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IECEx and China’s Requirements Presented by Mr. Liu Weijun Chief Engineer Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) 1
Basic contents 1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 2. Ex-related Conformity Assessment Systems in China 3. China’s participation in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China 2
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation -- 1. 1 Legal structure: Laws and Regulations on Certification and Accreditation --1. 2 China Certification and Accreditation System -- 1. 3 Administration and Implementation Bodies -- 1. 4 Certificates of Conformity issued in China -- 1. 5 The certification and accreditation in China steps with international development 3
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation • 1. 1 Legal structure • Laws – Law on Quality – Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law – Standardization Law 4
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation • 1. 1 Legal structure • Regulations -- Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation promulgated on September 3, 2003 came into force on November 1, 2003. 5
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 2 China Certification and Accreditation System -- Unified Administration of Certification and Accreditation -- Unified Accreditation System -- Certification System of Combining Voluntary Certification with Compulsory Certification -- Approval of Certification Bodies -- Supervision of Certification Bodies (administrative, accreditation, self-discipline, public) -- International cooperation 6
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation(1. 3) • Administration body • Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) ---Established in August 2001, ---authorized by State Council --- to regulate, supervise, coordinate certification and accreditation activities in China 7
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 3 Accreditation Body: • China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) -- responsible for accreditation of product certification bodies, management system certification bodies, inspection bodies and laboratories. 8
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 3 Certification Bodies and relevant Bodies(2007 -8 -31) • 146 local certification bodies • 39 Join-venture certification bodies • 40 certification training bodies • 756 certification consultancy bodies • The sole personnel certification body : China Certification and Accreditation Association (CCAA) 9
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 4 Certificates of Conformity issued in China ---304498 certificates of compulsory product certification (valid 205199) ---- 48199 certificates of voluntary product certification -- 188276 QMS certificates -- 22221 EMS certificates -- 10316 GB/T 28001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) certificates -- Some 100000 certification personnel 10
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 5 The certification and accreditation in China steps with international development in the following aspects: -- to actively adopt international standards and guides, and establish and implement China certification and accreditation system -- to actively join regional and international organizations and promote international certification and accreditation businesses. -- to sign mutual recognition agreement with regional and international organizations to promote international 11 mutual agreement activities.
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 5 China participating International /regional Certification and Accreditation Organization (20): -- WTO -- APEC/SCSC -- ASEM -- ISO/CASCO -- IECEE -- IECQ -- IECEx -- OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 12
1. Outline of China Certification & Accreditation 1. 5 --IAF - PAC - IPC - ILAC - APLAC - IPC - IQNet • • • - IFOAM -- ISO -- PASC -- CAC -- APLMF 13
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China Ex conformity assessment mode : -- 2. 1 Ex Products Type Approval System -- 2. 2 Ex Products License System -- 2. 3 MA logo of Ex Products involved in Mines -- 2. 4 Ex Product Certification 14
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China 2. 1 Ex product type approval system ---began in 1960 s. ---Prior to being put into production, the new Ex product shall be submitted to Quality Surveillance and Testing Department (Ex Testing Lab) authorized by National Government for Ex examination and Ex testing. ---Testing as conformity with requirements, test lab will issue Ex conformity certificate. ---applies to electric equipments used in explosive atmosphere environment made in domestic or overseas. 15
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China • • 2. 2 Ex Production License System --At the end of 1980 s The department responsible for production license is AQSIQ, and for granting license, National Industry Production License Office. Conditions on obtaining license: The sample is tested against national standards, and meanwhile the factory quality assurance conforms to requirements. The production license system only applies to the company manufacturing Ex products in P. R. China 16
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China 2. 3 MA logo of Ex Products used in Mines • At beginning of 1990 s, • required MA logo system on Ex products involved in mines. • Currently, this work is conducted by Office of Safety Logo used in Mines affiliated by State Administration of Coal Mine Safety • In China, all the electric products used in mines must be affixed MA logo, including imported 17 products.
