- Количество слайдов: 22
ICT for Disaster management: DRBoa. ST (Disaster Resilience through Big open Data and Smart Things) Jane W. S. Liu Research Center for Information Technology Innovation and Institute of Information Science Academia Sinica May , 2017
DRBoa. ST Open. ISDM (Open Information Systems for Disaster Management) (Disaster Resilience through Big open data and Smart Things) A framework for building open and sustainable information systems for disaster management Generation and use of data for effective disasters preparedness and response 2012 2016 Supported by Taiwan Academia Sinica, Sustainability Science Research Program 2018
D. T. Lee IIS, AS C. S. Shih CSIE, NTU J. M. Ho, IIS, AS F. T. Lin UP, NCKU J. C. Lee IES, AS W. L. Hsu IIS, AS J. K. Zao CS, NCTU T. W. Kuo CITI, AS F. T. Lin E. T. H. Chu J. W. S. Liu H. L. Lin UP, NCKU W. T. Liang IES, AS F. S. Lin IHP, AS H. C. Chou Geo, NTNU N. C. Hsiao SC, CWB H. C. Lee SES, NCDR E. T. H. Chu CS, Yun. Tech J. W. S. Liu IIS, AS DRBoa. ST
Summary of Accomplishments n Virtual information systems: n 15 prototype software systems, tools and applications n 74 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications n n n 52 workshop and conference keynotes, invited talks, oral presentations, and tutorials 62 graduate theses on topics related the project Over 12 national and international competitions/contests with entries on or closely related to project’s work http: //openisdm. iis. sinica. edu. tw
Crowdsourcing Disaster Surveillance Data John K. Zao, Edward T. H. Chu and Jane W. S. Liu CROSS (CROwdsourcing Support system for disaster Surveillance) tools: n n n VMS for managing volunteer resources of multiple projects and process Participant selection and task assignment Exploration tour planning n n n Fusion unit for fusing human and physical sensor data synergistically Ushahidi+ crowdsourcing map management Broadcast and communication managers
Di. SRC( Disaster Scenario and Record Capture) PI and co-PIs: W. L. Hsu, Hsiang-Chieh Lee, Fu-Shih Lin Participatory sensing systems Authoring System Server Output for human readers CROSS Input from recorders JSON XML RDF Machine readable outputs Analysis, simulation & animation tools Capabilities include Recorders with Disaster Record Capture Tools (Di. Re. CT) § Storage for cached maps and support information to enable stand alone us § Automatic capture of event time and geocoordinates § Event and condition analysis § Quality assurance and real-time control § Capture and estimation of object location, area boundaries, people count, etc.
ADi. PLE Active disaster prepared living environment PI: Tei-Wei Kuo Co-PIs: Edward T. H. Chu, Feng-Tyne Lin and Jane W. S. Liu
Current Scenario Alert xmlns: … Sender: Central Weather Bureau Status: Actual Msg. Type: Alert Scope: Public Info Category: Geo Event: Earthquake Urgency: Immediate Severity: Strong Certainty: Observed Description: A strong earthquake measuring 7. 8 occurred in … Parameters: Magnitude, depth, … Areas: Polygons specifying affected areas Resources: … … Other EAS and CMAS 2018/3/16 Effectiveness is limited due to § Non-specificity of alerts § Limitation in human reaction time to take advantage 8
“Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink. ” from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Data, data everywhere, nor good use of them to help us prepared against calamities!
A Future Scenario Alert xmlns: … Sender: Central Weather Bureau Status: Actual Msg. Type: Alert Scope: Public Info Earthquake, Category: Geo Event: Earthquake Stay calm, Urgency: Immediate Severity: Strong Walk in Certainty: Observed indicated Description: A strong earthquake directions measuring 7. 8 occurred in … Parameters: Magnitude, depth, … Areas: Polygons specifying affected areas Resources: … … Active use of alerts
Technology Enablers § Accurate and timely disaster prediction § Wide adoption of XML-based international standard alert message format § Platforms for authenticating authorized alert senders and dissemination of alerts § Increasing adoption and use of building information and facility management digital data exchange standards DRBoa. ST
We now have Architecture and reusable components for building diverse smart, active devices and applications for preparedness/response Responsive active mechanism for pushing alerts over the Internet Prototype Active Emergency Response Systems (AERS) Be. DIS: Prototype building/environment data and information system
Be. DI Repository Lbeacon. URL mapping Lbeacon data Be. DIPS monitor and Testing programs Be. DIS server Wide Area Network Gateway Be. DIPS delivers to Bluetooth devices 3 D coordinates & location descriptions with 3 -10 meter horizontal accuracy Be. DI mist delivers location-specific data and instructions using micros data servers
On IPS: n n Indoor Positioning Systems work where GPS does not. A market arena full of p Big players, including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Broadcom and so on p 94 startups, 540 investors, and ~3, 500 followers according to Angle. List as of May 12, 2017 A playground for diverse technologies, including p Triangulation of using Wi. Fi, cell, and FM signals p Fingerprints of magnetic signals of the building and Wi. Fi and FM signals in the building p Measurements of light, acoustic, ultra wideband low frequency signals, and p Proximity beacons DRBoa. ST
IPS for large public buildings n Is easy to install & maintain Works without Internet n Remains accurate despite n Stays responsive in movement of people & things presence of mass crowd Serves both feature and smart phones n
Lbeacons (Location beacons) Bluetooth smart ready devices in Be. DIPS § Stores and broadcasts its 3 D coordinates and location description § Provides 3 -5 m (or 510 m) horizontal location accuracy with zero vertical error § Is compatible with Bluetooth 2. 0, 3. 0 and 4. 0 devices § No APP and indoor maps required
Lbeacons: End-Points of Be. DI Mist URL’s of nearby stores Fine-scale, locationspecific building/facility decision support data Location-specific emergency response instructions
Be. DI repository LBRMS database Be. DIP & LBRMS servers BE: EF: F 0: 0 D: CA: FE & 3 D coordinates LBeacon BE: EF: F 0: 0 D: CA: FE Carts, chairs, etc with Bluetooth smart tags. Registered Bluetooth smartband
Practical Challenges In a major transport hub (e. g. , Frankfurt Airport): § There may be 50, 000 smoke detectors. § 100, 000 Lbeacons may be used to achieve the desired location accuracy (e. g. , 5 -10 meters) n n n Where should the beacons be placed ? How to pinpoint the chosen location of each Lbeacon and install it there? How to systematically and reliably maintain the system during remodeling? DRBoa. ST
FM Be. DI Repository Be. DIS server Lbeacon. URL mapping Lbeacon data Be. DIPS monitor and Testing programs 3 168 4 27
Current Work and Plans n Pilot studies on Be. DIS p p n To assess the usability and effectiveness of Be. DIPS and Be. DI mist in real-life operating conditions: • Possible test sites: Nangang Station, NTUH, Sogo • Collaborators: Accton, Taipei City, TRA, Sogo To develop applications using Be. DIS as a platform: • Navigation: general and special purpose • Tracking of people and equipment • Personalized, location specific marketing Research and development: q q A framework for building quality assured AERS Security and safety of large active systems
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