I am a student of Mari state university. Has arrived in 2012 year on a speciality of the mathematician
The university is formed in 1972. Is the winner of competition of "100 best high schools of Russia" and "the rector of year" 2009
The Mari state university includes 6 institutes (agrariantechnological; finno-ugrovedenija; economy, management and the finance; institute of open formation and information systems; pedagogics and psychology institute; institute of improvement of professional skill and retraining of personnel)
Also includes 10 faculties (istorikophilological; physical and mathematical; biologo-chemical; the electropower; the legal; the international relations; physical training, sports and tourism; culture and arts; technology and vocational training; foreign languages)
When I arrived, handed in statements in institute of open formation and information systems, in physical and mathematical faculty and as in technology and vocational training faculty
At school when I passed examinations thought where to go to study. I long chose between Mari state university and Volga region state technical university
As a result I have chosen and have arrived in physical and mathematical faculty of Mari state university
To study at university in me to like. I do not regret volume that have arrived here
Teachers here good also try to concern with understanding students. Some teachers even go on a meeting to students at a passing examinations
We are bachelors and we should study 4 years and then, at desire to continue training in a magistracy
If my training is good to proceed that I plan to continue training in a magistracy