- Количество слайдов: 62
IEEE: A Critical Resource for Research and Development in Russia Judy H Brady IEEE Area Manager Europe, Latin America & Japan
What is the IEEE? A not-for-profit society World’s largest technical membership association with over 400, 000 members in 160 countries Expertise & experience of members = quality of content Core areas of activity – Membership – Publishing – Conferences – Standards – Education IEEE Mission IEEE promotes the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electro and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession
IEEE Members Are the Technology Leaders of Tomorrow Gordon Moore IEEE Medal of Honor 2008 Leadership in semiconductor industry, co-founder Intel Robert Dennard IEEE Medal of Honor 2009 Dynamic Random Irwin Marc Jacobs Access memory (DRAM) IEEE Medal of Honor 2013 Andrew Viterbe IEEE Medal of Honor 2010 Algorithm for wireless, co-founder Qualcomm For leadership and fundamental contributions to digital communications and wireless technology, Co-Founder Qualcomm Morris Chang IEEE Medal of Honor 2011 Outstanding leadership in the semiconductor industry, CEO of TSMC John Hennessy IEEE Medal of Honor 2012 RISC processor architecture, leadership in education, President of Stanford
Technology leaders rely on IEEE publications and tutorials IEEE Journals & Magazines—Top-cited in the fields of electrical engineering and computing—nearly 160 in all. IEEE Conference Proceedings—Cutting-edge papers presented at IEEE conferences globally. Five New in 2013 Now 1, 250+ Annual titles! IEEE Standards—Quality product and technology standards used by worldwide industries and companies to ensure safety, drive technology, and develop markets. Smart Grid, NESC®, 802 IEEE Educational Courses—Over 300 IEEE educational online learning courses, plus IEEE English for Engineering. More Courses, New Series e. Books Collections— Two e. Book collections now available, IEEE-Wiley e. Books Library & MIT Press e. Books Library IEEE-Wiley and MIT Press
The world’s most successful technology organizations rely on IEEE information Мировые лидеры доверяют информации IEEE Technology Companies Universities • 8 out of top 10 Telecommunications companies • All of the top 100 engineering schools in US • All top 24 Semiconductor companies • 97 of the Top 100 Technical Universities Worldwide • 9 of top 10 Aerospace companies • 9 of top 10 Auto & Truck Manufacturers • 4 of top 5 Electronics companies (Forbes Global 2000 Rankings, May 2013) • Defense research and aerospace agencies • Communications and energy labs • Patent offices and scientific councils • Government R&D centers in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East • 8 of top 10 Communications Equipment companies • All top 5 Computer Hardware Government (US News and World Report 2011, Times Higher Education Top Technology Universities)
IEEE quality makes an impact Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® by Impact Factor IEEE publishes: 18 of the top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 10 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications 8 of the top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 7 of the top 10 journals in Automation & Control Systems 4 of the top 5 journals in Artificial Intelligence 3 of the top 5 journals in Robotics The Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals. Based on the 2012 study released June 2013
IEEE quality makes an impact Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® by Impact Factor Высокий уровень качества изданий IEEE publications are: # 1 in Artificial Intelligence # 1 in Automation and Control # 1 in Computer Hardware # 1 in Cybernetics # 1 in Industrial Engineering # 1 in Manufacturing Engineering # 1 in Telecommunications The Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals. Based on the 2012 study released June 2013
IEEE Leads in Patent Citations Top 20 Publishers Referenced Most Frequently by Top 40 Patenting Organizations IEEE is cited 3 x more often than any other publisher Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013 Publisher references compiled from 2012 USPTO patent filings
Russia Institutions with IEEE authors Bauman Moscow State Technichal University St. Petersburg State University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) Novosibirsk State University Tomsk State University Southern Federal University Moscow State University Moscow Power Engineering Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Saratov State University
Articles from Russian authors: 19, 659 Sample List of Authors # of Articles in Xplore Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of High Current Electronics Dianov, Evgueni M. 96 Oks, Efim M. 83 Institute of Electrophysics Mesyats, Gennadii A. 75 Biysk Technological Institute Khmelev, Vladimir. N N. St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University Vendik, Irina B. 69 Institution 65 Institute of Rare Metals Polyakov, Alexander Y. 65 Institute of Rare Metals Smirnov, Nickolai B. 64 Institute of Rare Metals Govorkov, Anatolij V. 62 Russian Academy of Sciences Sergeev, Aleksander S. 54 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Selemir, Victor D. Institute of High Current Electronics Batrakov, Alexander V. Biysk Technological Institute Barsukov, Roman V. 53 47 44 Sample Search Results of IEEE Xplore via affiliation
