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IBM System p 5 Notes to presenter (please read, comply and delete this slide from final deck) REQUIRED SLIDES The presenter must display the Special Notices slide, the Notes on Benchmarks and Values slides (if the referenced values are given), and the Notes on Performance Estimates slide (if the referenced performance estimates are given) during the course of the presentation. Any printed copies of this presentation that are distributed must include legible copies of these slides. If printed copies are not distributed, the I attendees must be offered the option to receive legible printed copies of these slides. TRADEMARKS Please review the Special Notices page prior to updating this presentation to ensure all trademarks used are given proper attribution. SPEAKER NOTES This presentation may contain speaker notes available imbedded or as a separate file. Please ensure these are utilized if available. Revised January 9, 2003 1 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Notes to presenter (Please read, comply and delete this slide from final deck) This template is provided to System p 5 ISVs to help develop a compelling presentation to deliver to customers and prospects, via a Web conference, in a seminar or one on one via sales channels. There are 7 base slides of System p 5 content followed by optional slides for more in depth presentations, HPC, or for solutions leveraging IBM middleware. The IBM provided content must not be changed. The speaker notes I provided on the IBM slides refer only to the IBM content. Please merge your speaker notes on joint slides. You may also use your own company’s background and design templates but do not change any IBM content in the transition. The green content are suggestions – [ ] designates places to fill in information. Please customize to best appeal to your target markets. You may want to check with your IBM contact on available System p 5 customer promos to leverage based on availability at the time of your presentation. And, do include your own special offers as well! Thank you! 2 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 [Company/solution name and] IBM System p 5 Get the Power to do more, spend less [or other joint tagline] § § § Name Title Date [Include your logo and IBM Business Partner emblem if eligible] © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Agenda [Example, for flow] § [Business pain/need in your solution terms] § [Company name] and IBM can help (one chart on how joint solution addresses pain/needs) § [Company] overview Include Company as an IBM partner; IBM as a company partner relationships I § [Solution] overview § System p 5 servers for [solution] § Other clients benefiting from [company name] and IBM System p 5 servers § Benefits of the complete solution § Summary and Q&A (strong call to action) 4 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 When it comes to IT in support of your business, you face serious challenges everyday, like needing to. . . § [Select from these System p 5 pain points and/or add new. Delete this instruction. ] § § Integrate multiple standalone applications I Find ways to reduce IT overhead expenses Meet challenges with little or no IT staff Find new solutions when you have outgrown your existing business applications It could be time to [recommended solution, e. g. “implement the industry’s leading document management solution”] 5 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Insert your company and solution slides here § Use example agenda for flow ideas § Next chart begins the “System p 5 servers for your solution” agenda topic I 6 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Can your current servers help you. . . §Reduce costs through systems with leadership performance, performance for the price -- and affordability System p 5 can… §Lower other expenses like software, energy and space by reducing the number of servers you need I §Achieve world-class performance for the most important applications – yours! §Avoid blue screens of death and the need to constantly apply security updates • Get the service and support to easily migrate to proven leadership technology So you’re never left in the dark! 7 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Its easy to select the right IBM System p 5 Most affordable* [Your company logo here] I Most performance for the price* [Your solution name here; Use blocks below if solution uses IBM middleware] Most performance* *Comparison of UNIX and Linux operating system platform