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ics lit Po nd n Conservatisnme e A merica al Influe c ac can-A ics lit Po nd n Conservatisnme e A merica al Influe c ac can-A olitic ation R fri d. P A min iscri m ation cs An D lo tical ng B oli rimin oti P V Disc hnic & t dice cal E i istor Preju H ns To o ptati Ada

Bla c Con s k e rv a ti sm Black Democrats Are More Bla c Con s k e rv a ti sm Black Democrats Are More Conservative Than Their Non-Black Peers While Blacks Are Fighting for Respect, Gays Are Not In The Army! While I believe that no sin is greater than the other, I want to know how Dr. Pitt feels about being an active member in the church with homosexuality being such a huge sin of emphasis in the black church. Does he ever feel guilty for his homosexuality? In the black community, I feel that we have struggled for so long to be respected. That they’re still not getting much respect makes them more belligerent to the gay community. It’s almost as if this model image we (blacks) have worked so hard for is being diminished by homosexuality. The loving, masculine, protective black males are being replaced by these gay men who blacks feel cannot fulfill the role of 70% of Black Californians breadwinner, protector, provider, husband, or father. And voted for Prop 8 then, there are so of Latinos and 49% of 53% many lesbian mothers whose sons are Whites/Asians did growing up around two women—where is the male figure? Some blacks have no religious base at all and simply think homosexuality is nasty. Anatomically, opposite sexual organs fit and were meant to be.

Year Black Vote Democrat Republican 1932 71% Roosevelt* Hoover 1956 64% Stevenson Eisenhower* 1960 Year Black Vote Democrat Republican 1932 71% Roosevelt* Hoover 1956 64% Stevenson Eisenhower* 1960 68% Kennedy* Nixon The Civil Rights Act Of. Goldwater 1964 97% Johnson* Was Filibustered 97% Democrat-Controlled Congress For In The 1972 Mc. Govern Nixon* Almost Three Months BY DEMOCRATS 1976 Ford “We will resist to the bitter 82% measure. Carter* end any which would have a tendency to bring about social equality, intermingling, and amalgamation of the races in our Southern states. “ 1980 82% R. Russell (D-GA) Carter Reagan* 1984 88% The Final Vote? Mondale 1988 88% Reagan* Dukakis SENATE: 83% Clinton* 82% Republicans 84% 69% Democrats Clinton* Bush* 2008 HOUSE: 90% Gore 80% Republicans 88% Kerry 63% Democrats 95% Obama* Mc. Cain 2012 93% 2012 Votes For Obama GLBs Latinos Asians Unions Women $30 -50 k Catholic 18 -29 yo Whites 76% 71% 73% 58% 55% 57% 50% 60% 39% Latino Vote For Dems Romney 1992 1996 2000 2004 Obama* Bush Dole Bush* Voting Blocs & Influence Carter 56% Mondale 62% Dukakis 69% Clinton 61% Gore 62% Kerry 56% Obama 71% Sources: Roper Center & New York Times

What Is Going On Here? The Voting Rights Act 1965 Signed by President Johnson What Is Going On Here? The Voting Rights Act 1965 Signed by President Johnson Amended By Congress 1970, 1975, 1982, 1992, and 2006 Major Challenges In Supreme Court South Carolina v. Katzenbach 1966 Oregon v. Mitchell 1970 Miller v. Johnson 1995 Shelby County v Holder 2012 RACE RELATIONS TV Section 5 Preclearance: Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Virginia and parts of Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, and North Carolina

What Is Going On Here? RACE RELATIONS TV Justice Scalia (referring to pre-clearance): “[The What Is Going On Here? RACE RELATIONS TV Justice Scalia (referring to pre-clearance): “[The reason Congress keeps reenacting it] is very likely attributable to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement. ”

Restrictive Voting Justice Scalia on preclearance “[The reason Congress keeps reenacting it] is very Restrictive Voting Justice Scalia on preclearance “[The reason Congress keeps reenacting it] is very likely attributable to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement. ” In some states (TX, TN, MS) 30 or more restrictive changes were proposed! Mike Turzai PA House Majority Leader “Pro-second-amendment? Castle Doctrine? It’s done. First pro-life legislation in 22 years? Done. Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania? Done. ” According to a study by sociologist Keith Bentele and political scientist Erin O’Brien, most of these bills were adopted in 2011 in these states. . 1. Republicans controlled the governorship and both legislative chambers 2. Forecasters considered them swing states in the 2012 election 3. Minority turnout was higher in the 2008 election 4. Those which have larger proportions of African-American residents 5. The more lower-income individuals in a state voted

Slavery (1650 -1866) Jim Crow & Black Codes In ts In ents omen y Slavery (1650 -1866) Jim Crow & Black Codes In ts In ents omen y Mom tory Key M l Histor Key al His Racia Raci Indian Removal Act (1830) Bureau Of Indian Affairs (1849) The Dawes Act (1887) Indian Citizenship Act (1924) Indian Relocation Act (1956) Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Immigrant (1907) & Nat’l Origins (1924) Acts Japanese Internment (1942 -1945) Bracero Program (1942) & Operation Wetback Mariel Boatlift (1980) Immigration Reform/Control Act (1986)

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