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IDSL Corporate Culture Clinic Facilitated by:
Your wish list of “est” for IDSL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The The The Best Richest Cleanest – environmental excellence; “Choicest” – most chosen; Safest; Freest – plenty of latitude for people to exercise their discretion and contribute; The Leanest – no waste; The Smartest – having highly experienced, educated, trained and well motivated people; attract good people, train them and make efforts to retain them; The Strongest in terms of most performance indices; 10. World-widest – a global leader 9.
VISION OF IDSL “To become the ultimate centre of technological excellence in the provision of geophysical and petroleum engineering services. ”
IDSL MISSION “To market world-class quality geophysical and petroleum engineering services. ”
IDSL Founding Father’s Vision “To profitably provide efficient services in seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation as well as petroleum/reservoir engineering data evaluation and to provide computer and other ancilary services in Nigeria and the African sub-region either solely or in partnership using high calibre professionals and modern computer technology. ”
Some of the ways to be the “est” 1. The quality of our products and services is unrivaled in the industry. 2. Our competitors are contantly seeking ot emulate us. 3. We consistently meet yearly performance goals.
Some of the ways to be the “est” 4. Our performance – growth rate, profitability, and other measures – consistently beats the competition. 5. We are the innovation leaders in our industry. 6. Our salaries and fringe benefits packages are the envy of the industry.
Some of the ways to be the “est” 7. We share the wealth created by the company through employee stock options, bonus plans, or profit sharing. 8. We operate our business with a core set of principles that reinforce morality and ethics. 9. We support charitable and philanthropic causes.
Some of the ways to be the “est” 10. Our work climate enables employees to meet performance goals while satisfying their personal needs as caregivers and family members. How you can IDSL take steps of building pride and generating loyalty?
Best types of leadership 1. Authentic 8. Legendary 2. Charismatic 9. Purpose-driven 3. Credible 10. Servant leader 4. Creative 11. Spiritual 5. Dynamic 12. Transformational 6. Exceptional 13. Visionary 7. Exemplary 14. World-class
Business Dimension ü ü ü Business Vision Organisational Vision Resource Management Customer Orientation Networking Negotiation
Personal Dimension-Internal ü ü ü ü Self-criticism Self-knowledge Learning Decision Making Self-control Emotional Balance Integrity
Personal Dimension-External ü ü ü Initiative Optimism Ambition Time Management Information Management Stress Management
Interpersonal Dimension ü Communication ü Conflict Management Charisma Delegation Coaching ü Team Work ü ü ü
How to make it happen “To create the desired work environment and a productive corporate culture, top management, leaders, managers and staff must work in concert to achieve a win-win partnership. ” - Victor S. L. Tan in Changing Your Corporate Culture
Am I overly resistant to change? The most successful people are change agents on the cutting edge of new technologies, projects, and processes. Are you among the most successful? 1. Do you read voraciously to discover new developments and future trends in your field?
2. Am I overly resistant to change? Do you attend every conference and seminar you can in order to learn new skills? 3. Do you associate with the people in your company who embrace change, rather than with those who fight it?
Am I overly resistant to change? 4. Do you talk to people outside your department in order to stay plugged into what’s going on? 5. When you resist change, do you look beyond the threat you feel to the opportunity that’s almost certain to result?
Am I overly resistant to change? 6. When change is inevitable do you force yourself to exert your best effort to make it work even before you start to feel good about it?
Am I overly resistant to change? 7. Do you look for good examples and new ideas about how people in other companies or in other parts of your company, perform tasks like yours?
Am I overly resistant to change? 8. Do you work at maintaing a healthy body, physical energy, and good social habits? 9. Do you make efforts at acquiring good mindsets?
Am I overly resistant to change? 10. Are you a “can do it” person rather than “it will never work person”? In today’s business world, you cannot afford to answer any of these questions negatively. You try to get on the actions you need to take to become a change agent.
Formula for successful corporate culture change V(L+F+C)x. P 7=GS Value-driven leadership+ Value-driven followership+ Value-driven company x (multiplied by) Purpose, Plan, Proper procedure, Presentation (communication), Passion, Persistence and Prayer = Great Success for company and individuals.