offerings from IBM System p 5, IBM Blade. Center® and IBM Intelli. Station POWER workstations as of February 14, 2006 8 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Most affordable POWER systems At a price that might surprise you! § System p 5 185 Express: The perfect single application server for smaller to mid-sized businesses § System p 5 520 Express: Outperforms all competitive 2 -core servers in floating point* System p 5 520 Express System p 5 185 IExpress System p 5 550 Express System p 5 505 Express NEW! § System p 5 550 Express: Outperforms all competitive 4 -core servers in Java™ business applications** *IBM results submitted to SPEC as of 02/13/06. Claim based on IBM System p 5 520 2 -core 1. 65 GHz SPECfp_rate 2000 result of 61. 6. Source: http: //www. spec. org. **"SPECjbb 2005 IBM System p 5 550 (4 -cores, 2 chips) SPECjbb 2005 result of 60419 bops (60419 bops/JVM) submitted to SPEC for review on 2/13/2006. Competitive results current as of Feb 7, 2006 on www. spec. org. SPEC, SPECjbb reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation". 9 NEW! *Not available on System p 5 185 Express • 3 -year warranty and IBM Director for comprehensive systems management [Standard] • Advanced POWER Virtualization with browser-based Integrated Virtualization Manager for improved utilization on a single system [Optional] © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Most performance for the price System p 5 family of ‘Q’ models Quad-Core packaging at 1. 5 GHz enables POWER 5+ performance at even lower prices! § System p 5 510 Q Express: Our lowest-priced 4 -core system outperforms Sun Fire T 1000* § System p 5 520 Q Express: New price point for configurable 4 -core § System p 5 560 Q Express: Outperforms all competitive 16 -core systems on Java business applications** *IBM System p 5 510 Q (4 -cores, 2 chips) SPECjbb 2005 result of 54785 bops (54785 bops/JVM) submitted to SPEC for review on 2/13/2006 compared with Sun Fire T 1000 (8 cores, 1 chip) result of 51540 bops (12885 bops/JVM). *IBM System p 5 560 Q (16 -cores, 8 chips) SPECjbb 2005 result of 226291 bops (28286 bops/JVM) submitted to SPEC for review on 2/13/2006. Competitive results current as of Feb 7, 2006 on www. spec. org. SPEC, SPECjbb reg tm of Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. 10 System p 5 520 Q Express I System p 5 550 Q Express System p 5 560 Q Express NEW! System p 5 510 Q Express NEW! • 3 -year warranty and IBM Director for comprehensive systems management [Standard] • Advanced POWER Virtualization with browser-based Integrated Virtualization Manager for improved utilization on a single server [Optional] © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Most performance POWER 5+ systems with our fastest processors 1. 9 and 2. 2 GHz System p 5 575 System p 5 570 § System p 5 510 Express: Fastest 2 core server for Java business applications* § System p 5 570: Industry’s most I System p 5 510 Express NEW! powerful midrange** NEW! § System p 5 575: 8 - or 16 -core supercomputer building block *IBM System p 5 510 (2 -cores, 1 chip) SPECjbb 2005 result of 36039 business operations per second (36039 bops/JVM) submitted to SPEC for review on 2/13/2006. Competitive results current as of Feb 7, 2006 on www. spec. org. SPEC, SPECjbb® 2005 is a registered trademark of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC). ** IBM System p 5 570 result of TPC-C throughput of 1, 025, 169 tpm. C, Price/Performance $4. 43 /tpm. C (USD), Availability Date of 05/31/2006 from www. tpc. org on February 14, 2006 HP Integrity rx 8620 result of TPC-C throughput 332, 266 tpm. C, Price/Performance 4. 48 $/tpm. C (USD), Availability Date of 07/15/05 from www. tpc. org on January 20, 2006 11 NEW! • IBM Director for comprehensive systems management [Standard] • Advanced POWER Virtualization for improved utilization [Optional] © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Want to keep your data safe and your staff productive? Buy a System p 5 designed with reliability, availability, serviceability and security features that have made IBM a trusted system vendor for decades! System p 5 is designed to automatically. . . § Prevent errors from disrupting application availability I § Should a failure occur -- keep running after application interruption § Redundant power supply § ECC for memory and data paths § Initiate a repair and call for service § Less time applying security updates and handling security breaches § Designed to provide uptime without ‘blue screens of death’ 12 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Express