / Yes address space to address space Printer / Yes V Printer / Yes Sysout Ethernet / Yes Token ring / Yes V Ethernet / Yes V TRN / Yes address space to address space

IIS General Structure of Solution Oracle z. Linux ISX A 1 . . . IIS General Structure of Solution Oracle z. Linux ISX A 1 . . . An Oracle z. OS local ISX A 1 . . . An z. OS remote PPRC/XRC z. OS DASDS VSAMs z. Linux VDASDS z. OS DASDS

Other Uses for z. ISX –Interpretive Space Executive Oracle IMS CICS z/Linux z/OS VSE Other Uses for z. ISX –Interpretive Space Executive Oracle IMS CICS z/Linux z/OS VSE z. ISX Legacy App DPPX z. ISX z/OS Mainframe Multiple instances of ISX can be used run multiple systems which can exploit full function and power of z. OS

Demo Invitation z/OS IIS z/OS IP: 212. 83. 9. 44 ISX z/Linux с z/Linux Demo Invitation z/OS IIS z/OS IP: 212. 83. 9. 44 ISX z/Linux с z/Linux IP: 212. 83. 9. 22 z. Linux under z. OS demo is at : http: //www. ec-leasing. ru/lang/en/solutions. html Oracle General Information: www. ec-leasing. ru, www. iis-service. com, www. gs-s. com For assistance in the US, contact : manglin@gs-s. com (Monte Anglin)