I could get my school was

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  • Размер: 1.9 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 8

Описание презентации I could get my school was по слайдам

 I could get my school was interesting and fun.  I could get my school I could get my school was interesting and fun. I could get my school was the best and intellectual. Important for self-development of the doctrine lessons and listen to teachers.

 School building three-story building painted in colors of rainbow in gothic  style with spacious School building three-story building painted in colors of rainbow in gothic style with spacious classrooms and recreation areas and convenient toilets and flowers and with large colorful desks. School yard great there are two large swimming pools. Around the pool a lot of colorful flowers and a large dining room.

 Students go to school six times a week.  They have two lessons a day Students go to school six times a week. They have two lessons a day they have tours twice a week

 After school activities Play computers games and tennis.  Play football Play basketball swim After school activities Play computers games and tennis. Play football Play basketball swim

 my teacher is named Putin he leads therapy My dream teacher can stand at the my teacher is named Putin he leads therapy My dream teacher can stand at the top of the legs Teachers are good professionals, they know subject and how to teach. They clearly explain everything

 Free fast wi-f 4 G ZOO,  Smart boards Tablet computers Library  Well-equipped labs Free fast wi-f 4 G ZOO, Smart boards Tablet computers Library Well-equipped labs TVs and computers game

 Cozy Friendly Calm Students and teachers feel comfortable Comfortably quietly Cozy Friendly Calm Students and teachers feel comfortable Comfortably quietly