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i Grid 2 ooo Empowering Global Research Community Networking www. startap. net/igrid 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago and Indiana University in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Keio University INET 2000, July 18 -21, 2000, Yokohama, Japan, www. isoc. org/inet 2000 Maxine Brown Electronic Visualization Laboratory University of Illinois at Chicago maxine@uic. edu University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid: The International Grid Goal: To showcase the evolution and importance of global research community networking Scenes from i. Grid 2000: http: //www. startap. net/igrid 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid: The International Grid • i. Grid highlights achievements in grid architecture development and application advancements in science, engineering, cultural heritage, distance education, media communications, and art and architecture • 24 demonstrations featuring technical innovations and application advancements requiring tele-immersion, large datasets, distributed computing, remote instrumentation, collaboration, human/computer interfaces, streaming media, digital video and high-definition television • 14 regions: Canada, CERN, Germany, Greece, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, USA University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 CERN and the USA Distributed Particle Physics Research • California Institute of Technology, USA, USA • CERN This application demonstrates remote viewing and analysis of particle physics events. The application is the front end to an engineered object-oriented global system that incorporates grid middleware for authentication and resource discovery, a distributed object database containing several terabytes of simulated events, and a component that enables queries issued by the front-end application to be matched to available computing resources in the system (matchmaking service). http: //pcbunn. cacr. caltech. edu http: //vrvs. cern. ch University of Illinois at Chicago http: //iguana. web. cern. ch/iguana/ http: //cmsdoc. cern. ch/orca
i. Grid 2000 Germany and Singapore Media. Zine A Combination of Television, WWW, Telecommunications and 3 D Computer Graphics • • Fraunhofer Institute Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD), Germany Centre for Advanced Media Technology (CAM Tech), Singapore An interactive multimedia magazine, including text, images, live-audio, livevideo, animations, 3 D computer graphics and embedded electronic commerce and communication functions. www. igd. fhg. de/igd-a 9/research/cve/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR i. Grid 2000 Germany and the USA Online Monitoring and Steering of Remote Black Hole Simulations • • • Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Germany Konrad-Zuse- Zentrum für Informationstechnik Germany Argonne National Labs, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, USA, NCSA, USA A demonstration of several remote monitoring, steering, and visualization tools for Remote Black Hole Simulations and Remote Visualization of Large-Scale Datasets. www. zib. de/visual/igrid/ www. cactuscode. org http: //amira. zib. de University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Germany, USA, Japan and UK Distributed Simulation Analysis • • • Sandia National Laboratories, USA High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany Thanks to the Computer Services for Academic Research Centre (Manchester, UK), the Centre of Virtual Environments at University of Salford (UK), Tsukuba Advanced Computing Center (Japan) and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (USA) for additional supercomputing resources. This application emphasizes distributed parallel supercomputing and a collaborative virtual-reality computation steering environment applied to Grand Challenge problems. www. cs. sandia. gov/ilab www. hlrs. de www. cs. sandia. gov/ilab/news/Super. Comp 98/i. Grid/index. htm www. hlrs. de/news/events/2000/i. Grid/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Greece and the USA Shared Miletus • • Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Foundation for the Hellenic World, Greece Thanks to UIC for providing computing and networking resources. This Cultural Heritage demonstration takes visitors on a shared virtual voyage through the ancient Greek city of Miletus as it existed 2000 years ago. www. evl. uic. edu/pape/projects/i. Grid-Miletus/ www. fhw. gr http: //fhw. aec. at University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Japan Digital Cinema 2000: Super High Definition Digital Movie Communication System • NTT, Japan NTT’s digital movie system using SHD images transmits extra-high-quality, digital, fullcolor movies of 2048 x 2048 pixel resolution at 24 or 60 Hz using 155/622 Mbps ATM transmission systems. www. onlab. ntt. co. jp/en/mn/shd University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Japan Haptic Collaboration in a Networked Virtual Environment • • Gifu MVL Research Center, Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), Japan University of Tokyo, Japan A demonstration of wearable haptic gear (touch and force) communication, as well as visual communication, between the CAVE at i. Grid 2000 and CABIN at the University of Tokyo. www. cyber. rcast. u-tokyo. ac. jp/mvl 2/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR i. Grid 2000 Japan Plate Window Manager (PWM): 2 D Window Manipulation System in a Virtual 3 D World • • Gifu MVL Research Center, Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan , Japan University of Tokyo, Japan PWM accesses traditional 2 D window systems and applications, such as web browsers, in a 3 D virtual world with a virtual mouse. www. gifumvl. tao. go. jp/pwm/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Japan Video Avatar Communication in a Networked Virtual Environment • • • MVL Research Center, Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), Japan University of Tokyo, Japan Gifu Technoplaza Video avatars communicate among the CAVE at i. Grid 2000, CABIN at the University of Tokyo and COSMOS at the Gifu Technoplaza. http: //green. iml. u-tokyo. ac. jp/mvl/avatar/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Japan and the USA Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality • • Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA Advanced Technology Center, University of Missouri, USA University of Tokyo, Japan Telecommunications Advancement Organization (TAO), Japan NTT, Japan Nippon Hosou Kyokai (NHK), Japan English Department, UIC, USA Using Cultural Heritage as an application driver, the goal of the Networked Virtual Environments Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research (N*VECTOR) project is to link EVL’s CAVE and Tokyo’s CABIN in order to better understand the requirements of multiple media flows among sophisticated virtual-reality displays over great