What is culture? In a society culture means ideas, beliefs and customs that are shared and accepted by people. Culture refers to the socially approved patterns of behaviour in that context. So we can speak of Western culture, European culture, American culture, Chinese culture, African culture or Nigerian culture.
Culture among groups Among a group of people, culture means shared attitudes and beliefs about issues. Young people have youth culture. The university community has academic culture or what is often referred to as academic freedom or scholarship.
Culture in the public service There is the military culture of discipline and obedience within the armed forces. Public service has what is known as bureaucracy or bureaucratic culture.
Culture as group habits There also group of common habits that are often referred to as culture. So you have - maintenance culture, - reading culture or lack of it, - learning culture - Queuing culture - ICT culture What is habit to an individual is culture to a group of people.
What is corporate culture? Corporate culture refers to ways of life and patterns of relationships in a business organizations. It is a set or norms comprising of beliefs, attitudes, core values and shared beliefs of people in that organization.
Ideal Corporate Culture Every company has its corporate culture. It may not be perfect; it may not be forward looking. Nevertheless what every organization should look for is IDEAL CORPORATE CULTURE in pursuit of its vision and mission.
Concepts associated with corporate culture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Corporate Corporate Corporate character/personality identity governance posture image brand visibility drive change vision
What are the objectives of this Corporate Culture Clinic?
Clinic Objectives 1 For participants to be selfmotivated to buy into the vision and shared values of a transformed IDSL;
Clinic Objectives 2 Appreciate the power and influence of a great corporate culture;
Clinic Objectives 3 Contribute to the planned process of making IDSL a great corporate name in conception and implementation;
Clinic Objectives 4 Know your role and commitment to the success and image perception of IDSL;
Clinic Objectives 5 Understand that the success of IDSL is the success of all;
Clinic Objectives 6 Feel satisfied and proud that you have contributed to the envisaged IDSL corporate culture and brand be committed to bringing it into reality;
Clinic Objectives 7 Be prepared to go through the continuous process of taking IDSL to higher level of visibility and excellence through looking smart, working smart, and speaking smart;
Clinic Objectives 8 Know how to apply creative thinking in pursuit of excellence;
Clinic Objectives 9 Be prepared to make learning and action a way of life and progress.
Clinic Objectives 10 Be expectant of the benefits of the new IDSL
Ten-point strategy for change 1 Prepare for the long haul
Strategy for change 2 Conduct a culture audit
Strategy for change 3 Create a clear picture of what you want the culture to become
Strategy for change 4 Communicate your decision to all employees
Strategy for change 5 Change yourself Company leaders to be prepared to change themselves
Strategy for change 6 Recruit employees who fit into the new culture and help you develop it
Strategy for change 7 Train or terminate defenders of the status quo
Strategy for change 8 Make sure your incentives support the new culture
Strategy for change 9 Reward the heroes of culture change.
Strategy for change 10 Make efforts to sustain the new culture.
PACE and Culture Change PACE is the acronym for: Positioning and Aligning for higher performance, Creating appropriate processes and systems for global competitiveness, while Enabling and empowering its people.
What is in the name IDSL? How can IDSL be transformed into not just a popular name but a great name? So that at the mention of IDSL, there will be feelings of warmth and WOW!
So far so good
NNPC published values 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Patriotism Industry/Hard work Loyalty Trust Integrity Accountability Transparency Commitment to NNPC
Other NNPC values 4. Orderliness Self-discipline Secrecy Safety 5. From NNPC Corporate and Procedure Policy and Procedure Guide 1. 2. 3.