IEEE Members in Russia: 1, 245 Sample Search Results of IEEE Members in Russia Name Affiliation Vladimi Lvov DENIS KUTUZOV All Russian Institute Astrakhan State University Bauman Moscow State Technical University Vladimir Makukha Igor Burdinsky Novosibirsk State Tech University Pacific National University Alexey Vinel Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksey Fedorov Vasiliy Usatyuk Bratsk State University Dmitry Samokhvalov Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical Univ. Nikita Tomin Energy Systems Institute of The Russian Yanis Bulbik Siberian Federal University Konstantin Zmeu Efim Grinkrug Far Eastern Federal University Higher School of Economics Murat Kasimov Michael Pospelov Victor Tarasenko Institute of High Current Electronics Boris Sidelnikov Andrei Tsarev Institute of Semiconductor Physics Juriy Shinakov Southern Federal University Space Research Institute St. Peiersburg Government Technical University State University of Aerospace Instrumentation Dmitry Burmistrov Microwave Components Solutions Ltd Ruslan Kirichek State University of Telecommunications Lev Khruslov Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology Dmitry Zykov Tomsk State University Control Systems & Radio electronic Andrey Krylov Moscow Lomonosov State University Nikolai Suponev Tver State University Dmitriy Vatolin Moscow State Univ Lomonosov Konstantin Gorshkov Ulyanovsk State Technical University Alexander Dyumin National Research Nuclear University Sergey Shabunin Ural Federal University Alexey Lagunov Northern (Arctic) Federal University Maxim Shcherbakov Volgograd State Technical University
IEEE Region 8 Committee Alexander Markhasin, Russian Chapter Chair Operating Committee – Director: Martin Bastiaans – Director-Elect: Costas Stasopoulos – Past-Director, V/C Strategic Planning: Marko Delimar – Secretary: Ali El-Mousa – Treasurer: Brian Harrington – V/C Membership Activities: Aleksandar Szabo – V/C Student Activities: Pablo Herrero – V/C Technical Activities: Carl Debono
Russian IEEE Section The IEEE Russian Section is part of the IEEE Europe, Middle East and Africa Region 8 The IEEE Russian Section consists of the following Chapters: o o o o o Aerospace and Electronic/ Signal Processing/ Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Broadcast Technology, Consumer Electronics & Communication Circuits and Systems Chapter Computer Society/ Technology Management Chapter Computational Intelligence Systems/Control Systems/Robotics & Automation Industrial Electronics/Electromagnetic Compatibility/ Power Engineering Laser Electronics and Optics Chapter Microwave Technology and Techniques/Antennas and Propagation/Electron Devices Chapter Power Electronics/ Industry Applications Chapter Information Theory Society Chapter
Russian Organizations that use IEEE Organization Name ABB Ltd Mobile Tele. Systems AEC Design Morion, Inc. AEP Motorola Mobility Applied Acoustics Research Center Nokia Siemens Networks Emerson Process Management Nokia Siemens Networks B. V. Fiber Optics Research Center Optolink LLC RPC GEA Westfalia Separator CIS Ltd. Oracle Corp General Electric Co RDTe. X Hewlett Packard RES Company Hi. Tech. Digit LLC Rockwell Automation Huawei Tech. Rostelecom Intel Corp Skolkovo Foundation JSC Avangard Tauras-Fenix Ltd. Medicom MTD, Ltd Tech System Group
IEEE Authors in Russia Access to IEEE content helps increase the scholarly productivity of an institution In 2002, a search of IEEE Xplore yielded a total of 9, 835 articles by authors from Russia In 2012, a search of IEEE Xplore yielded a total of 19, 659 articles by authors from Russia This is a nearly 100% increase in the number of articles published by authors from Russia since 2002 *Results based on data from August 2013, based on affiliation search of *Russia* in IEEE Xplore
IEEE and Patents
Innovation is the key to growth in today’s economy Инновации сегодня – ключ к экономическому росту Today’s economy presents the opportunity to invest in emerging technologies and research that will lead to market growth. New product development allows companies to satisfy unmet market needs and increase product portfolios in anticipation of the eventual market upturn. (Новые разработки позволяют компаниям отвечать на возникающие потребности рынка и расширять ассортимент продукции в ожидании экономического роста). Innovation is the key to succeeding in a competitive industry and flourishing in tomorrow’s marketplace. (Инновации – ключ к успеху в конкурентной среде и процветанию «завтра» )