distances. www. evl. uic. edu/cavern/lara University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Japan and the USA Data and Information Access Link (DIAL) • • NASA ESDIS/RITSS, USA NASA GSFC, USA NASDA, Japan National Space Development Agency (NASDA)/RESTEC, Japan • DIAL is a web-based distributed system to Jeff Smith, NASA EOS, USA search, access and visualize satellite remote sensing data for Global Change research. In collaboration with NASDA and other institutions, NASA has DIAL servers set up to distribute satellite remote sensing data. NASA and NASDA also collaborate on the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM); 3 D data is transferred from NASA to NASDA using Trans. PAC/APAN, processed and visualized for the web. http: //dial. gsfc. nasa. gov http: //dial. eoc. nasda. go. jp University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Japan and USA High Speed Networking with Subaru Telescope in Hawaii • • • University of Tokyo, Japan National Astronomical Observatory of Japan University of Hawaii APAN/KDD Laboratories AT&T The Subaru Telescope in Hawaii is connected via a high-speed link to the INET 2000/ i. Grid 2000 conference site in Yokohama, and highdefinition astronomical images are quickly retrieved and downloaded. Real-time interactive classes and discussions with researchers also take place between Hawaii and Yokohama using high-quality multimedia communication tools. www. naoj. org University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Japan and the USA Advanced Networking for Telemicroscopy • • • National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research , UCSD, USA SDSC, USA Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka Univ. , Japan NLANR, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Two online telemicroscopy systems, one at NCMIR and one at Osaka, use international research networks to provide interactive, remote control of high power microscopes. www. npaci. edu/online/v 3. 10/telemicroscopy. html www-ncmir. ucsd. edu/ www. uhvem. osaka-u. ac. jp/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 The Netherlands and USA ALIVE: Architectural Linked Immersive Environment • • Academic Computing Services Amsterdam (SARA), The Netherlands Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA ALIVE is used to evaluate the usability of collaborative virtual reality for architectural design. The ALIVE project started February 1999 at SARA in cooperation with EVL and OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture). In February 1998, Rem Koolhaas won the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation International Design Competition for the new Campus Center at Illinois Institute of Technology’s historic Mies van der Rohe campus www. sara. nl www. archfonds. nl www. iit. edu/departments/pr/masterplan/mccortribucamcen. html University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Singapore Human Anatomy Lecture-on-Demand • National University of Singapore The NUS Integrated Virtual Learning Environment enables staff and students to communicate, exchange information, discuss and access custom learning materials and course-related web sites. “Lecture-on-Demand” (Lo. D) delivery makes students assume more responsibility, and provides greater flexibility, in learning. A prototype anatomy Lo. D, “The Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Canal, ” is demonstrated. www. cit. nus. edu. sg/proj. htm http: //ivle. nus. edu. sg University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Singapore and the USA Cyber. CAD: Internet Distributed Interactive Collaborative Design • • • Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore National University of Singapore Indiana University, USA Cyber. CAD software has a controllerobserver architecture to support reliable point-to-point synchronous portable Collaborative Computer Aided Design (COCAD). It allows geographically dispersed designers to work and communicate together synchronously on 3 D design models, regardless of platform. http: //gdm. tp. edu. sg http: //ils. tp. edu. sg/apan/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR i. Grid 2000 Sweden and USA Steering and Visualization of a Finite-Difference Code on a Computational Grid • • Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden University of Houston, USA This application enables computational steering of electromagnetic simulations across distributed resources using interactive visualization in a virtual-reality environment. www. nada. kth. se/~erike/progress University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 Taiwan and Germany A Virtual GIS-Based 3 D Hydrodynamic Model of Tamshui River • • National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany Due to the dense population and rapid economic development of the Tamshui River, the largest estuarine system of the island, Taiwan is studying the river’s hydrodynamic and water quality. Dirty water, air, soil and mudslides pose a threat to public health, causing deaths and property losses during the seasons of typhoon and heavy rain. Teleimmersion tools enable researchers to visualize and analyze the computed results. http: //140. 110. 59. 157/Tamshui/ www. nchc. gov. tw/RESEARCH/taiger/Welcome. html www. bauinf. tu-cottbus. de/taiger University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 USA Access Grid • Argonne National Laboratory, USA The Access Grid is the ensemble of resources used to support group-to-group human interaction across the grid. It consists of large-format multimedia projective displays, presentation and interactive software environments, interfaces to grid middleware, and interfaces to remote visualization environments. The Access Grid is designed to support large-scale distributed meetings, collaborative teamwork sessions, seminars, lectures, tutorials and training. www. mcs. anl. gov/fl/accessgrid University of Illinois at Chicago
VR i. Grid 2000 USA Argus: Controlling Real. Time Imaging Sensors from a Virtual Environment • • • Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA ECE, UIUC, USA Computer Science, UIUC, USA This project streams 2 D and 3 D images from Argus, a room surrounded with cameras, into the CAVE using Crumbs volumetric rendering software. The project explores tradeoffs between sending 3 D data volumes versus lowbandwidth, low-latency stereo pairs. This demonstration showcases how parallel video acquisition lends itself to viewing 3 D scenes in different time zones. www. phs. uiuc. edu/Projects/Argus/ http: //mayflower. isl. uiuc. edu/big. projects. crumbs. html University of Illinois at Chicago Argus consists of 64 optical cameras imaging a 14 -foot diameter, 8 -foot tall cylindrical volume. A 32 node Beowulf Linux cluster controls the camera array and performs image-processing algorithms. Argus delivers two kinds of data: full 3 D data volumes (128 points per side; 2 -8 volumes per second) and stereo image pairs for any viewpoint in the cylindrical volume.
