Скачать презентацию I usually do shopping at the department store Скачать презентацию I usually do shopping at the department store

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I usually do shopping at the department store « Crown» . I think it I usually do shopping at the department store « Crown» . I think it is a convenient place for shopping because there is a very wide selection of goods. The large selfservice stores are brightly lit and usually well laid out. You can find everything you want in this hypermarket.

But when I need to drop into a shop , I go to the But when I need to drop into a shop , I go to the shop “Druzba” which is located near my house.

Yesterday , my mum asked me to go to the shop and buy some Yesterday , my mum asked me to go to the shop and buy some foodstuffs. Before I went to the shop, we had made a shopping list to forget nothing. 1) a kilo of cucumbers 2) four apples 3) a half kilo smoked sausage 4) a jar of instant coffee 5) a bread 6) a box of chocolate

I went to the shop “Druzba”. Firstly, I took a trolley and walked around I went to the shop “Druzba”. Firstly, I took a trolley and walked around putting the goods I needed. I went to the greengrocery and bought a kilo of cucumbers and four apples. Then I went to the meat department and bought smoked sausage. I bought a bread at the bakery. At the end, I went to the confectionary and bought a box of chocolate and a jar of coffee.

When I finished my shopping I joined the queue at the check-out. The cashier When I finished my shopping I joined the queue at the check-out. The cashier checked the prices on the items and rang them up on the cash register. Then, she told me the total and I paid cash and the cashier gave me a receipt. I put my purchases in a plastic carrier bag and went home.

Prepared by Natasha Parmonik, a student of MFL-12 Prepared by Natasha Parmonik, a student of MFL-12