- Количество слайдов: 11
If Clause Second Condition By Aj. Anocha Suphawakun
โครงสราง If clause secondition • เงอนไขทตรงกนขามกบความเป นจรงทเกดขนในปจจบน ต /อนาค If I were you, I would study hard. If I had more money, I would buy a car. I would call him if I had time.
โครงสราง If clause secondition • เงอนไขทตรงกนขามกบความ เปนจรงทเกดขนในปจจบน /อนาคต CLAUSE IF MAIN CLAUSE If + past simple , subject + would + V. 1 If your house was on fire, you would get out quickly.
โครงสราง If clause secondition MAIN CLAUSE IF CLAUSE Subject + would + V. 1 If + past simple You would get out quickly if your house was on fire.
โครงสรางบอกเลา /ปฏเสธ /ร ปยอ I He she It We You they would ‘d would not wouldn’t go to work. be a singer.
โครงสรางประโยคคำถาม • คำถามแบบ Yes/No He would be a businessman. Would he be a businessman? Yes, he would. No, he would not/ wouldn’t.
โครงสรางประโยคคำถาม • คำถามแบบ Wh-question Wh-word + would + subject + V. 1? What would you do? Who would you be? Where would you live? How would he feel?
If I were an animal, I would be … I wouldn’t be … a dog a cat a shark a snake an elephant
If I were a super hero, I would be … I wouldn’t be …
would be • If he were a young man, he _____ able to walk faster. was • If there ____ no mosquitoes, there would be no malaria.
would go • We _______ (go) to the park if the was weather _______ (be) better. won • If John ____ (win) a lottery, he would buy _____ (buy) an expensive house.