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 USA Blue Window Pane II • Indiana University, USA Special thanks to the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Blue Window Pane II is a networked environment that explores communication building through whimsical characters, conceptual landscapes and sound-activated graphics. Using art as a communication tool for shared connectivity, participants collaborate in a world of dreams, dilemmas and reflections. http: //dolinsky. fa. indiana. edu/bwp/ University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 USA TIDE: The Tele-Immersive Data Explorer • • Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA National Center for Data Mining, University of Illinois at Chicago TIDE is a CAVERNsoft-based collaborative, immersive environment for querying and visualizing data from massive and distributed datastores. www. evl. uic. edu/cavern www. ncdm. uic. edu University of Illinois at Chicago
VR Tele. Immersive i. Grid 2000 USA Tele-immersive Image Based Rendering • • Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA The Collaborative Image Based Rendering Viewer (CIBR View) is a CAVERNsoft-based tool for viewing animated sequences of image-based renderings from volume data. CIBR View was designed to allow DOE scientists to view volume renderings composed of 2 D image slices. www. evl. uic. edu/cavern/cibr University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, Sweden, CERN, Spain, Mexico, Korea Gi. DVN: Global Internet Digital Video Network • • • Digital Video Working Group, Coordinating Committee for International Research Networks CERN, Switzerland APAN, Japan; KDD, Japan APAN-KR, Korea; Seoul National University, Korea SURFnet, The Netherlands DFSCA-UNAM, Mexico Sing. AREN, Singapore Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Int’l Center for Advanced Internet Research (i. CAIR), Northwestern, USA Gi. DVN projects are enhancing media capabilities for the next-generation Internet, enabling new applications to interoperate throughout the world. www. icair. org/inet 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid 2000 Of course, wherever they collaborate… They connect to Yokohama, Japan, too! University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid Committees • • i. Grid Co-Chairs and Organizing Institutions – Tomonori Aoyama, The University of Tokyo, Japan – Tom De. Fanti, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA – Jun Murai, Keio University/WIDE Project, Japan – Michael A. Mc. Robbie, Indiana University, USA i. Grid Executive Management Team – Maxine Brown, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA – Hiroshi Esaki, The University of Tokyo, Japan i. Grid 2000 Supporters – Japan Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPT) – Japan Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) – Foundation for Multi. Media Communications (FMMC), Japan i. Grid 2000 Co-Organizing Institutions – Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) – Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), Japan University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid Committees, continued… • i. Grid 2000 Organizing Committee Affiliations – – – – – – Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Indiana University Pacific Interface, Inc. Argonne National Laboratory APAN, Japan AT&T Japan/ Concert Japan Communications Research Laboratory, Japan Concert USA Gemini Project, USA Internet 2, USA Keio University/WIDE Project, Japan NAIST/WIDE Project, Japan Nissho Electronics Corporation, Japan NTT, Japan Osaka University, Japan Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) University of Chicago, USA University of Hawaii, USA University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute, USA The University of Tokyo, Japan VRCO University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid Committees, continued… • i. Grid 2000 Contributors – – – – – American Power Conversion Japan Corp. APAN/Trans. PAC Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure (APII) AT&T Cisco Systems K. K. Cisco Systems, Inc. Concert Foundary Networks, Inc. / Mitsui & Co. , Ltd. Gemini Project Hitachi, Ltd. IBM Indiana University Keio University KDD Litton Network Access Systems MKOCN (Mauna Kea Observatories Communication Network) MPT Japan Gigabit Network University of Illinois at Chicago
i. Grid Committees, continued… • i. Grid 2000 Contributors, continued… – – – – – National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Subaru Telescope) Nissho Electronics Corporation NTT Communications Corp. Osaka University PNJ Communications, Inc. Settsu Metal Industrial Co. , Ltd. SGI Japan Singapore Advanced Research & Education Network (Sing. AREN) Sony Marketing (Japan), Inc. STAR TAP Sumitomo Corp. Time Warner Telecommunications, Hawaii, USA Tokyo Telecommunication Network Co. , Inc. University of Hawaii University of Illinois at Chicago The University of Tokyo University of Washington WIDE Project Wire One Technologies, Inc. University of Illinois at Chicago
For More Information www. startap. net/igrid 2000 University of Illinois at Chicago