Innovation is the key to growth in today’s economy IEEE helps organizations meet the demands of today’s economy by providing access to the most innovative and relevant research to build the products of tomorrow. (IEEE помогает организациям отвечать современным экономическим требованиям с помощью предоставления доступа к новейшим и релевантным исследованиям, чтобы создавать продукцию будущего)
The significance of patents to innovation A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a patent office to an inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for a disclosure of the invention. It protects an organization and their investments in research and development. Therefore, it promotes a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Патент – набор исключительных прав, предоставленных патентным ведомством изобретателю в течение ограниченного периода времени в обмен на раскрытие изобретения. Он защищает организации, и их инвестиции в исследования и разработки. Таким образом, он способствует формированию культуры инноваций и постоянного совершенствования. “The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius. ” «Патентная система добавила искру интереса в огонь гениальности» Abraham Lincoln (The only U. S. President to obtain a patent)
IEEE research powers new patents A study of the top 40 patenting organizations ranks IEEE #1 again • Over three times more citations than any other publisher • Patent referencing to IEEE increased 660% since 1997 • The importance of sci-tech literature in patents is rising • IEEE research is increasingly valuable to innovators 1790 Analytics LLC performed an in-depth analysis of the science references from top patenting firms. Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013
Technology patent references to STM publishers Top 20 Publishers Referenced Most Frequently by Top 25 Patenting Organizations IEEE is cited over 3 x more often than any other publisher Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013. Based on number of references to papers/standards/conferences from 1997– 2012.
Technology areas where patents cite IEEE most Computer hardware Computer software Information storage Measuring, testing, and control Medical devices Nuclear and X-ray Optics Power systems Robotics Semiconductors Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013 Telecommunications
Russia is a Top Patenting Country 22% 23 rd largest patenting country that cites IEEE science 512 patents reference IEEE categories 2, 273 References to IEEE science
Russia’s Technology Categories Technology Category Percentage of Russia’s References to IEEE Computer Software 36% Telecommunications 21% Computer Hardware 20% Semiconductors 11% Medical Instruments Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013 3%
New Content in IEEE Xplore IEEE adds over 20, 000 new documents to IEEE Xplore each month. • IEEE adds each month: • Nearly 3, 000 new journal articles • Over 18, 000 new conference papers • Over 40 new and revised standards More new content: – 5 new IEEE journals in 2013 – 5 new IEEE journals & IET journasl in 2012 (plus 2 virtual journals) – IEEE’s new Open Access Mega Journal – New in 2013! – 1, 000+ conference titles – VDE conference content (3, 100 papers from 20+ titles) –Redline versions of standards now included in most full standards subscriptions – IEEE standards dictionary online now available
The IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) Your single source of more than 30% of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science. IEL allows you to access: Unlimited articles from journals, conferences and standards from IEEE and IET (back to 1988), plus selected content dating as far back as 1872. Approximately 3 million articles 154 IEEE journals, magazines, and transactions 27 IET journals and magazines, plus more than 20 IET conference titles Proceedings from over 1, 200 conference titles Over 2, 200 approved and published IEEE standards Nearly 1. 6 million authors
Title Growth in IEEE Xplore IEL Journals (total) Journals (new) 2010 2011 2012 2013 149 151 154 158 • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing • IEEE Biometrics Compendium • IEEE Magnetics Letters • IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid • IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy • IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine • China Communications Magazine • IEEE Electromagnetic • IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing • IEEE Journal on Compatibility • IEEE Journal of Emerging and Magazine Selected Topics in • IEEE RFIC Virtual Topics in Power Electronics Circuits and Systems Journal • IEEE Journal of • IEEE Geoscience and Remote • IEEE RFID Virtual Photovoltaics Sensing Magazine Journal • IEEE Transactions • IEEE Wireless • IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de on Terahertz Science Communications Tecnologías and Technology Letters del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA) Conference Proceedings 1, 100 1, 250+ Standards (document count) 2, 000 2, 100 2, 200 2, 400+
