- Количество слайдов: 24
I. Israel becomes a state • When WWII ends the population of Palestine is ~70% Arab – Want to become an independent state • The Holocaust creates a global outpouring of sympathy for Jews – Desire to help create a homeland – Arabs are fine with that, but don’t want to be displaced for it
• GB can’t negotiate a deal between the groups – Turns it over to the UN • The UN divides Palestine into 4 parts in 1947 – 2 Arab areas, 1 Jewish area, and Jerusalem would be under UN control – Israel declares itself an independent state in 1948
II. War of Independence • Arabs felt that they’d been cheated – Israel had been given the land with best resources/water – Given control of important cities • Arab nations declared war on Israel • Fighting lasted several months – Israel won and greatly expanded its territory
III. Palestine doesn’t become a state (Al-Nakba/The Catastrophe) • The UN plan included the creation of an independent Palestine • After the war Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip and Jordan took control of the West Bank • Thousands of Palestinians fled the areas of fighting – Ended up in refugee camps near borders
Israel: 1947 & Israel: 1949
Palestinian Refugees Palestinian Diaspora
IV. Suez Crisis • Egypt had a corrupt king who allowed foreign investors a lot of power – Was overthrown in a military coup in 1952 • Gamal Abdel Nasser emerges as a new leader – In 1956 he nationalized the Suez Canal – The British and French were angry; arranged an attack with Israel
Suez Crisis (1956) Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt
• After just 10 days of fighting the Israeli army defeated the Egyptians – France and Britain reclaimed control of the canal – The UN condemned this action as bullyish – France, Britain and Israel were pressured to step down
V. The Six Day War • The Cold War established alliances – The US with Israel; USSR with Arab states • In 1967 Egypt was preparing to confront Israel with Soviet support – Surprised when Israel attacks first • Attacked Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria with lightening speed and success – Israel took control of several areas to protect itself from future attack • Included West Bank and Jerusalem
Six-Day War (1967)
VI. Palestinian Resistance • To secure control over these new territories, Israel began building settlements • Palestinians resented this physical presence • The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began a guerrilla/terrorist campaign against Israel
Palestine Liberation Organization Yasir Arafat
VII. Yom Kippur War • Nasser died in 1973 and was succeeded by Anwar Sadat • Led a joint attack with Syria on Israel on Yom Kippur – Plan was to take as much land as possible to force them to negotiate – Caught Israel by surprise and regained some lost territory – Israelis launched a more successful counter attack and took a little back
Yom-Kippur War (Oct. , 1973)
VIII. Attempts at Peace • 1979 Camp David Peace Summit – US invited representatives from Egypt and Israel to discuss peace – Hammered out the problems that had plagued the two countries for 30 years – Took 13 days of tough negotiations – Israel will return the Sinai Peninsula in exchange Egypt will formally recognize the state of Israel – Many Arabs resented Sadat’s move toward Israel • He was assassinated 2 years later
Camp David Accords (1979) President Anwar Sadat of Egypt President Jimmy Carter of the U. S. Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel
Camp David Accords (1979)
IX. Intifada • “Shaking off” or “Uprising” • Mass Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule in the Palestinian territories – Largely West Bank and Gaza Strip • Israeli response was to send in the military
Palestinian Intifada-Part I (1987 -1993)
• By: Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY