Скачать презентацию IEEE Service-Oriented Architecture SOA Standards IEEE SOA Standards Скачать презентацию IEEE Service-Oriented Architecture SOA Standards IEEE SOA Standards


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IEEE Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Standards IEEE SOA Standards Updates Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang, Ph. D. IEEE Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Standards IEEE SOA Standards Updates Liang-Jie (LJ) Zhang, Ph. D. Chair of Technical Committee on Services Computing, IEEE CS Research Staff Member, SOA Services Research, IBM Research July 9, 2007 © 2006 - 2007 IEEE Standards Association

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Computing Community Overview 2 http: //www. soa-standards. org IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Computing Community Overview 2 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Computing Landscape . . . Management Business Consulting ng IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Computing Landscape . . . Management Business Consulting ng Enterprise Modeling om pu ti es C vic Services Discovery Multimedia Services Management E-Commerce Solution Creation Services Delivery Services Orchestration Services Optimization Services Marketing Manufacturing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Finance Business process standards (OASIS) Web Services standards (W 3 C) Grid Computing Parallel & Distributed System 3 Communication UML & XML Internet standards (IETF) HTTP Software Engineering Database Internet (WWW) & Networking http: //www. soa-standards. org Application Domains

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Proposed Structure of the Computing Curricula Series (Computing Discipline for IEEE SOA Standards Updates Proposed Structure of the Computing Curricula Series (Computing Discipline for Services Innovation) SC 2007 Services Computing Curriculum Volume Note: Blue pieces added by LJ Zhang *Source: Computing Curricula 2005, The Overview Report, ACM and IEEE Computer Society 4 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Body of Knowledge (Bo. K) Promoting Services Computing Bo. K IEEE SOA Standards Updates Body of Knowledge (Bo. K) Promoting Services Computing Bo. K Web 2. 0 Portal User System RSS List Services. Computing. tv An advanced single-sign-on capability has been integrated in this new RSS portal. Only the registered members of the IEEE Services Computing Community can access the IEEE Body of Knowledge on Services Computing Portal. 5 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Standards Update 6 http: //www. soa-standards. org IEEE SOA Standards Updates Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Standards Update 6 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Standardization in the Industry (We have so many Web IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Standardization in the Industry (We have so many Web services standards. No SOA standards today. ) § OASIS – SOA Reference Model (It is just an annotation of Services. ) – OASIS SOA Reference Architecture § Open Group – Open Group SOA Reference Architecture Initiative (just formed in June 2007) § WHAT’S THE META DATA MODEL FOR SOA? (of course, it is NOT the triangular model!) OMG – BPM Models on SOA (Rational) – UPMS – Organization Design § IEEE Standards Association – SOA Solution Reference Architecture (Started in June 2006) – It has published thousands papers on SOA in the past 5 years! 7 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates About IEEE Standards Association § The Institute of Electrical and IEEE SOA Standards Updates About IEEE Standards Association § The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is the leading developer of global industry standards in a broad-range of industries, including: – – § 8 Power and Energy, Biomedical and Healthcare Information Technology, Telecommunications Transportation, Nanotechnology Information Assurance For over a century, the IEEE-SA has offered an established standards development program that features balance, openness, due process, and consensus. http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE Standards Association SOA Working Group § IEEE Standards Association IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE Standards Association SOA Working Group § IEEE Standards Association formed SOA Working Group to define industry standards around SOA in June 2006. § Working Group Name: SOA and Web Services – with a short name of SOA § Standards Committee – SOA Working group is under the IEEE Computer Society/Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee (C/S 2 ESC) chaired by Paul R. Croll 9 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates One Year Late … 10 http: //www. soa-standards. org IEEE SOA Standards Updates One Year Late … 10 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates The IEEE SOA Standardization Efforts Draft: § IEEE SOA Solution IEEE SOA Standards Updates The IEEE SOA Standardization Efforts Draft: § IEEE SOA Solution Reference Architecture (SOA-SRA) Work in Progress in the technical community: § SOA Relationship Modeling Language (SOA-RML) § SOA Services Discovery Language (federated discovery) (SOA-SDL) Discussed Ideas at the 2007 IEEE Symposium on SOA Standards at SERVICES 2007: § SOA Services Composition Protocols (SOA-SCP) § SOA Requirements Model (SOA-RM) § SOA Adaptive Services Invocation Model (SOA-ASIM) § SOA Services Ecosystem Exchange Protocols (SOA-SEEP) § SOA Services Integration Protocol (SOA-SIP) § SOA Service-Oriented Enterprise Project Management Model (SOA-EPM) § SOA Proactive Event Services Model (SOA-PESM) § SOA for Manufacturing Execution System (SOA 4 MES) 11 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution Reference Architecture § IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution Reference Architecture § Scope: – This standard develops a standard protocol for creating service-oriented solution architecture. This protocol is independent of the underlying implementation, platforms, and products used to realize the serviceoriented architecture (SOA)-based solutions. This protocol is usable in all classes of solution scenarios. This standard is limited to design and modeling of service-oriented solution architecture and does not include design or modeling of service-oriented implementation and supporting infrastructures. § Purpose of Proposed Standard: – There is currently no defined, independent standard for designing and modeling service-oriented solutions based on service-oriented architecture (SOA). Each vendor builds some design into the underlying programming language or business process flows. Without an independent, openly defined protocol, applications and other solutions cannot automatically determine the type of solution being communicated and integrated. This protocol provides a minimum implementation subset that allows automatic identification and configuration of service-oriented solutions and vendor extensibility, which will provide for growth and product differentiation. 12 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution Reference Architecture (cont. IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution Reference Architecture (cont. ) § Need for this project – There are significant challenges in creating an SOA solution. For example, from a technical perspective, an architect has to answer the question such as “How do we produce an SOA solution using a well-defined notation? ” or, “How can an SOA solution be organized as an architectural framework with inter-connected architectures and transformation capabilities? How can an SOA solution be designed in a manner that maximizes asset reuse? How can automated tools take the guess work out of architecture validation and artifact generation? ” – In order to address these issues, this standard presents an SOA Solution Reference Architecture that includes a reference architecture and construction protocols for designing and modeling an SOA-based solution. It provides a high-level abstraction of an SOA factored into layers, each addressing specific value propositions within SOA. Underlying this layered architecture is a meta-model consisting of layers, architectural building blocks (ABB), relations between ABBs and between layers, interaction patterns, options and architectural decisions. These will guide the architect in the creation of the architecture. An architectural building block represents a basic element of a reusable functionality that can be realized by one or more components or products. Examples include: a service definition, or a messaging mediation. § Stakeholders: – This standard may be used by almost every industry as long as they are moving to SOA for creating flexible, extensible, and configurable solutions. 