models are easy to buy, install & own With a 3 -year warranty* and your choice of. . . AIX 5 L™ Editions for UNIX® operating system users Open. Power™ Editions for Linux™ operating system users I Or your choice of configurations to run both AIX 5 L and Linux simultaneously on a single system in separate, secure partitions** Like all IBM Express portfolio offerings, they. . . § Enable you to integrate from end-to-end § Are highly scalable and flexible § And, empower you to be more responsive to business demands *Does not apply to IBM Intelli. Station® POWER™ 185 and 285 Express **Does not apply to System p 5 185 Express and IBM Intelli. Station POWER 185 and 285 Express 13 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Insert joint customer reference slides here § These should be ONLY joint, referenceable clients names and/or logos for which you have permission to use publicly § Next slide can be used as the closing summary with a strong call to action I 14 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Get better business results with [solution name] on IBM System p 5! [Company name] and IBM can help with. . . § Your primary benefit #1 § Your primary benefit #2 I § Leadership performance and unique server features that enable you to do more with less than ever before to reduce your costs! § World-class support Learn more at [ideally a very strong call to action. Or a joint landing page, or list your url above this one] ibm. com/systems/p 15 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Start Today § [Territory 1 – may be geography, country or regional level] – [Your sales contact] – [IBM sales contact] § [Territory 2 – may be geography, country or regional level] – [Your sales contact] – [IBM sales contact] I § [Territory 3 – may be geography, country or regional level] – [Your sales contact] – [IBM sales contact] 16 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Special notices This document was developed for IBM offerings in the United States as of the date of publication. IBM may not make these offerings available in other countries, and the information is subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the IBM offerings available in your area. Information in this document concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of these products or other public sources. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. Send license inquires, in writing, to IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, New Castle Drive, Armonk, NY 10504 -1785 USA. All statements regarding IBM future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees either expressed or implied. All examples cited or described in this document are presented as illustrations of the manner in which some IBM products can be used and the results that may be achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual client configurations and conditions. IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit Corporation in the United States and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial and government clients. Rates are based on a client's credit rating, financing terms, offering type, equipment type and options, and may vary by country. Other restrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension or withdrawal without notice. IBM is not responsible for printing errors in this document that result in pricing or information inaccuracies. All prices shown are IBM's United States suggested list prices and are subject to change without notice; reseller prices may vary. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply. Many of the features described in this document are operating system dependent and may not be available on Linux. For more information, please check: http: //www. ibm. com/systems/p/software/whitepapers/linux_overview. html Any performance data contained in this document was determined in a controlled environment. Actual results may vary significantly and are dependent on many factors including system hardware configuration and software design and configuration. Some measurements quoted in this document may have been made on development-level systems. There is no guarantee these measurements will be the same on generallyavailable systems. Some measurements quoted in this document may have been estimated through extrapolation. