Скачать презентацию Identify Design Teach Monitor Russell Martin Associates Скачать презентацию Identify Design Teach Monitor Russell Martin Associates


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Identify Design Teach Monitor Russell Martin & Associates 6326 Rucker Rd. Suite E Indianapolis, Identify Design Teach Monitor Russell Martin & Associates 6326 Rucker Rd. Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 475 -9311 www. russellmartin. com Proposal for Standard Management Corporation October 29, 2001 © rm 0

Contents § The Situation Today § Recommendation § Bio § Pricing § About Russell Contents § The Situation Today § Recommendation § Bio § Pricing § About Russell Martin & Associates § RMA Corporate Competencies § RMA Brand Architecture – Products – Applications © rm 1

The Situation Today § SMC is looking to implement a website content manager tool The Situation Today § SMC is looking to implement a website content manager tool for the user departments. § Goal is to maintain intranet and internet sites with minimal IT assistance. § User training is critical since product is not intuitive. § Estimate that 20 employees will need the training – could be from Raleigh-Durham, Luxembourg and Indy. § Not everyone needs to know how to work with tool at the same level. § No documentation is available at this time. § Open issue – how to keep class materials up to date. § Classes need to be held as half-day sessions and will be held at SMC’s facility. § Course must be interactive and hands-on. © rm 2

Recommendation Project Objective: Create 3 mini-courses of 3. 5 hour duration: Level 1: Intro Recommendation Project Objective: Create 3 mini-courses of 3. 5 hour duration: Level 1: Intro to the product - preliminary objectives -Use tool to navigate to the materials for your web site -Make simple modifications to text on a web page -Add, change, delete a graphic from an existing page -Add a new page and create a simple link to it -Identify other types of modifications you might want to make and know who can make those changes for you Level 2: Intermediate level - preliminary objectives Prerequisite: Level 1 -Add, change, and delete pages from the web site -Modify menus and navigation paths within the site -Create tables on web pages -Add simple controls to the web page Level 3: Local area expert (Help desk) level - preliminary objectives ("team taught" by RMA and internal expert -- available throughout session to answer questions of policy and procedure Prerequisite: Levels 1 and 2 -Create a new web site from scratch using the tool -Troubleshoot common problems occurring when using the tool -Mentoring and learning how to handle local area requests for modifications and changes © rm 3

Bio Bill Shackelford Bill has been President of Shackelford & Associates since 1982 and Bio Bill Shackelford Bill has been President of Shackelford & Associates since 1982 and became a Facilitator/Consultant for Russell Martin & Associates in 1995. He is a member of the DCI faculty and was named one of the top 4 presenters to appear at the 1999 DCI Database, Client/Server World Conference in Toronto. In February, 2001, he was a featured presenter at the On-Line Learning 2001 Conference in London. As an active software developer as well as trainer/facilitator, Bill's clients have included the U. S. Department of Defense, BP-Amoco Corporation, R. T. Nelson & Associates, Altrusa International, George M. Pullman Educational Foundation, Altheimer & Gray, American Association of Law Libraries, Keck Mahin & Cate, CIT Financial Services, Kemper Financial Services, R. R. Donnelley and Co. , Religious Science International, Penton Learning Systems, Sentara Health Care, American National Educational Corporation, Books & Periodicals Online, Inc. , Micro. Age, Inc. , Trade Associates Group, Ltd. , Hertz, Kenneth Leventhal & Co, and Illinois Process & Recovery Service. Bill is the Chicago correspondent for Opera Magazine (UK), Editor of Best Practices in IT Leadership, and Editor of the Wagner News of the Wagner Society of America. © rm 4

Pricing Course Development Needs analysis (includes one day on-site with developer and half-day for Pricing Course Development Needs analysis (includes one day on-site with developer and half-day for review of objectives with Geoff and SME’s) Development of three mini-course modules (each a half-day) $9750 plus Bill’s travel expenses Course Delivery $1875* for delivery of one module in one day (+ travel expenses) $2500* for delivery of two modules in one day (+ travel expenses) * includes student books for the module Material will be owned by SMC Pricing for maintenance of the material is not included Pricing to create documentation/reference guides is not included © rm 5

About Russell Martin & Associates Russell Martin believes that technology must be people-friendly, deliver About Russell Martin & Associates Russell Martin believes that technology must be people-friendly, deliver longterm viable benefit and, most urgently, support the business goals. RMA understands that, no matter how great the technology, it’s not the end; it is the means used to ignite and spread the spark of greatness already present in the core of the organization. RMA makes organizations more productive by helping them improve IT planning, process, and performance. § RMA is focused on non-technical, human aspects of implementing highlytechnical solutions. § RMA focuses on specific needs of IT organizations: - Best-of-breed solutions from various industries - Developed and delivered by facilitators and consultants with experience in both IT and organization development. - Incorporates most current thinking § RMA helps bridge the gap between IT and the business side of organizations, improve communications between departments and improve the effectiveness of cross-functional teams. © rm 6

Corporate Competencies § RMA has a proven concept § RMA uses a combination of Corporate Competencies § RMA has a proven concept § RMA uses a combination of Consulting services and Training methodologies to achieve desired objectives. § RMA focuses on three areas within IT productivity enhancement: - Project Management - IT Solution Development - Learning & Knowledge Management services § RMA brings knowledge of both IT and organizational development to client engagements. § RMA creates intellectual capital within client IT organization, that allows the client to realize the full benefit of their technology implementations. § RMA wrote the book on Accelerated Learning § RMA teaches essential soft skills that help ensure proper return on the technology investment § Training events can be customized based on client needs Benefits to the IT organization: - Projects completed on time and with optimal use of available resources. - Delivering value to business users - Improved staff skills and retention Benefits to the company: - Higher return on technology investment. - Alignment of IT to business objectives. - Improved communications between departments and effectiveness of cross-functional teams. © rm 7

RMA Brand Architecture - RMA enhances IT productivity - § Products Strategic Problem Solving RMA Brand Architecture - RMA enhances IT productivity - § Products Strategic Problem Solving Services Building consensus and commitment at all levels of the IT organization by identifying root causes of problems and designing an optimal solution. § Assessment Services Identifying how to leverage the diverse strengths and weaknesses at the individual, team and organizational level. § Speaking Services Keynote and presentations on leading edge IT topics with a focus on people. § Coaching Services Improvement of individual’s ability to get things done with and through others. § Workshops Focus on learning that helps move the business toward its strategic objectives and facilitating learning to create the best return. § Customized Training Services Tailored training to the unique needs of students and subject matter. § § Learning & Knowledge Management Services: Assessment, § © rm Applications IT Solution Development: Strategic Problem Solving & Assessment Project Management: Workshops, Assessment Services, Coaching, Workshops, Customized Training Services… Workshops, Speaking, Coaching, Customized Training Services… Speaking, Customized Training Services… 8

Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to learn more about Russell Martin Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to learn more about Russell Martin & Associates, our vision, products and services! We wish you much success --- and look forward to a mutually rewarding partnership! For More Information Contact: Lou Russell or Vija Dixon Russell Martin & Associates 6326 Rucker Road, Suite E Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 475 -9311 lou@russellmartin. com vdixon@russellmartin. com www. russellmartin. com © rm 9