- Количество слайдов: 39
IHS EHR Indian Health Service Electronic Health Record Michele Miller Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center
Preparation, Implementation and Lessons Learned Ø Preparing for Installation l l l Implementation Team CAC OIT Requirements Ø Setup l l EHR CAC & Implementation Training (ABQ) OIT On-site RPMS-EHR setup Ø Go Live Ø Looking Ahead
Where to Start?
Implementation Team l l l l l Clinical Application Coordinator (CAC) Medical Staff (Clinician) Nursing Pharmacy Lab and Radiology Medical Records Billing/Coding Information Technology staff *Administrator/Executive Leadership*
Implementation Team Roles Ø Monitor and Execute Implementation Plan Ø Identify and define Policies and Procedures Ø Address staffing and scheduling during transition Ø Peer Training & Marketing Ø Design and Approve EHR Menus, templates, etc
What’s Next?
Hardware/Infrastructure upgrade Ø RPMS server Ø Backup/Training server Ø Thin Clients, laptops, pcs? Ø Network Ø Lab Interface Upgrade Ø Workstation Access-Everywhere Ø Backup Power
Costs Associated with EHR Ø Workstations l Laptops, tablets, pc, thin clients Ø Ergonomic workstations Ø Backup Server Ø Backup Generator Ø Clinical Applications Coordinator GS 12 Ø Training / Travel Costs Ø Software-$0. 00
OIT Requirements http: //www. ihs. gov/CIO/EHR/index. cfm
Step 1 -Site Survey http: //www. ihs. gov/CIO/EHR/index. cfm
Step 2: EHR Site Tracking http: //www. ihs. gov/CIO/EHR/index. cfm
ec is R ion ev ie to C w imp om EH le p R m Es lete W en e t ta bl EH bsi EH Be ish R te R S gi n EHR ite EH S B R Imp urv eg e Si l in te em y Tr en Be hi ac ta gi rin ki tio n g n n Im ph pr oc g R Te pl ar e ec am m A me ac ess or tte n d fo t. A yd nd dv rug r C Be L A gi es ers file C n so e pr R cle ns R e a PM oc ur Le act nup S i e cu me arn on T for In st e al rren nt p d c rac Pha l. P k r l O r t pt IM , C oce ass ing m 5 im A pa /7 S C ss f ck * O ize H or pt E ag “P ha im e oi rd iz e ntw In ar PC of st e C -Se al rv Er l In /co ro ice st nf r. R ” al i ep RP l P gu re or MS Im ha ts R Pa pl r em ma adi ck ol cy ag A en tte 5/ ogy es t. P 7 nd ap an 5. 0 C , d A erl O EH La C es nb tr R si ai s R te G 5. 2 ni ef U Se ng ill I EH tu R p Su w ith EH per N U at R se ’l G rt EH ora Li R in ve Te in w Fu am g EH ith ll ro R N llo Te at’ ut am l D EHR Planning & Implementation 0 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 * Most sites contract for external resources to complete pharmacy file preparation. 12 Elapsed time (in months) Please note that this is just a general timeline of how long it might take for your site to implement EHR. Every site will be different, and the amount of time it takes to implement EHR depends upon many factors, including size of the facility, services offered at the facility, current state of RPMS and packages installed and utilized. 24
6 Months of Setup? After Pharmacy 5/7 installation
National EHR Training and Deployment Program recommends at least 6 months Ø Three months of Pharmacy 7. 0 utilization before "Paperless Refill" Ø Three months of "Paperless Refill" and "Coding Queue" before beginning Provider Order Entry (POE) with EHR.
Medical Clinic Preparations Ø Formed Teams Ø Practiced EHR Walk-Through(on paper) Ø Defined Roles Ø Computers everywhere
Lab All Labs need to be entered in RPMS l l l On-site Labs Reference Labs State Labs Ø Computer Access Points Change from Esig to EHR after Go-Live
EHR Setup
OIT Help / Training Ø EHR CAC & Implementation Team (Set Up) Training in ABQ Ø EHR Onsite Set-Up Team Ø Onsite Go Live Team Ø EHR for Techies, EHR for Inpatient, EHR for HIM and Business Office
Setup by CAC Ø Customize order menus l Lab, Pharmacy, Radiology Ø Setup Referrals/Consults Ø Progress Note Templates l l Design your own Share with other sites Ø User Setup Ø ICD/ CPT Pick Lists
EHR before Configuration
EHR after Configuration
Preparation-Customizing Orders
Preparation-Customizing Templates • Templates can be shared with other IHS and VHA facilities • More Complete Documentation
Training/Marketing Ø EHR Demo Movie Ø VA Training Modules ftp: //intranetftp. ihs. gov/pub/EHR/ l l Pharmacy CPRS Ø Web. Ex Demos Ø Show and Tell l l Newsletters Web Updates Meeting Updates Email Quizzes
Implementation Strategy Implementation-Who and When Ø Everyone at once Ø Lab ordering , then radiology ordering, then pharmacy ordering, then notes Ø Bring up one team/dept at a time
Going Live
Go Live Week Intense CAC and IT Support Ø Make Appropriate Scheduling Adjustments Ø Daily Debriefings…. Ø l l Procedural Questions Technical Issues How did it work before EHR? More Training-Email training
How the Week First Goes Growling at CAC’s TGIF Crying, gnashing of teeth Excited
Change is Good
Medical Records Filing notes in chart during the transition? Ø Print And File Chart Copies? Batch Print? Ø Release Of Information? Ø Outside Consults? Scanning? Ø When to stop pulling the chart Ø
Medical Records Supervisory Daily Report: Unsigned Orders Ø Daily Report: Unsigned Notes Ø Retracting /Correcting Incorrect Entries Ø Paper P&P changed to Electronic P&P Ø Sensitive Pt Tracking Ø Medical Records Supervisor: Business rules/HIPAA Ø l l Who can view which parts of EHR Works cooperatively with RPMS Site Manager
Business Office Ø No Hard Copy to Wait for Ø No more missing E&M Codes Ø EHR Notes Are Legible Ø Great Opportunity For Improved Provider Documentation & Increase Billing/Collections
Medical Clinic Using templates/graphs instead of flow sheets Ø Using the Scheduling GUI for visual routing of pt flow Ø Selecting ICD/CPT codes Ø Reminders Ø Voice Recognition Ø l Ø Dragon Naturally. Speaking Vista Imaging
Staff Changes at Warm Springs Ø More Nurse Aids after EHR l Ø From 2 to 7 Medical Records Staff l l l PCC Data Entry (temporarily reassigned) Benefits Coordinator (temporarily reassigned) Medical Department (temporarily reassigned) • Nurse aids • Medical Receptionist l Shifted to scanning documents into Vist. A Imaging
Next Steps Ø EHR v 1. 1 Ø CPHAD (Public Health Activity Reporting System) Ø Electronic Dental Record (EDR) Ø Visual PHN System (VPS) Ø Vist. ARAD
Clinical Applications Coordinator (CAC) Coordinates EHR Implementation l l l New Position / Role Works cooperatively with Site Manager and Medical Records EHR User Support Training Customizes EHR Workflow back