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I Have a Right to Elect a Local Government Course: Law, Politics and Society I Have a Right to Elect a Local Government Course: Law, Politics and Society Tutor: Professor Trochev Presentor: Alisher Tolepbergen Nazarbayev University, 2012

v “Everyone has a right to life, liberty and security of person” (UNDHR, article v “Everyone has a right to life, liberty and security of person” (UNDHR, article 3). v Liberal, democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms (KZ Constitution, article 1). v REALLY?

What people want? v Security President obedience appointment Akims ? ? NO TIE People What people want? v Security President obedience appointment Akims ? ? NO TIE People v Prosperity v Development v Stability v Equal opportunities v Better life However, how to achieve people interests be represented?

v “ The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority v “ The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures” (UNUDHR, article 21 (3)). v “Citizens of the Republic shall have the right to elect and be elected to state and local governments, as well as to participate in the national referendum” (KZ Constitution, article 33 (2)).

What do others think of this right? v 7 people of different age and What do others think of this right? v 7 people of different age and gender were interviewed. Ø 1. Female, citizen of KZ. Did not talk about the right itself, but how the system should look like. “People assist, but the final decision left to president”. Ø 2. Two guys of age 20. Had more radical view. “President should appoint akims. He knows politics better than people do. If hold elections, people would choose a clown. ” Ø 3. Woman of the Soviet time. Totally agreed with my position. Ø 4. Girl of age 20. Had the same view. Added: “local people do not even know the future akim and his policy program. Moreover, these appointed akims usually do not know the specificity of a city and its problems, are not familiar with local values and norms. In addition, akims are replaced very often, which is not going to lead to a sustainable development of a region. ”

What do others think of this right? Ø 5. Foreigner. Agreed with my position. What do others think of this right? Ø 5. Foreigner. Agreed with my position. “An elected akim would have to perform duties and obligations in order to stay for a long. It would give akims’ motivation to transparent, to perform their job well and to focus on demands of local people. ” Ø 6. Foreigner. The same as the previous one. However, pointed out some negative sides. “Bribing in order to gain a seat, or the possibility of representing interests of a particular group” Results of my online poll: Should akims be elected by people or be appointed by president? Comments were tolerated. http: //vk. com/id 42248763? w=poll 42248763_2342 57 respondents: 46 voted for elections (80, 7%), 11 voted for the current system (19, 3%) However, only 4 comments: 3 of them by proponents of the current system. Maybe, others fear something or are not interested?

How to realize this right? What duties others have to perform? v Government: Promote How to realize this right? What duties others have to perform? v Government: Promote more liberal policies. Reform domestic politics and allow citizens to elect akims on their own. v People: Duty? How to persuade them? How to change their minds? Ø Social engineering: 1. Your voice matters 2. Find out what is going on 3. Comparative methods

Possible resistance I may face v The Central Government: q Free elections of akims Possible resistance I may face v The Central Government: q Free elections of akims might represent a threat? Ø On average, one akim - 3 years. Ø Akims have been constantly rotated, on average, 5 times. v WHY? Have you thought about it? (Source: Junisbai, B. , 2010. A Tale of Tow Kazakhstans. p. 257)

Possible resistance I may face v Other People: Ø Do not want changes because Possible resistance I may face v Other People: Ø Do not want changes because fear possible instabilities. Ø Conservatives: Usually people of the Soviet time. Ø Those who benefit from the current system.

What should be done to overcome this problem? v Social engineering through civic education What should be done to overcome this problem? v Social engineering through civic education v Self-consciousness

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