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. I Revised January 19, 2006 17 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Special notices (cont. ) The following terms are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: AIX, AIX/L, AIX/L(logo), alpha. Works, AS/400, Blade. Center, Blue Gene, Blue Lightning, C Set++, CICS/6000, Cluster. Proven, CT/2, Data. Hub, Data. Joiner, DB 2, DEEP BLUE, developer. Works, Direct. Talk, Domino, DYNIX/ptx, e business(logo), e(logo)business, e(logo)server, Enterprise Storage Server, ESCON, Flash. Copy, GDDM, i 5/OS, IBM(logo), ibm. com, IBM Business Partner (logo), Informix, Intelli. Station, IQ-Link, LANStreamer, Load. Leveler, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Lotusphere, Magstar, Media. Streamer, Micro Channel, MQSeries, Net. Data, Netfinity, Net. View, Network Station, Notes, NUMA-Q, Operating System/2, Operating System/400, OS/2, OS/390, OS/400, Parallel Sysplex, Partner. Link, Partner. World, Passport Advantage, POWERparallel, Power PC 603, Power PC 604, Power. PC(logo), Power. PC 601, Predictive Failure Analysis, p. Series, PTX, ptx/ADMIN, RETAIN, RISC System/6000, RS/6000, RT Personal Computer, S/390, Scalable POWERparallel Systems, Secure. Way, Sequent, Server. Proven, Space. Ball, System/390, The Engines of e-business, THINK, Tivoli(logo), Tivoli Management Environment, Tivoli Ready(logo), TME, Total. Storage, TURBOWAYS, Visual. Age, Web. Sphere, x. Series, z/OS, z. Series. The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: Advanced Micro. Partitioning, AIX 5 L, AIX PVMe, AS/400 e, Chipkill, Chiphopper, Cloudscape, DB 2 OLAP Server, DB 2 Universal Database, DFDSM, DFSORT, ebusiness(logo), e-business on demand, e. Server, Express Middleware, Express Portfolio, Express Servers and Storage, Giga. Processor, HACMP, HACMP/6000, I 5/OS (logo), IBMLink, IBM Total. Storage Proven, IMS, Intelligent Miner, i. Series, Micro-Partitioning, NUMACenter, ON DEMAND BUSINESS logo, Open. Power, POWER, Power Architecture, Power Everywhere, Power Family, Power PC, Power. PC Architecture, Power. PC 603 e, Power. PC 604, Power. PC 750, POWER 2 Architecture, POWER 3, POWER 4+, POWER 5+, POWER 6+, Redbooks, Sequent (logo), Sequent. LINK, Server Advantage, Serve. RAID, Service Director, Smooth. Start, SP, System i 5, System p 5, System Storage, System z 9, S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server, Tivoli Enterprise, TME 10, Total. Storage Proven, Ultramedia, Video. Charger, Virtualization Engine, Visualization Data Explorer, X-Architecture, z/9. I A full list of U. S. trademarks owned by IBM may be found at: http: //www. ibm. com/legal/copytrade. shtml. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States, other countries or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. Microsoft, Windows NT and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Intel, Intel Xeon, Itanium and Pentium are registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. AMD Opteron is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. TPC-C and TPC-H are trademarks of the Transaction Performance Processing Council (TPPC). SPECint, SPECfp, SPECjbb, SPECweb, SPECj. App. Server, SPEC OMP, SPECviewperf, SPECapc, SPEChpc, SPECjvm, SPECmail, SPECimap and SPECsfs are trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp (SPEC). Net. Bench is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis Media in the United States, other countries or both. Revised January 19, 2006 Alti. Vec is a trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 18 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Notes on benchmarks and values The IBM benchmarks results shown herein were derived using particular, well configured, development-level and generally-available computer systems. Buyers should consult other sources of information to evaluate the performance of systems they are considering buying and should consider conducting application oriented testing. For additional information about the benchmarks, values and systems tested, contact your local IBM office or IBM authorized reseller or access the Web site of the benchmark consortium or benchmark vendor. IBM benchmark results can be found in the IBM System p 5, ~ p 5, p. Series, Open. Power and IBM RS/6000 Performance Report at http: //www. ibm. com/servers/systems/p/hardware/system_perf. html. All performance measurements were made with AIX or AIX 5 L operating systems unless otherwise indicated to have used Linux. For new and upgraded systems, AIX Version 4. 3 or AIX 5 L were used. All other systems used previous versions of AIX. The SPEC CPU 2000, LINPACK, and Technical Computing benchmarks were compiled using IBM's high performance C, C++, and FORTRAN compilers for AIX 5 L and Linux. For new and upgraded systems, the latest versions of these compilers were used: XL C Enterprise Edition V 7. 