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IDCOL Renewable Energy Programme
Project Overview ¬ Only 30% of the population has access to electricity ¬ Per capita energy consumption is 63 kw-hrs /annum, one of the lowest consumption rates in the world ¬ Government has undertaken Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Project (REREDP) with assistance from IDA and GEF.
Project Overview ¬ IDCOL will promote 210, 000 SHS (9. 8 megawatt-peak) and few wind, mini-hydro and biomass projects in rural areas by the end of June 2010. ¬ Total project cost $ 70 million – IDA $24. 89 million (110, 000 SHS including grants for 70, 000) – GEF $6. 67 million (Grant) – GTZ $2. 26 million (Grant) for 38, 431 SHS – Kf. W $ 19. 47 million Euro (Grant) for 100, 000 SHS Continued……
Project Overview Continued…. – POs equity $9. 5 million – Households equity $7. 12 million ¬ Grant-A worth $70 is provided as buydown grant ¬ Grant-B worth $20 is provided as institutional development grant
Progress of the Project Status of Installation of SHS as of 31 December 2005 Name of the PO Number of SHS Installed BRAC Foundation 14, 749 Shubashati 828 COAST Trust 824 IDF 848 Grameen Shakti 37, 686 Singer 44 Srizony Bangladesh 2, 459 UBOMUS 642 TMSS 821 Padakhep (new PO) 1 CMES 954 BRIDGE (new PO) 40 DORP (new PO) 15 Total 59, 911 ** 50% SHS has been inspected before disbursing refinance & grants
Project Overview ¬ Phased reduction of grants Amount of Grant Available (US$) per SHS/household Item Total ($) Buy-down grant ($) Institutional Development Grant ($) First 20, 000 systems 90 70 20 Next 20, 000 systems 70 55 15 Next 10, 000 systems 50 40 10 POs: Grameen Shakti Brac Foundation COAST, CMES, IDF SRIZONY, Shubashati TMSS, Singer Bangladesh OBOMUS DORP, BRIDGE Pdakkhep
Method of Implementation ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Market promotion by POs Households put in 10%-15% of the cost as downpayment POs install the SHS and extend loan (1 -3 year term) POs apply for grants and loan refinancing to IDCOL Households repay monthly installment POs provide maintenance service of the SHS to the households Physical verification by IDCOL – IDCOL Staff – Solar Inspectors – Primary School Teachers ¬ IDCOL refinances 80% of the loan and gives grants (Grant A & Grant B according to PA) after satisfactory inspection
Method of Implementation Utility and price of typical Solar Home System Appliances Capacity Usage Time System Price Down. Payment (10%) Monthly Installment (3 -yr term) 50 W 4 Lamps (6 w) 1 14 inch B/W TV 4 hrs daily Tk. 23500 Tk. 2350 Tk. 655 60 W 5 Lamps (6 w) 1 14 inch B/W TV 4 hrs daily Tk. 27500 Tk. 2750 Tk. 766 75 W 6 Lamps (6 w) 1 17 inch B/W TV 4 hrs daily Tk. 35750 Tk. 3575 Tk. 996
Programme Target Period (Jan 03 to June 05) (July 05 to June 06) (July 06 to June 0 7) (July 07 to June 08) (July 08 to June 10) Total Percentage of SHS installed 21% 14% 17% 31% 100% Number of SHS installed 45, 185 30, 000 35, 000 64, 815 210, 000
Special features of the project ¬ Committees – Operations Committee (OC) • Headed by Executive Director & CEO of IDCOL, and includes programme-in-charges of all the POs • Meets monthly to review the progress of the project • Addresses problems, if any • Ensures healthy competition among the POs working in the same area – Technical Standard Committee (TSC) • Comprises of representatives from BUET, REB & IDCOL • Ensures quality of the SHS equipment
Special features of the project ¬ Training – Staff training (IDCOL sponsored 80% of the total cost) • Installation procedure of SHS • Maintenance and troubleshooting of SHS • Monitoring and inspection of SHS • Market development for SHS • Micro-credit methods for marketing – Consumer training (IDCOL sponsored the total cost) • Proper use of SHS • Maintenance of SHS
Special features of the project ¬ Audit – Commercial audit • Books of Accounts audited by Chartered Accountants Firm – Technical audit • Ensures standard of the SHS equipment ¬ Others – Logistic support • Motor cycle, computer, tool box, battery charger – Promotional support • T-shirt, leaflet, poster, billboard • TV commercial – Exposure visit
Developmental Impact ¬ Improved quality of life through access to electricity and more income generating activities in the rural areas ¬ Job creation in POs project areas – Unskilled ( local youth having good knowledge about the locality) – Skilled ( diploma engineers are recruited by POs) ¬ Promotion of indigenous technology – Batteries – Solar lamp & charge controller
The Way Forward…. . ¬ Disposal of empty batteries in an organized manner ¬ Establishing SHS as an affordable and reliable source of power ¬ Making SHS commercially viable: (after 210, 000 installation) – POs will gain enough experience – Suppliers will achieve experience and economies of scale – Mass awareness will be created