New IEEE Journals for 2013 China Communications, – To be published in English, covers innovative technologies and systems in the broad field of Information-Communication Technology (ICT), including communication theory and techniques, systems and networks, applications, development and regulatory policies, standards, and management techniques. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing – Will publish peer reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas and applications results in all areas relating to cloud computing. Topics relating to novel theory, algorithms, performance analyses, and applications of techniques relating to all areas of cloud computing will also be covered. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics – Encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems and processes used in solid-state energy conversion, and applications in energy conservation and efficiency. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine – Will inform readers of information on international remote sensing activities and new satellite missions, publish contributions on education activities, industrial and university profiles, conference news, book reviews, and a calendar of important events. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE-RITA ) – Written and peer-reviewed in Spanish then carefully translated to English, covers technological applications and research in education including design and research in new learning tools that focus on teaching and learning. The scope includes learning applications, methods, materials, and new experiences as they relate to engineering learning. For a complete listing of titles, go to: http: //ieeexplore. ieee. org/xpl/opacjrn. jsp
IEEE offers extraordinary value One of the best values in your digital collection IEEE Journals are priced 65% lower than the competition According to Library Journal (June 2012), the average cost of an engineering journal was $2, 507. But the cost of the average IEEE journal was just $849.
Авторы IEEE and Your Career: Get Published, Get Cited and Get Ahead Judy H Brady IEEE Area Manager Europe, Latin America & Japan
The Importance of Getting Published ”A scientific experiment is not complete until the results have been published. ” (Научный эксперимент не считается завершенным до тех пор, пока его результаты не опубликованы) – Bob Day, professor emeritus, department of English, Univ. of Delaware, author of a book on scientific paper publishing "Scientific knowledge is a communal resource that only exists because it's available for others to judge and affirm as important. “ (Научное знание – коммуникативный ресурс, который существует только потому, что оно доступно для других, чтобы обсуждать и признавать его. ) – Bruce Lewenstein, associate professor of communication and science and technology studies, Cornell University "Researchers publish for economic self-interest, . . . it provides visibility and is evidence of productivity. " (Ученые публикуются в собственных интересах, … это обеспечивает видимость и доказывает продуктивность. ) – Ed Huth, editor emeritus of the Annals of Internal Medicine and author of a book on publishing in medicine Source: The Scientist - The News Journal of the Life Scientist http: //www. the-scientist. com/homepage. htm], April 2, 2001 © Copyright 2001,
Why Publish with IEEE?
What helps build an author’s credibility and career? Being published in a highly regarded, top quality publication Making your work easily findable Being cited by your peers
Three major reasons to publish with IEEE: Findability Credibility Flexibility
What is Findability and why is it so important to authors? IEEE Xplore’s search tools optimize the experience for researchers, so an author's work is easily findable and displays when relevant to the user’s research.
How much do researchers use IEEE Xplore? You need your work to be available on a publisher site with a high number of visitors and high usage. This increase the chances of discovery and citations. An average of seven million documents each month are downloaded from IEEE Xplore. That’s over 11, 000 downloads in this hour alone
What else increases an IEEE author’s findabilty? IEEE’s relationships with indexing and abstracting providers All help to maximize the visibility of an authors' works.
For over 125 years… IEEE has been the trusted source for researchers in academia, corporations, and government. Past and present IEEE Members include nearly two dozen Nobel Prize-winning innovators.
IEEE peer review ensures high quality of every article submitted • Supporting the credibility of IEEE authors and their works is the peer review process, which is designed to ensure the high quality of every article submitted to and published by IEEE. • This is another reason why IEEE authored publications are preferred by researchers worldwide.