13 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Contents of the IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution IEEE SOA Standards Updates Contents of the IEEE P 1723™ Standard for SOA Solution Reference Architecture § B 2 B § Service Provider § Packaged Application Custom Application Governance atomic and composite Data Architecture (meta-data) & Business Intelligence Composition; choreography; business state machines Qo. S Layer (Security, Management & Monitoring Infrastructure Services) Channel Integration (Enterprise Service Bus) Service Consumer § § Overview Diagram of the SOA Solution Reference Architecture Consumers Meta. Data Model Business Process Component Relationship Services Diagrams Component Interaction Service Components Diagrams Operational Systems Enterprise View of SOA Solution Reference Architecture OO Application S 3: A Service-Oriented Reference Architecture From IEEE IT Professional Magazine, June 2007, http: //www. computer. org/portal/cms_docs_itpro/homepage/2007/may_june/f 3010. pdf 14 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Solution Stack – Meta Model 15 http: //www. soa-standards. IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Solution Stack – Meta Model 15 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates The Meta-model of SOA Solution Stack (cont. ) § Layers: IEEE SOA Standards Updates The Meta-model of SOA Solution Stack (cont. ) § Layers: § Options – – § NFRs § Enabling Technology § Exposed Business Services § External Service Connectors It is a collection of steps that involve ABBs to form a process to populate components in a layer. § Data Models A set of Architectural Building Blocks (ABBs) reside in a layer that contains attributes, dependencies and constraints as well as relationships with other ABBs in the same layer or different layers. § Functional Requirements It is an abstraction of the nine layers of S 3, which contains a set of components such as ABBs, architectural decisions, interactions among ABBs and interactions among layers. options focus on solution-level patterns or principles that an SOA solution architect should consider and make decisions upfront. § Architectural Decisions § Normative Guidance § Method Activities § – – – It is one type of options specific for architectural designs of an SOA solution. It is one type of options specific for scenario-specific normative guidance. ABBs – – § Interaction Patterns § – – – It is a set of non-functional requirement constraints that involve in ABBs and put concerns on making architectural decisions. It is a technical realization of ABBs in a specific layer by selecting which technology or product. Exposed business services (a. k. a. externalized business solution elements) refer to entities that expose business processes or composite business applications as business services that can be reused as service assets. External service connectors refer to adaptors (e. g. , transformers) for exploiting external services for business connections and business integrations. It models data contents associated with ABBs including data exchange between layers and external services. It models the functional requirements that one layer or ABB must fulfill. KPIs 16 – – It is an abstraction of the various relationships among ABBs (patterns and diagrams) within and across layers. It is a set of key performance indictor constraints that involve in ABBs and put concerns on making architectural decisions http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723 Draft Trial Standard for SOA Reference Architecture IEEE SOA Standards Updates IEEE P 1723 Draft Trial Standard for SOA Reference Architecture 17 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Services Discovery Language (SOA-SDL) § Draft Trial-Use Standard for IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA Services Discovery Language (SOA-SDL) § Draft Trial-Use Standard for SOA Services Discovery Language § Prepared by the SOA Working Group of the IEEE Computer Society/Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee (C/S 2 ESC) 18 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Scope § 19 This standard develops a standard protocol IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Scope § 19 This standard develops a standard protocol for discovering business services in an SOA environment. This protocol is independent of underlying implementations, platforms and products used to realize the services-oriented architecture (SOA)-base solutions. This protocol does not deal with the publishing mechanism of business services. It works with both UDDI-based and WSIL-based services registries. With proper implementation supports, it can work with unstructured business services in which the owner of business services just posts web services in web sites where related parties have access. This protocol does not deal with the steps after business services discovery. These steps may include service composition, service invocation, service monitoring, service payment and service management. http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Purpose of the Proposed Standard § § 20 The IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Purpose of the Proposed Standard § § 20 The proposed standard defines a language called SOA-SDL (Service-Oriented Architecture, Services Discovery Language, or SDL for short in this specification). SOA-SDL defines the desired input and expected output for the business services discovery system. As expected, the design and implementation of the discovery system is not the main concern of this standard. However, this standard includes requirements and recommendations for how this type of system should be implemented. http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Need for this project § § § 21 The IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Need for this project § § § 21 The idea behind SOA is simple: delivering business values to customers by leveraging open standards-based business services. One of the key challenges is how to find the most appropriate business services. If the very best business services are not discovered, how an enterprise is able to deliver the best business value to customers? This standard directly addresses this key challenge. It guides SOA solution architects in finding the best business services for their needs. http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Stakeholders § 22 This standard is applicable to SOA IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Stakeholders § 22 This standard is applicable to SOA solution architects, designers of business services discovery systems, developers of business services discovery systems, owners of business services, IT managers and executives. http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Abstract § This standard is the result of active IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL: Abstract § This standard is the result of active research and development work starting from 2001. The public availability of UDDI is a milestone in the SOA community. However, people have concerns about the centralized architecture of UDDI for many years. WSIL was proposed to address the problems encountered in the implementation and usage of UDDI repositories. WSIL is a lightweight and decentralized approach to defining and linking web services. UDDI and WSIL are not the only ways to publish and store web services. It is possible to simply post web services on web sites or create a proprietary database for web sites and open up its interface. § In this specification, a language called SOA Services Discovery Language (SOA-SDL) is proposed to find available business services. This language includes two parts: desired input and expected output. The desired input allows users to specify search criteria such as service names and related key/value pairs. In addition, it is possible to specify aggregation logic and ranking criteria. The supported aggregation operators are OR and AND. The supported ranking criteria are Relevance and Newest First. Please note that in this specification, three words are used interchangeably: discovery, search and find. 23 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Discovery 24 http: //www. soa-standards. org IEEE SOA Standards Updates Services Discovery 24 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL Overview SOA-SDL Input Output Basic Information Service Name Search IEEE SOA Standards Updates SOA-SDL Overview SOA-SDL Input Output Basic Information Service Name Search Source Query Ownership Aggregation Logic URL 4 WSDL Ranking Criteria Extension Links KPI Description NFR Others. . 25 http: //www. soa-standards. org

