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IEEE VPPC 2010 Clean Tech for Transportation Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference September 1 -3, 2010 — Lille, France IEEE VPPC 2010 presentation Prof. A. Bouscayrol Prof. D. Hissel Dr. R. Trigui http: //www. vppc 2010. org/
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2 • non-profit organization on electrical engineering / 38 societies • 375, 000 members (including 80, 000 student members) / 160 countries • 1, 300 standards / 144 transactions, journals and magazines • 1. 7 million documents (Xplore, digital Library) • sponsors more than 850 conferences annually • Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) : • land, airborne and maritime mobile services • communications services • vehicular electrotechnology, equipment and systems…. • Power Electronics Society (PELS): • power electronics applications (including transportation systems), • electronic devices, magnetic components • control and regulation (including control of electric drives) …. http: //www. ieee. org/
VPPC History IEEE Vehicle Power Propulsion Conference • IEEE VTC: focus on communication technology • VPP Conference (Paris, Sept. 2004, T. M. Guerra, 100 attendees) • VPPC’ 05 (Chicago, Sept. 2005, A. Emadi) • VPPC’ 06 (Windsor, UK, Sept. 2006, J. Economou, 120 attendees) • VPPC’ 07 (Dallas-Arlington, USA, Sept. 2007, B. Fahimi, 150 attendees) • VPPC’ 08 (Harbin, China, Sept. 2008, CC Chan, 350 attendees) • VPPC’ 09 (Detroit-Dearborn, USA, Sept. 2009, C. Mi, 400 attendees) • VPPC’ 2010 (Lille, France, Sept. 2010, A. Bouscayrol ) • VPPC’ 2011 (Chicago, Sept. 2010, A. Emadi) • VPPC’ 2012 (Seoul) • VPPC’ 2013 (Montreal) 3
VPPC topics & applications Topics • Advanced vehicles • Vehicular electric systems • Vehicular power electronics • Vehicle motor drives • Energy storage systems • Vehicle modeling and analysis • Vehicle dynamics and control Scientific and technical forum papers Keynotes /Tutorial / Exhibits… http: //www. vppc 2010. com/ 4 Applications • Electric Vehicles • Hybrid Electric Vehicles • Fuel Cell Vehicles but also • more efficient subways and trains • more electric aircrafts • more electric propulsion ships • other new vehicles special section VPPC’ 2010 in IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology VPPC papers can be submitted to IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology or IEEE transactions on Power Electronics
The conference VPPC 2010 Tuesday Aug. 31: Registration / Tutorials Wednesday Sept. 1: Keynotes / lectures / dialogue sessions Welcome Party Keynotes / lectures / dialogue sessions Gala Diner Keynotes / lectures / Technical tours Thursday Sept. 2: Friday Sept. 3: Saturday Sept. 4: Sunday Sept. 2: “Braderie de Lille” great annual flea market over 1 million visitors every year 5
The conference (past event) “Braderie de Lille” – September 4 – 5 (the biggest flea market in Europe) Professional tradesmen set up stands on the streets and the citizens of Lille sale or exchange their unwanted possessions throughout Lille. more than 1 M visitors! Part of the celebration is eating moules-frites - mussels and chips -, with a pint of beer. 6
Lille, Northern France 7 at the crossroad of Paris, London and Brussels Direct Access from CDG Paris Airport (less than 1 h, 22 TGVs daily) London Amsterdam • London 10 Eurostar daily 1 h 20 • Brussels 14 TGVs daily 0 h 35 • Paris 26 TGVs daily Lille airport 70 destinations Lille 1 h Paris France Cologne Brussels 0 h 50 TGV (railway) airport
Lille & industry Northern France Premier region for the railway industry Siemens TS (Lille) Alstom (Valenciennes) Bombardier (Crépin)… “international cluster on transportation systems” i-Trans 2 nd most important region for the automotive industry Renault (Douai) Toyota (Valenciennes) Valéo (Etaples) … Lille and its suburbs More than 1. 5 million inhabitants 1/3 under the age of 25 (4 th largest city in France) 4 Universities / 18 graduate schools more than 150, 000 students 8
Lille & Culture Elected European Capital of Culture in 2004 • Fine Arts Museum, (2 nd most important museum after the Louvre) • Museum of Art and Industry (Roubaix) (located in a vintage art-deco bath room) • National Orchestra of Lille (director: JC Casadesus) • Lille Opera House and also 20 museums, 11 theatres, 16 orchestras, numerous concert rooms, Lille 3000 festival events… 9
MEGEVH network 10 Lille LAMIH Valenciennes (Energy management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles) Paris LTN Belfort Lyon Bordeaux Laplace LTE 6 projects 6 Ph. Ds in progress 4 Ph. Ds defended 7 industrial partners 10 academic Labs Toulouse http: //l 2 ep. univ-lille 1. fr/megevh. htm
Chair and co-chairs General Chair Prof. Alain BOUSCAYROL University of Lille, L 2 EP Coordinator of MEGEVH, national research network for Hybrid Vehicles Co-Chairs Prof. Daniel HISSEL University of Franche Comté, FEMTO-ST Member of the scientific committee of MEGEVH President of the IEEE VTS French Chapter Dr. Rochdi TRIGUI INRETS, LTE Member of the scientific committee of MEGEVH Honorary-Chair Prof. C. C. Chan University of Hong-Kong, Harbin Institute of Technology Fellow IEEE, President, World Electric Vehicle Association and Electric Vehicle Association of Asia Pacific and a very motivated team from the MEGEVH network! 11
Conference centre 12 “Lille Grand Palais”, Lille Downtown a pleasant and practical location • “ Lille Europe “ railway station: 5 min on foot • “ Lille Flandres “ railway station: 5 min on foot • Lille Airport: 5 min by taxis, 15 min by shuttle bus • Lille subway: 3 min on foot http: //www. lillegrandpalais. com/ • Hotels, downtown, 5 to 15 min on foot
Lille downtown 13 In the heart of the historical centre Hotels (2, 000 rooms) Railway stations 5 min on foot Conference Centre Lille downtown
IEEE VPPC 2010 Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference September 1 -3, 2010 — Lille, France Clean Tech for Transportation http: //www. vppc 2010. org/ All the VPPC’ 2010 team will welcome you for a valuable scientific and friendship conference with benefits of French culture in a Carbon Care Philosophy!