0 for AIX, XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V 7. 0 for AIX, XL FORTRAN Enterprise Edition V 9. 1 for AIX, XL C/C++ Advanced Edition V 7. 0 for Linux, and XL FORTRAN Advanced Edition V 9. 1 for Linux. The SPEC CPU 95 (retired in 2000) tests used preprocessors, KAP 3. 2 for FORTRAN and KAP/C 1. 4. 2 from Kuck & Associates and VAST-2 v 4. 01 X 8 from Pacific-Sierra Research. The preprocessors were purchased separately from these vendors. Other software packages like IBM ESSL for AIX, MASS for AIX and Kazushige Goto’s BLAS Library for Linux were also used in some benchmarks. I For a definition/explanation of each benchmark and the full list of detailed results, visit the Web site of the benchmark consortium or benchmark vendor. TPC http: //www. tpc. org SPEC http: //www. spec. org LINPACK http: //www. netlib. org/benchmark/performance. pdf Pro/E http: //www. proe. com GPC http: //www. spec. org/gpc Notes. Bench http: //www. notesbench. org Volano. Mark http: //www. volano. com STREAM http: //www. cs. virginia. edu/stream/ SAP http: //www. sap. com/benchmark/ Oracle Applications http: //www. oracle. com/apps_benchmark/ People. Soft - To get information on People. Soft benchmarks, contact People. Soft directly Siebel http: //www. siebel. com/crm/performance_benchmark/index. shtm Baan http: //www. ssaglobal. com Microsoft Exchange http: //www. microsoft. com/exchange/evaluation/performance/default. asp Veritest http: //www. veritest. com/clients/reports Fluent http: //www. fluent. com/software/fluent/index. htm TOP 500 Supercomputers http: //www. top 500. org/ Ideas International http: //www. ideasinternational. com/benchmark/bench. html Storage Performance Council http: //www. storageperformance. org/results 19 Revised January 19, 2006 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Notes on Performance Estimates r. Perf (Relative Performance) is an estimate of commercial processing performance relative to other IBM UNIX systems. It is derived from an IBM analytical model which uses characteristics from IBM internal workloads, TPC and SPEC benchmarks. The r. Perf model is not intended to represent any specific public benchmark results and should not be reasonably used in that way. The model simulates some of the system operations such as CPU, cache and memory. However, the model does not simulate disk or network I/O operations. r. Perf estimates are calculated based on systems with the latest levels of AIX 5 L and other pertinent software at the time of system announcement. Actual performance will vary based on I application and configuration specifics. The IBM ~ p. Series 640 is the baseline reference system and has a value of 1. 0. Although r. Perf may be used to approximate relative IBM UNIX commercial processing performance, actual system performance may vary and is dependent upon many factors including system hardware configuration and software design and configuration. All performance estimates are provided "AS IS" and no warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by IBM. Buyers should consult other sources of information, including system benchmarks, and application sizing guides to evaluate the performance of a system they are considering buying. For additional information about r. Perf, contact your local IBM office or IBM authorized reseller. Revised January 19, 2006 20 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Optionally use the following ‘revenue share slides’ in competitive server situations; delete this separator © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 IBM continues worldwide UNIX revenue share leadership . . . the ONLY platform with momentum according to the latest IDC report! I Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker 02/06 22 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 IBM continues #1 status in UNIX for North America. . . according to the latest IDC report! I Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker 02/06 23 Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker 02/06 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Optionally use the following new ‘performance slides’ for more in-depth presentations; delete this separator § NOTE: Specjbb 2005 measures the server-side performance of Java application serving in a three tier environment, focusing on the middle tier. This benchmark is applicable to many ISV applications. System p 5 and e. Server p 5 servers hold over 70 industry