Increasing Your Citations Being cited by colleagues can help advance your career. One way to select the right journal is by Journal Impact Factor - a quality measurement based on the average number of citations to articles published. No other publisher compares to IEEE in terms of high impact journals according to the latest journal citation reports…
Quality You Can Trust Journal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor IEEE publishes: 18 of top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 10 of top 10 journals in Telecommunications 8 of top 10 journals in Computer Hardware & Architecture 7 of top 10 journals in Automation & Control Systems 4 of top 5 journals in Computer Science, Cybernetics 4 of top 5 journals in Artificial Intelligence 3 of top 5 journals in Robotics # 1 in Telecommunications # 1 in Artificial Intelligence # 1 in Computer Hardware # 1 in Cybernetics # 1 in Automation and Control # 1 in Industrial Engineering # 1 in Manufacturing Engineering The Thomson JCR presents “quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals” (2012 report released June 2013)
IEEE Leads in Patent Citations Top 20 Publishers Referenced Most Frequently by Top 40 Patenting Organizations IEEE is cited 3 x more often than any other publisher Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2013 Publisher references compiled from 2012 USPTO patent filings
Quality You Can Trust Journal Citation Report Results, by Eigenfactor IEEE publishes: #1 journal in Electrical and Electronic Engineering All of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications 7 of top 10 journals in Computer Hardware & Architecture 7 of top 10 journals in Automation & Control # 1 in Computer Science, Information Systems # 1 in Artificial Intelligence # 1 in Robotics The Eigenfactor™ score of a journal is an estimate of the percentage of time that library users spend with that journal. The Eigenfactor algorithm corresponds to a simple model of research in which readers follow chains of citations as they move from journal to journal. (2011 report released June 2012)
A milestone directly related to the credibility of content IEEE Xplore surpassed 3 million documents Authors add more than 1, 000 articles daily
What are the opportunities to publish at IEEE? 150+ 1, 200 Journals, Transactions, Magazines 49 2/9/2018 Conferences
What Journal Do I Submit To? Browse IEEE Xplore to get to the publication’s home page you are interested in. Scroll down to view the “Aims and Scope. ”
Submit Papers to IEEE Conferences IEEE sponsors more than 1, 200 annual conferences and meetings worldwide. IEEE is also highly involved in the technical program development of numerous events including trade events, training workshops, job fairs, and other programs. IEEE provides a forum for authors and speakers to present their work at various annual conferences worldwide. IEEE continuously updates its database with opportunities to submit abstracts and papers. Search for a Conference and the Calls for Papers database: www. ieee. org/conferences
Submit to a Conference in Your Region www. ieee. org/conferences
How do I submit a journal paper? Also on the publication home page in IEEE Xplore, click on the “Publication Details” for more information for authors.
IEEE’s Web-based workflow includes electronic submission Scholar. One Manuscripts® − Shortens the time from submission to IEEE publication − Streamlines the peer review process − Helps authors track a paper’s progress IEEE publishes articles online as soon as they are available 54 2/9/2018
Review Process e. g. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 09 -2月-18
The IEEE Digital Author Toolbox is http: //www. ieee. org/publicatio a robust resource ns_standards/publications/au It contains: thors/authors_journals. html Tools and information to assist with article preparation and submission Templates A style guide The article proof procedure How to order reprints Many frequently asked questions and more 57 2/9/2018
Article Preparation and Submission IEEE Taxonomy (PDF, 374 KB) Reference Preparation Assistant STIX Fonts Web Site IEEE Style Manual (PDF, 132 KB) Refine the Use of English in Your Manuscript IEEE "Information for Authors" kit (PDF, 755 KB) Graphics Checker Tool Frequently Asked Questions on Submitting Graphics (PDF, 20 KB) Titles of IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Magazines (PDF, 728 KB) Using Microsoft Products or PDFs to Submit Graphics (PDF, 2. 2 MB)
Template for all Transactions* • Template and Instructions on How to Create Your Paper (DOC, 92 KB) • Instructions Only (PDF, 108 KB) • WIN and MAC Bibliography File (ZIP, 208 KB) • Unix La. Te. X 2 e Transactions Style File (TAR. GZ, 204 KB) • WIN OR MAC La. Te. X 2 e Transactions Style File (ZIP, 348 KB) • Unix Bibliography File (TAR. GZ, 204 KB) (except IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE Magnetics Letters, IEEE Photonics Journal and IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation )
IEEE Reference Preparation Assistant http: //refassist. ieee. org/action/sh ow. Author. Login
Editing Assistance http: //www. profediting. com/ieee/inde x. php
Thank you for your time! Resources for Authors Visit: www. ieee. org/go/authorship Search: www. ieee. org/ieeexplore Citations: www. ieee. org/citations Patents: www. ieee. org/patentcitations 62 2/9/2018