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China • The Ex products apply for MA logo to, and undertake type test in laboratory authorized by, MA office. The MT industry standards against type test include national standard GB 3836 (IEC 60079) plus technical requirements, such as application function. • Additionally, manufacturers must undertake factory inspection organized by MA office. 18
2. Ex related Conformity Assessment System in China • • • 2. 4 Ex product certification system The unified certification system established by CNCA in 2003 Certification plan following IECEx certification system (IECEx 02) China National Standards : GB 3836 series standards (IEC 60079) , GB 12476 series standards (IEC 61241) Quality system requirements of manufacturer identical with IECEx OD 005 Voluntary 19
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China -- China’s participation in IECEx Scheme -- Actuality of Ex Certification in China -- Foreign Ex products into markets in China -- Development trend of Ex Certification in China 20
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China 3. 1 China’s participation in IECEx Scheme • Since 1992 the representatives from China have attended all the annual meetings of IECEx. • In 1996 China National Committee of IEC as the member body participated in IECEx System. • In 2002 CNCA became the member body of IECEx System. 21
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China • In October of 2005, CQM was accepted as Ex. CB and 4 Labs were accepted as Ex. TLs. • From January 1, 2006 China’s representative acts as Vice Chairman of IECEx. • In Sept. 2006, CNCA, CQM and Ex. TLs hosted 2006 IECEx Scheme Ex. TAG &Ex. MC Meeting and 2006 Industry Symposium in Shanghai China 22
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China • Since 2006, CQM and contracted Ex. TLs begin to accept application for IECEx certification and issue IECEx Co. C, Ex. TRs and QARs • CQM and contracted Ex. TLs accepted some Ex. TRs issued by other Ex. CBs in IECEx Scheme for CQMEx certification in China in accordance with IECEx Rules of Procedure and relevant OD requirements 23
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China 3. 2 Actuality of Ex Certification in China -- Ex Certification Body • China Quality Mark Certification Group Co. , Ltd (CQM) was found in Sept. 1991 and provides all-around certification and training services approved by CNCA as following: QMS,EMS,OHSMS,HACCP,ISO 22000 and Production Certification • CQM engaged in Ex products certification IECEx activities in 2002 24
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China -- 4 contracted Ex Testing Laboratories for Ex products certification: • China National Quality Supervision and Test Center for Explosion-proof Electrical Products (CQST) • National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI) • China Supervision and Test Center of Explosion –proof Quality for Petroleum and Chemical Industry Electrical Products (PCEC) • China National Quality Supervision & Test Center for Explosion 25 -proof and Safety Products for Coal Mine’s ( CMEx. C)
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China -- Ex products certification plan in China : • Certification Model-- 5 th Type • Type testing + Initial inspection of the factory + Follow-up inspection 26
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China • Standards according to for Ex Certification—China National Standards: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres GB 3836. 1 General requirements (modified IEC 60079 -0) GB 3836. 2 Flameproof enclosure “d” (modified IEC 60079 -1) GB 3836. 3 Increased safety “e” (modified IEC 60079 -7) GB 3836. 4 Intrinsic safety “i” (modified IEC 60079 -11) GB 3836. 5 Electrical apparatus , type of protection “p” (modified IEC 600792) GB 3836. 6 Oil immersion “o” (identical IEC 60079 -5) GB 3836. 7 Powder fillin 2727 g “q” (identical IEC 60079 -5) GB 3836. 8 Type of protection “n” (modified IEC 60079 -15) GB 3836. 9 Encapsulated electrical apparatus “m” (identical IEC 60079 -18) Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust GB 12476 protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation (identical IEC 61241 -1 -1) 27
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China Quality system requirements for manufacturer: Quality system requirements of manufacturer certified for Ex products are identical to IECEx OD 005 “IECEx quality system requirements for manufactures” 28
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China 3. 3 Foreign Ex products into markets in China • Ex products for coal mine (Group I): Application for MA Logo to the Office for safety logo of products used in mine The details see: www. aqbz. org. cn 29
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China • Ex products Group II: -- Application for Ex Type Approval (namely Explosion-proof Certificate of Conformity) to Ex Testing Laboratories directly or Ex Certification Body 30
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China -- Type Testing in accordance with China National Standards GB 3836 (IEC 60079), GB 12476 (IEC 61241) -- CQM and agreed Ex. TLs accept Ex. TRs issued by other Ex. CBs for Ex Type Approval in China in accordance with relevant OD requirements -- Difference between GB and IEC standards see IECEx Bulletin 31
3. China participating in IECEx Scheme and Ex Certification in China 3. 4 Development trend of Ex Certification in China • Ex certification is in starting phase in China now • China will transit to unified Ex certification system step by step in domestic. 32
IECEx and China’s Requirements • 谢 谢! • Thanks for your attention! 33