leading benchmarks. System p 5 resellers or your IBM contact can help locate applicable ones to your solution, based on general workload type and available industry standard benchmarks, on “Systems Sales”, search on “esbmi” © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Socket to socket: System p 5 servers lead on SPECjbb 2005 I 2 Socket IBM p 5 systems demonstrate significant performance advantage on SPECjbb 2005 when compared on equal number of sockets IBM Sun cores/chips/threading p 5 550 Q p 5+ Sun X 4200 Opteron 8/4/yes (1500 MHz) 4/2/N/A (2600 MHz) 4 Socket p 5 560 Q p 5+ 16/8/yes (1500 MHz) Sun V 40 z Opteron 4/4/N/A (2600 MHz) 8 Socket p 5 570 p 5+ 16/8/yes (2200 MHz) Sun V 890 US TM IV+ 16/8/N/A (1500 MHz) Source: http: //www. spec. org/benchmarks. html#java IBM results to be submitted to SPEC on 2/14/06; All other results as of 02/03/2006 25 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Core to core: System p 5 servers lead on SPECjbb 2005 I 2 cores IBM p 5 systems demonstrate significant performance advantage on SPECjbb 2005 when compared on equal number of cores 4 cores 8 cores 16 cores IBM cores/chips/threading p 5 510 p 5+ 2/1/yes (1900 MHz) Sun cores/chips/threading Sun X 4200 Opteron 2/2/N/A (2800 MHz) p 5 550 p 5+ 4/2/yes (1900 MHz) p 5 550 Q p 5+ 8/4/yes (1500 MHz) Sun X 4200 Opteron 4/2/N/A (2600 MHz) Sun T 2000 US TM T 1 8/1/yes (1200 MHz) p 5 570 p 5+ 16/8/yes (2200 MHz) Sun V 890 US TM IV+ 16/8/N/A (1500 MHz) Source: http: //www. spec. org/benchmarks. html#java IBM results to be submitted to SPEC on 2/14/06; All other results as of 02/03/2006 26 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Optionally use the following ‘virtualization and IBM Director slides’ for more in-depth presentations; delete this separator © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Want to lower your software, energy and space costs? Buy a System p 5 or System p 5 Express that enables you to consolidate the work you might be using many servers to accomplish today. . . and ‘VIRTUALIZE’* for optimum cost savings I IBM Shared Storage and Networking Go from 12 servers and multiple storage and networking. . . to ONE ‘virtual’ system at significantly less expense than industry standards systems! *Standard on the IBM e. Server® p 5 590 and 595. Available on all other System p 5 models, except the p 5 -185 Express. 28 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Point, click, consolidate! With our browser-based Integrated Virtualization Manager* The cost-saving benefits of IBM virtualization have never been easier or available at such a low system price!** I § Designed for consolidation on a single server § Eliminates need to purchase dedicated hardware console § Included at no additional charge with purchase of optional Advanced POWER Virtualization features or POWER Hypervisor and VIOS features. * Optional on specific IBM System p 5 , IBM e. Server p 5 and IBM e. Server Open. Power systems. ** IBM Hardware Management Console not required 29 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 Want an easier way to manage cross-platform environments? Buy a System p 5 or System p 5 Express and download IBM Director at no charge* for comprehensive systems management! Examine § Hardware Inventory § Software Inventory Analyze/Troubleshoot § Remote Session § Hardware Control Install/Update IBM Director manages and supports I. . . • All IBM systems • HP • Dell • Intel-compatible servers • AIX 5 L, Linux, Windows™ and i 5/OS® • SNMP-based devices § Software Distribution § Update Assistant Monitor/Alert/Respond § § Hardware Status Events & Log Messages Automated Responses Resource/Process Monitor *IBM Director for p. Series V 5. 10 available for free download to use in managing the following systems: IBM System p 5, IBM e. Server p. Series, IBM e. Server Open. Power, and IBM Intelli. Station POWER 275 and 285. Access download at http: //www-03. ibm. com/servers/eserver/about/virtualization/systems/pseries. html. IBM Director media can also be ordered from IBM for a nominal shipping charge. 7 30 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 [Optionally use the following ‘JS 21 slides’ if your solution is well-suited, e. g. an HPC application; delete this separator] © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Most performance for the price IBM Blade. Center JS 21 Tripling performance* with dual-core Power. PC® 970 MP! § First IBM Blade. Center server designed for newly announced 10 Gb-capable Blade. Center-H § Highest 2 -core and 4 -core RISC Linpack HPC performance** § IBM Director for comprehensive systems management [Standard] § Advanced POWER Virtualization with browser-based Integrated Virtualization Manager [Standard] I § Greater reliability and performance with SAS Hard drives, DDR 2 NEW! 2. 