- Количество слайдов: 59
I-690 over Teall Avenue and Beech Street Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) PIN 3506. 41, Contract No. D 900035 Draft Request for Proposals Informational Meeting August 8, 2016 1
2 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Rules of Contact Bill Howe Attn: I-690 over Teall Ave. & Beech St. Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York 12232 Bill. Howe@dot. ny. gov
3 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41, D 900035 ) Agenda Project Overview Department’s Goals & Project Requirements Scope of Work Status of ROW and Utilities General Contract Information Alternative Technical Concepts Procurement Schedule One-on-One Meetings RFP Content Quality Control & Quality Assurance Evaluation and Selection Additional Information and Submission Guidelines Questions and Answers
4 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) General Location Interstate I-690 Interstate Route I-690 From Lodi to Peat Street BIN 1051149 - I-690 Bridge over Teall Avenue BIN 1051139 -I-690 Bridge over Beech Street From Burnet Avenue to Lynch Street City of Syracuse Length – 0. 83 miles RM 690133012035 to RM 690133012044
5 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) General Location Study Area Limits
6 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) BIN 1051149 - I-690 over Teall Avenue Ø Existing Structure: Single Span Multi-girder with a composite deck, 77’ long. Ø Interstate I-690– Rural Principal Arterial, AADT 86, 622 : Speed Limit 55 MPH. Ø Existing Structure includes 6 - 12’ lanes (3 in each direction) with 10’ wide right shoulders and 4’ wide left shoulders. Ø Teall Avenue consists of two 11’ travel lanes, 10 ‘ wide turn lanes 1’ or less curb offsets. Ø No separate Bike accommodations – bicyclists may use shoulders Ø Teall Avenue Pedestrians are accommodated on sidewalks Ø Street lighting is located on poles on both sides of I-690 and on utility poles on Teall Avenue.
7 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) BIN 1051139 - I-690 over Beech Street Ø Existing Structure: 15 spans, 1524’ long Ø Interstate I-690– Rural Principal Arterial, AADT 86, 622 : Speed Limit 55 MPH Ø There are 3 travel lanes in each direction on I-690 with a minimum lane width of 12’. In the EB direction there is a deceleration lane which varies from 0’ to 22’ and exits Teall Avenue. An acceleration in the WB direction joins at span 15 which varies from 22’ to 0’ Ø No separate Bike accommodations on Beech Street– bicyclists may use shoulders. Ø Pedestrians on Beech Street are accommodated on sidewalks Ø On I-690 the street lighting is on both sides of the highway. Ø On Beech Street the street lighting is on the utility poles.
8 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Goals (A)Ensure the long-term vitality of the structures and roadways by: 1) Providing sufficient strength and stability compliant with current engineering design standards. 2) Providing for durable structures to survive extreme manmade events, including blasts, fires, vehicular overloads and vehicular accidents. 3) Providing for serviceable structures with components having a minimum service lives as described in RFP, Part 3, Section 1. 3. 4) Providing for improved traffic operations on structures and roadways and at intersections. (B) Ensure the safety of the traveling public;
9 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Goals (continued) (C) Maximize the impact of the public investment project by: 1)Providing cost-effective solutions that maximizes value over the life of the Bridges, Roadways; and Intersections; 2) Sequencing construction to minimize effects on vehicular traffic operations; 3) Reducing future maintenance requirements; 4) Minimizing effects on residential neighborhoods and business communities; and 5)Minimizing impacts on the environment. (D)Deliver the Project safely, on schedule and within budget. (E) Ensure coordination with utility owners, third parties, the surrounding residential community, Project stakeholders and any adjacent construction projects.
10 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Goals (continued) (F) Ensure the Project is compliant with the project’s environmental commitments and conditions. (G) Provide best value to the Department.
Region 3 Bridge Replacements(Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) For BIN 1051149 (I-690 over Teall Avenue) and BIN 1051139(I-690 over Beech Street) Scope of work Ü Demolish the I-690 bridge over Teall Avenue; Ü Construct a new I-690 structure over Teall Avenue; Ü Widen and re-align exit and entrance ramps at Teall Avenue to address operational and safety needs; Ü Widen I-690 to provide standard acceleration and deceleration lanes; Ü Reconstruct the Teall Avenue intersection with Canal Street and the adjacent connecting roadways/highways to address safety and operational needs (LOS improvements). 11
12 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41, D 900035) For BIN 1051149 (I-690 over Teall Avenue) and BIN 1051139(I-690 over Beech Street) Scope of work(continued) Ü Demolish the I-690 bridge over Beech Street. Ü Construct a new I-690 structure over Beech Street. Ü Establish the Beech Street bridge approaches and adjacent I 690 to three lanes in each direction with standard width shoulders and medians. Eliminate the non-standard sight distance along I-690 over the viaduct.
