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IENG 461 - 463 Introduction to the SDSM&T Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 3/17/2018 IENG 461 - 463 Introduction to the SDSM&T Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 3/17/2018 1

Data Collection Name Course ID(s) Preferred name Term / Year Your major Your anticipated Data Collection Name Course ID(s) Preferred name Term / Year Your major Your anticipated graduation date Your E-mail address that you check regularly Anything else the coordinator should know about you and/or your project 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 2

Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate l Coordinator: l D. H. Jensen l 138 Industrial Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate l Coordinator: l D. H. Jensen l 138 Industrial Engineering / Library l (605) 394 -1278 l dean. jensen@sdsmt. edu l Office Hours: l M, W: 1: 00 AM – 1: 50 AM l Appt. http: //jensen. sdsmt. edu/Schedule. htm l Class Meetings: l 1 st Thursday of each term (one time ONLY) l 7: 00 - 7: 50 PM CB 110 l Certificate Resources Website: l http: //jensen. sdsmt. edu/IENG 461 -463 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 3

Objective l Industry strongly desires personnel with the knowledge and skills to improve processes Objective l Industry strongly desires personnel with the knowledge and skills to improve processes in a scientifically demonstrable method l Why not just use good opinion? l Opinion (even expert opinion), too frequently is the driving justification for improvement efforts and expenditures l Opinion too frequently relies on l status, position, self-interest, political gamesmanship, or on an attributeability basis l Opinion is too frequently not l repeatable, reproducible, robust, nor transparent l Opinion, alone, is too frequently WRONG 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 4

Objective l Industry strongly desires personnel with the knowledge and skills to improve processes Objective l Industry strongly desires personnel with the knowledge and skills to improve processes in a scientifically demonstrable method l Six Sigma Quality is driven by scientific processes. This helps result in decision-making processes that are: l l Repeatable Reproducible Robust, and Transparent l This helps eliminate the biases inherent in opinion. l It does not eliminate opinion, though, as INFORMED OPINION is still necessary! 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 5

Six Sigma Green Belt Cert. – 9 Cr Hrs l Project Economics Requirement – Six Sigma Green Belt Cert. – 9 Cr Hrs l Project Economics Requirement – 0 cr hrs: l Already met by all SDSM&T engineering programs l Probability and Statistics Requirement – 3 cr hrs: l IENG/MATH 381 or MATH 281 l (Statistical) Quality Requirement – 3 cr hrs: l IENG 486 or ENGM 621 l Six Sigma Philosophy Requirement – 1 cr hr: l IENG 451+ Lab or IENG 452 or ENGM 620 l Six Sigma Proficiency Requirement – 2 cr hrs: l IENG 461 Six Sigma Green Belt Exam l IENG 463 Six Sigma Green Belt Project 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 6

Six Sigma Green Belt Cert. – Intent Form l Intent to Qualify Form l Six Sigma Green Belt Cert. – Intent Form l Intent to Qualify Form l Form is on the website – see Materials Page l Routing and Instructions: 1. Student and Six Sigma Certificate Coordinator discuss requirements and complete the planned coursework. 2. Certificate Coordinator and Student sign off on planned coursework. 3. Certificate Coordinator forwards a copy of the form to the Registrar, keeps a copy for Coordinator records. 4. Student delivers original copy to the Student’s Major Advisor (or Coordinator keeps original copy if there is no advisor/non-degree student) 5. Student schedules courses in conjunction with Major Advisor, and completes coursework. 6. Major Advisor enters grades as coursework is completed and signs off when student is ready to graduate (Graduation Audit). 7. Completed, original form stays with student file. 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 7

IENG 461 Six Sigma G. B. Exam l Coverage (see Topics sheet on website IENG 461 Six Sigma G. B. Exam l Coverage (see Topics sheet on website Materials page): l Project (Selection) Economics l Interest Factor tables provided l Probability & Statistics l Area under Standard Normal Curve table provided l (Statistical) Quality l Statistical Quality Control Chart Factors table provided l Six Sigma Philosophy l YOU provide an 8 -1/2” x 11” sheet of notes (2 sides) l Format: l l 3/17/2018 40 multiple choice questions – passing is 70% Unlimited time Retakes possible during term Take the exam after IENG 452, and/or after you are at least halfway through IENG 451, and IENG 486 / ENGM 621 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 8

IENG 463 Six Sigma G. B. Project l Coverage (see Requirements sheet on website IENG 463 Six Sigma G. B. Project l Coverage (see Requirements sheet on website Materials Page): l Six Sigma Tools l l Project Economics Probability & Statistics (Statistical) Quality Six Sigma Philosophy l DMAIC Process Followed DURING Implementation l Format: l Standard technical report: Cover page; Introduction; Recommendations, Conclusions and Acknowledgements; References; Appendices l Sections for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control l Letter grade is assigned – see Rubric on website Materials page l May use text and material from other reports, but the Six Sigma Project Report must be able to stand alone 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 9

What to do for the Project? l Some Options: 1. Senior Design Project 2. What to do for the Project? l Some Options: 1. Senior Design Project 2. Term Project from other courses 3. Projects from Internships and CO-OPs 4. Projects from outside employment 5. Others? l l l 3/17/2018 Existing data collection Existing text from project reports May need to be approved by a supervisor Report may need to be “sanitized” before submission DMAIC cycle drives decision-making IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 10

Project & Other Expectations l Grading Scale: A 90% B 80% C 70% F Project & Other Expectations l Grading Scale: A 90% B 80% C 70% F < 60% D 60% l End Results: l Certificate is listed on your transcripts l Paper Certificate is mailed with Diploma(s) l In good shape to fast track to management l In very good shape to become a Six Sigma Black Belt 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 11

Questions? l Coordinator: l D. H. Jensen l 138 Industrial Engineering / Library l Questions? l Coordinator: l D. H. Jensen l 138 Industrial Engineering / Library l (605) 394 -1278 l dean. jensen@sdsmt. edu l Certificate Resources Website: l http: //jensen. sdsmt. edu/IENG 461 -463 3/17/2018 IENG 461 -463 Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate 12