- Количество слайдов: 24
IEEE Communications Society - SCV Chapter Fiber enables Santa Clara ’s “Smart” Wireless WAN Larry Owens Manager of Customer Services December 14, 2011
Agenda → Silicon Valley Power → Backbone made of glass → An Enterprise is born → If you build it… → SVP Meter. Connect. TM → Why Wi-Fi? → Smart 3 2
Silicon Valley Power The City of Santa Clara → Population 117, 000 → 19 Square miles → 52, 000 customers → Peak load of 470 MW → $300 M annual revenue → 1% of the State’s power Lowest average power rate in California Very, very high reliability ~30% renewable power 3
Customer Base – FY 10 -11 • • • • • Agilent Technologies Applied Materials Digital Realty Trust Equinix Hitachi Data Systems Intel Kaiser Marvel Semiconductor Microsoft National Semiconductor (TI) Nvidia Oracle America Owens Corning Santa Clara University Savvis Vishay Siliconix Yahoo! KWh Sales by Type 4
2000 Backbone made of glass! → 26 fiber miles, 4 rings → Connecting all SVP substations → Two customers → 10 or 20 -year lease terms → Project, not a “program” → A “champion” from Admin working in spare time. → Word-of-mouth marketing 5
2011 SVP Fiber Enterprise → 57 -mile Dark Fiber Network → In 25 Data centers (the cloud) → Multiple rings/288 -144 fibers → Central Operations Office → Flexible Leasing Terms → Competitive Pricing → Engineering and Design Services → Unlimited Capacity → Solid Security, Reliability → 24/7/365 Response 6
SVP Fiber Lease Customers → Telecom service providers (fiber carriers) → Data centers/colocations → Web search company → Semiconductor manufacturer (fiber campus build) → Other Commercial customers → Santa Clara Unified School District (26 schools and hub) → City of Santa Clara – Electric Utility Department (SVP) • Electric LAN/WAN and SCADA • AMI Project - SVP Meter. Connect. TM – City IT/Communications Department – Traffic and Public Safety 7
If you build it, they will come Yuriy Piksaykin - Fiber accounting 12/2/12 8
SVP Meter. Connect → Mechanical meters no longer produced → Modern digital technology • Accurate • Dependable • Wireless reading • Multi-channel measurement • Events, alarms, remote control TM 9
SVP Meter. Connect TM Efficiencies For Utilities → Secure, remote meter reading → Power outage alerts for faster response → Power/water early problem detection → Grid loading analysis → More powerful customer service tools → Enables EV charging & Solar tracking 10
SVP Meter. Connect TM Customer Benefits → Minimizes estimated bills → Stabilizes reading periods → Reduces property intrusions → Web portal • Detailed usage charts and graphs • Projected Bill features • Email and/or text alerts • High-bill troubleshooting 11
Wi-Fi Mesh Utility Communications Network Fiber Outage Support Electric/Water Mesh Network Grid Monitor GIS Mobile Devices Advanced Meter Systems Billing 12
Backhaul: Why [Not] Wi-Fi? The Metro. Fi experience (2004 – 2008) → Free Wi-Fi & sell ad space model → Metering? - not our business model → SVP Purchase of Sky. Pilot WAN → The Trilliant test (and marriage) Santa Clara Free Wi-Fi → It’s ours -- for better, for worse → Two years of operation → It Works (mostly) → Customer Love - Loathe it 13
SVP Customers Love it Top desired features of Smart Grid Free Wi-Fi !! Few customers want to give up control Base is all customers. Questions SM 4 a – SM 4 k. 14
and customers loathe it… 15
Old “Sky. Pilot” outdoor system New Tropos outdoor system South Santa Clara Only City-wide Outdoor Network 215 Access Points (AP) 600 Access Points 802. 11 b/g 2010’s b/g/n technology < 30 APs/sq. mi. Up to 40 APs/sq. mi. “Free” bandwidth limit of 1 Mbps “Free” bandwidth increased to 2 Mbps 10 gateways concentrated at 4 locations 21: 1 AP to Gateway ratio Over 60 distributed Gateway locations backhauled on SVP fiber RF output is at legal limit RF output is at the legal limit 9: 1 AP to Gateway ratio AND can backhaul on two frequencies Interference mitigation Advanced interference mitigation Mounted only on street lights Street lights, traffic intersections and other 16 strategic city locations
Picocell Design Sample 17 Courtesy of Link. Path
Project Timeline 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proof of Concept Field Validation AMI - Billing Systems Integration Install Wi-Fi Business Meters Lab/Field Testing Partial Network Wi-Fi launch - Mar 2012 ~50 meter install - Nov 2011 Residential Meters 18
3 Smart Meter Smart Grid Smart City → Smart Meters – Usage data, improved service, conservation → Smart Grid – Grid monitor and control, energy management → Smart City (and Community) → Mobile workforce → Free Wi-Fi → Efficient service • Visitors → City monitor and control • Residents → Emergency response • Workers 19
Thank you ! 20
Extra Slides 21
The SVP Meter. Connect Promise TM I We will upgrade our technology to support widespread adoption of solar energy, smart appliances and electric vehicles. I We will follow a careful process and verify accuracy at every step. I We will protect your data and your privacy. I We will keep our system secure. I We will utilize tried-and-true meters deployed successfully in millions of homes and businesses worldwide. I We are committed to a fair resolution of any issues or concerns that arise. 22
What Customers Will See Old “cone” Wi-Fi radio New Tropos Wi-Fi radio 23
Security • Security issues are a threat to the entire IT space • Stuxnet shows us that all systems can be vulnerable • Smart Grid is both “wired” and wireless • Biggest security issue remains at the staff/human interface level. • Active system monitoring and critical system redundancy • Design security and privacy into the system from the start – and TEST IT! 24