Скачать презентацию ICANN Root Name Server System Advisory Committee March Скачать презентацию ICANN Root Name Server System Advisory Committee March


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ICANN Root Name Server System Advisory Committee March 2, 1999 SUNTEC Convention Center Singapore ICANN Root Name Server System Advisory Committee March 2, 1999 SUNTEC Convention Center Singapore

RSSAC • Root Server System issues have been addressed – in the Green Paper RSSAC • Root Server System issues have been addressed – in the Green Paper and White Paper process – in the formation of ICANN. • Root Server System Advisory Committee( RSSAC) – in ICANN bylaws • JP left.

Meeting Summary of RSSAC • March 2, 1999 10: 00 -15: 00 @room 208 Meeting Summary of RSSAC • March 2, 1999 10: 00 -15: 00 @room 208 • 15 participants – Root server operators group – IETF/IAB – IEPG – IANA – Mike Roberts

Extract from ICANN Bylaws • Extract from ICANN Bylaws • "(b) There shall be a DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee. The initial chairman of the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board; subsequent chairs shall be elected by the members of the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee pursuant to procedures adopted by the members. The responsibility of the Root Server System Advisory Committee shall be to advise the Board about the operation of the root name servers of the domain name system. The Root Server System Advisory Committee should consider and provide advice on the operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware capacities, operating systems and name server software versions, network connectivity and physical environment. The Root Server System Advisory Committee should examine and advise on the security aspects of the root name server system. Further, the Root Server System Advisory Committee should review the  number, location, and distribution of root name servers considering the total system performance, robustness, and reliability. "

Extracts from ICANN Bylaws • To advise the Board about the operation of the Extracts from ICANN Bylaws • To advise the Board about the operation of the root name servers of the domain name system. • To advise the Board on the operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware capacities, operating systems and name server software versions, network connectivity and physical environment. • To examine and to advise on the security aspects of the root name server system. • To review the  number, location, and distribution of root name servers considering the total system performance, robustness, and reliability.

Work Items • To write technical procedures for operation of the primary root server Work Items • To write technical procedures for operation of the primary root server including procedures that permit modifications, additions or deletions to the root zone file. • To make the management of the root server system more robust and secure: – Operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware capacities, operating system and name server software versions, network connectivity, and physical environment. – Examination of the security aspects of the root name server system and review of the number, location, and distribution of root name servers considering the total system performance, robustness, and reliability. – Development of operational procedures for the root server system, including formalization of contractual relationships under which root servers throughout the world are operated. • To design, develop, and test a plan for the possible expansion of the number of g. TLDs. The designed process should consider and take into account the following: – New g. TLDs – IPv 6

Other Issues discussed • Future Relationship with other groups – IETF related WG • Other Issues discussed • Future Relationship with other groups – IETF related WG • RFC 2010 revise – ASO/DNSO/etc. • Y 2 K problems • Risk Management

Membership • The ICANN Board is responsible for appointing the initial chairman of the Membership • The ICANN Board is responsible for appointing the initial chairman of the RSSAC, which it did at its meeting of 1/17/99 by appointing Jun Murai. • It is anticipated that the chairman will nominate an initial slate of members for the RSSAC. • It is not required that the committee have a specific number of members, nor that the full complement of members be appointed immediately. • Root ops, DNS, and Topology area technical experts.

Schedules • The second meeting of RSSAC – During IETF/Minneapolis (March 15 -19) • Schedules • The second meeting of RSSAC – During IETF/Minneapolis (March 15 -19) • Tentatively, on Tuesday, March 18. • Expected initial output draft after the second meeting – Say, March 31, 1999(? ) • Mailing list: – rssac@icann. org (? )