5 GHz Memory, and integrated PCI-Express Power. PC 970 § Differentiated solution for Alti. Vec™ optimized life & earth sciences, HPC Linux Clusters, Grid with SAP, server consolidation through virtualization, and Web. Sphere (AIX 5 L) What’s your requirement? . § High-speed, low-latency fabric such as Infini. Band™ for HPC § Blade that supports AIX 5 L for Web. Sphere or server consolidation *IBM JS 21 result submitted to SPEC as of 02/07/06. IBM Blade. Center JS 21 4 -core 2. 5 GHz SPECfp_rate 2000 result of 67. 5 vs. JS 20 2 -core result of 21. Source: http: //www. spec. org. ** http: //www. netlib. org/benchmark/performance. pdf Alti. Vec is a trademark of Freescale Semiconducter, Inc 32 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 IBM Blade. Center JS 21 takes #1 position in Linpack results I IBM Blade. Center® JS 21 Processor cores/chips/frequency Power. PC 970 MP 4 / 2500 MHz HP rx 4640 Itanium 2 4 / 1600 MHz Sun Fire E 6900 USTM IV 4 / / 1350 MHz Source: http: //www. netlib. org/benchmark/performance. pdf IBM submitted on 2/8/06; All other results as of 02/13/2006 33 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 New IBM Software licensing for Blade. Center JS 21 Systems § IBM software supports new Blade. Center JS 21 with updated licensing § Will only require 1 license entitlement for each dual core chip – Reduces the number of licenses required by 50% I § Simplifies license management for Blade. Center clients who run both x 86 and Power. PC 970 processors in the same chassis § Click for details 34 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 [Optionally use the following ‘IBM middleware slides’ if your solution can support the IBM products mentioned; delete this separator] © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Save money on IBM Software! New software offering for System p 5 Express family of ‘Q’ models § SWG intends to support the System p 5 5 X 0 Q Express announcement with a promotional offering in 2 Q 06. § Up to 50% savings on selected middleware products – Leading Web. Sphere® and DB 2® offerings – Final list and promotion details to be announced within a month § Cannot be combined with any other I System p 5 520 Q Express System p 5 550 Q Express System p 5 560 Q Express NEW! System p 5 510 Q Express NEW! SWG promotions or discounts 36 © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 [Optionally use the following ‘IBM System Storage slide’ if your solution can support any of the IBM products depicted; delete this separator] © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Want to achieve a smooth and fast implementation of your servers and storage? Buy the IBM Total. Storage® System architected and tested with IBM Systems for AIX 5 L and Linux. e. Server™ p 5 590 System p 5 185 Express System p 5 505 Express SCSI EXP 24 -SCSI System p 5 510/510 Q Express System p 5 520/520 Q Express NAS i. SCSI, NFS, CIFS, HTTP, FTP and Fibre Channel N 3700 N 5200 N 5500 38 System p 5 550/550 Q 560 Q Express System p 5 570 e. Server p 5 595 System p 5 575 I Fibre Channel Disk Midrange DS 4100 DS 4300 Turbo DS 4500 DS 4800 – 4 Gb Data Retention Interoperable DS 6800 DS 8100 DS 8300 © 2006 IBM Corporation DR 550 IBM Systems
IBM System p 5 [Optionally use the following ‘IBM Global Financing slide’ if your prospect would consider total solution financing; delete this separator] © 2006 IBM Corporation
IBM System p 5 Finance the total solution with IBM Global Financing The world’s largest provider of IT financing § Worldwide asset base of nearly US$36 billion and serve 125, 000 clients in more than 40 countries § Providing IT financing for 96 of the 100 biggest U. S. corporations § We are a primary provider of IT financing for small and midsize businesses Why Finance with IBM Global Financing? § Smarter financial decisions IBM Global Financing can help you conserve I cash, lower total cost of ownership and support your overall financial objectives § Customized to your needs § Simpler experience IBM Global Financing can help you simplify your entire financing process § Partnership across the lifecycle of your IT investments § One-stop financing IBM Global Financing offers complete financing services that help you optimize value from your investment in IBM and non-IBM IT 40 ibm. com/financing © 2006 IBM Corporation IBM Systems