IDSL – Idea progression Integrated Diligent Action-oriented Technically-competent Aiming higher and higher Service Leaders
Type of values 1 Core, dominant or shared values: they are usually values, accepted throughout the organization: Accountability, Diligence, Obedience, Security, Safety, Patriotism, Discipline, Integrity, Communication; Teamwork,
Type of values 2 Personal values –Discipline, Leadership, Learning, Personal responsibility, Humility, Communication, Trust, Loyalty, Respect, Poise, Self-esteem, Courtesy, Self-esteem, Trust, Respect, Orderliness, Cleanliness, and other values individuals have brought from to work;
Type of values 3 Moral or ethical values – derived from society: Honesty, Integrity, Truthfulness; Christian/religious values – Love, Humility, Compassion, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Good Neighbourliness, Faith, Prayerfulness
Type of values 4 Qualitative values – Excellence, Competence, Professionalism, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Creativity, Innovativeness, Quality and Merit;
Type of values 5 l Kinetic or Automatic values – Action, Passion, Proactivity, Enthusiasm, Promptitude, Timeliness, Just-in-time;
Type of values 6 HSE, Equity, Leadership, Empowerment, Teamwork, Meritocracy, Fairness; Learning, Harmony, Communication, Information management; World peace, Sanctity of life,
Type of values 7 Leadership, Courage, Heroism, Sacrifice, Patriotism, Obedience, Orderliness, Pride, Esprit de corps,
Soft-sides of Corporate Culture 1. Social grace and conversation 2. Speech pace and pattern 3. Carriage and comportment 4. Good taste 5. Common sense and courtesy 6. Eating habit 7. Personal hygiene 8. Dress codes 9. Articulateness 10. Appropriate behaviour
Let’s break into groups
Top 10 issues a good leader manages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mind Time Information Crisis Money/Income Health Family Stress Self Other people/Team
Top 10 roles of leaders towards followers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Set vision and mission for them Inspire them Encourage them Build them Challenge them Support them with facilities Coach, mentor and discipline them Compliment them Spotlight them Reward them
10 Types of negative mind 4. Wandering mind – learn to concentrate Busy mind – too busy to listen Doubting mind – doubts everything Confused mind – confused trying to understand 5. Worried/anxious mind 6. Judgemental or critical mind 7. Suspicious mind 1. 2. 3. everything worry relationships everybody – unable to win over – can mar – paranoid: suspecting Passive mind – failure to renew an exercise mind 9. Corrupt/sinful mind – to get out of sin 10. Terrified mind – learn to be more 8.
10 Types of positive mind 1. Guarded mind – learn to be conscious what comes into 2. Renewed/Reflective mind Spirit-filled mind (Romans 7: 6) Ethical mind – discard sinful thoughts fast. Hopeful/Possibility mind Courageous mind Cooperative mind Victorious mind Peaceful and alert mind – uses John Haggai PMF Love-driven mind – loves neighbours, spouse, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. your mind; be more involved in what you think and how you think (Proverbs 4: 23) colleagues, work, company, community, country.
Corporate culture assessment Individual initiative: Are you free to take initiative? 2) Risk tolerance: Are you encourage to take risks and be innovative? 3) Direction: Does your organisation create clear objectives and set performance expectations? 4) Integration: Are units in your organisation well coordinated? 5) Management: Do managers provide clear support communication and assistance? 1)
Corporate culture assessment Control: Are there too many rules and regulations controlling employee behaviour? 7) Identity: Do members identify with the organization rather than with their particular work or professional groups? 8) Reward system: Are rewards based on performance rather than seniority or favouritism? 9) Conflict tolerance: Are employees encouraged to air conflicts and criticisms openly? 10) Communication: How far are patterns of communications restricted to formal hierarchy of authority? 6)
TOP 10 US Coast Guard Lessons in Corporate Culture l l l Define the culture and live the values; Select the best personnel; Promote team over self; Instill a commitment to excellence; Cultivate caring relationships (welfare); Make change the norm; Encourage decisiveness; Empower the young; Sponsor continual learning; Spotlight excellence; How to spotlight excellence
How to Spotlight Excellence l l l Pride: Give awards; people take a lot of personal pride in receiving awards, both individually and in teams. Esprit de corps: Awards and recognition contribute dramatically to elevating group spirit and honor in performing the organization’s missions. High morale: Recognizing people for their achievements meets an important human need. Positive role modeling: Spotlighting individual and group acts of excellence provides real-life examples of what the organization considers excellent work. Inspiration and motivation to achieve: A simple act of heroism, bravery, or kindness often inspires similar acts from other members of the organization.
Reviewed IDSL VISION & MISSION 1 VISION: To become one of the top three providers of geophysical and petroleum engineering services in the world. MISSION: To produce and market world-class quality geophysical and petroleum engineering services and thus make monumental wealth for Nigeria.
Reviewed IDSL VISION & MISSION 2 VISION: To become a monumental national wealth maker for Nigeria by providing first-class geophysical and petroleum engineering services to the world. MISION: Produce and market world-class quality geophysical and petroleum engineering services.