I got here from the link in the email. I am in Firefox.
I chose “Replacement Certificate” on the left.
I decided to switch to MS Internet Explorer.
Note the different choices for Cryptographic Provide, not seen in Firefox.
I chose the recommended Cryptographic provider.
Confirmation boxes as I get my renewed certificate.
I may have succeeded in getting a renewed certificate, but I first have to deal with this error box.
I have dealt with the error box and am told my renewa certificate has been issued.
I am now going to check on the certificates that I have.
I have two DOE grid certificates and one KCA certificate. The expiration dates are given.
I am now going to try to export the renewed DOE grid certificate and later import it into Firefox. Note that I’ve chosen the wrong one.
Something is wrong, since I don’t seem to be able to export the private key.
These are the format choices that I am offered. I thought I would be given the. pfx choice, but it isn’t available.
I back up and view the two DOE grid certificates. Both have the same certificate number.
This time I have chosen the right one for the export.
Now I have the option of exporting the private key.
This time I am offered the. pfx format (and not the others).
I have to specify the filename and location.
I am successful at doing the export.
I begin the import of the DOE grid certificate into Firefox.
I didn’t notice that the renewed DOE grid certificate is already available in Firefox. MSIE uses the Windows “MY” Certificate Store and Firefox seems to know to look there for certificates. My older DOE grid certificate is in the local store (“Software Security Device”); to use that one I always had to provide a password to access the store area (it was my choice to password protect it). Last year I might have done the renewal with Firefox and that would explain why the older DOE grid certificate is in the “Software Security Device”.
I proceed with the import. I say where to find the file and then give the passwords.
This is after the import and shows both DOE grid certificates present. But the renewed one is not in the “Software Security Device”, so I’m guessing that Firefox realized that the import wasn’t necessary.
I am now testing the use of the renewal certificate by going to the NOv. A Doc. DB from Firefox.
I could still choose the older DOE grid certificate to access the NOv. A Doc. DB—until it expires. I won’t delete it until after several uses of the new one.