2007 -1217 T 09: 30: 47. 0 Z John Smith 914 -784 -7169 johnsmith 123@johnsimth. com

http: //servicescomputing. org/service 1/uddi http: //servicescomputing. org/service 2/uddi http: //w 3. xyz. com/service 1/uddi http: //w 3. xyz. com/service 2/uddi http: //w 3. acme. com/Custom. Registry 1< /Custom. Registry> false 26 ID_1 Worldwide Shipping transport Service. Area Northeast http: //www. acme. com/nfr/Shipping. Services NFR. xml ID_2 transport Transportation. Mode Air http: //www. acme. com/nfr/Shipping. Servi ces. KPI. xml ID_1 OR ID_2 Newest. First http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Value Added Services Around IEEE SOA Standards 27 http: //www. IEEE SOA Standards Updates Value Added Services Around IEEE SOA Standards 27 http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Tooling for Supporting IEEE SOA-SRA § 28 Model SOA Solutions IEEE SOA Standards Updates Tooling for Supporting IEEE SOA-SRA § 28 Model SOA Solutions In a Systematic way based on IEEE SOA Solution Reference Architecture http: //www. soa-standards. org

IEEE SOA Standards Updates Summary § Lots of people are talking about SOA in IEEE SOA Standards Updates Summary § Lots of people are talking about SOA in an Ad-hoc way … § Need systematic way of standardizing SOA not only at infrastructure level (e. g. Web Services), but also at solution and services level § SOA Standards Are Coming … 29 http: //www. soa-standards. org