13 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Right-of-Way Plans showing the existing State owned Right-of-Way (ROW) are included in the Reference Documents. Ü The Design-Builder shall perform all the permanent Project Work within the existing State owned ROW and any additional ROW that has been, or will be, obtained for the Project. Ü All ROW has not yet been acquired (see Part 7 – Engineering Data for table of anticipated ROW availability). Ü Maps for any Right-of-Way that is in the process of being obtained or has been obtained specifically for this Project are included in Part 7 – Engineering Data of these Contract Documents. Ü
14 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Right-of-Way Ü There are twenty-two (22) strip acquisitions and three (3) relocations required for this Project. The relocations are described below: (1) A large retail/warehouse building of 11, 008 square feet. Owner is 828 Burnet Avenue, LLC and the tenant is Johnstone Supply (a subsidiary of the owner). Johnstone Supply is a supplier of HVAC components. Anticipated availability of this property no later than June 30, 2017. (2) A small one story office building of 868 sf and detached garage/shed of 3, 568 sf. Owner is Ross Brothers Properties, LLC and the tenant is Environmental Paving Solutions, LLC (a subsidiary of the owner).
15 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Right-of-Way continued- Environmental Paving Solutions is a contractor that works mainly off site, with their office and materials on site. Anticipated availability of this property no later than June 30, 2017. 3) A 1. 5 acre vacant lot. Owner is Ross Brothers Properties, LLC. Ross Brothers Properties uses this lot to store construction materials. Anticipated availability of this property no later than June 30, 2017.
16 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Right-of-Way Ü Property releases for driveway reconnections or other work that is required are the responsibility of the Design-Builder, in close coordination with the Construction Quality Assurance Engineer. Ü Right of ownership of all ROW and the improvements made thereon by the Design-Builder shall remain at all times with the Department. The Design-Builder’s right to entry and use of the ROW arises solely from permission granted by the Department under the Contract.
17 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Hazardous Waste / Contaminated Materials Site Investigation Ü Boring Location Map
18 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Hazardous Waste / Contaminated Materials Site Investigation Ü BORING NO. B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 Boring Location Description ESTIMATED EXCAVATION DEPTH (FT) PROPOSED FEATURE Retaining Wall 4 Subsurface Stormwater Infiltration Basin 7 Bridge Abutment 6 Retaining Wall and Storm Sewer 8 Lightweight Fill 4 BORING NO. B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 PROPOSED FEATURE Bridge Abutment Retaining Wall Contingency Contingency ESTIMATED EXCAVATION DEPTH (FT) 6 6 6 4 4 NA NA NA
19 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities In accordance with Part 4 – Utility Requirements, the Design-Builder is responsible for: q Verifying utility facility locations q Identifying and resolving any conflicts not yet documented q Coordinating with utility owners for utility relocations q Providing stakeout and final layout of utility relocations q Protecting existing utilities q Cost to repair damages to utilities caused by the Design-Builder q Informing the Department of all meetings and correspondence with utility owners
20 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities - Roadmap Two types of Utility Work to be discussed: Relocations to be performed by Others Relocations to be performed by the Design Builder
21 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities - Roadmap Relocations to be Performed by Others
22 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others q National Grid has a duct bank which Verizon, Windstream and MCI fiber optic lines run, may have to be removed and relocated as part of the work on Teall Avenue. q National Grid will need six(6) weeks notification before they start the work. National Grid will need nine(9) weeks to construct a new duct bank, four(4) weeks to relocate their electric line to the new duct bank. National Grid will need 3 weeks to complete the removal of the old duct bank after 3 weeks notification that the duct bank is empty. q After National Grid removes their lines from the old duct bank, all other utilities can remove their lines from the duct banks as well.
23 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Ü Verizon, Windstream, and MCI will relocate their fiber-optic lines from the existing National Grid duct bank to the new duct bank. Ü Verizon, Windstream, and MCI will need 60 days advance notice to notify their customers of the outage before they begin work. Ü Time frames to relocate their fiber-optic lines to the new National Grid duct bank are as follows: Windstream: 8 weeks MCI: 15 weeks Verizon: 12 weeks
24 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others q Verizon will relocate their aerial telephone line near the Canal Street and Teall Ave intersections. Also relocate two(2) Verizon utility poles and lines along the east end of Canal Street. Relocate aerial telephone lines along the west side of Teall Avenue. q Verizon will need three(3) weeks to relocate these facilities. q Verizon will also relocate up to five(5) utility poles and their telephone lines in this area as per the Design-Builders Construction Plans. q Verizon anticipates three (3) weeks to perform its work after notification from the Design-Builder.
25 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Ü Verizon underground has an existing fiber optic line that runs from a manhole at the intersection of Teall Avenue and Burnett Avenue and goes south towards I-690 and could possibly cross to the west side of the road. Subsurface utility investigation may be needed to locate this line. Ü Verizon will require 3 to 4 weeks to relocate the lines and reestablish duct work if necessary after a 30 day notification.
26 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others q Charter Communications LLC q Relocate existing aerial cable TV lines at Burnett Avenue and Teall Avenue if in conflict with the Design Builders Project Plans. Charter will also relocate fiber optic lines on Canal Street near the intersection of Teall Avenue. q Charter will require two (2) weeks notice and two (2) weeks to perform its work at each location. q National Grid Ü National Grid will relocate/replace the utility pole at north side of I-690 and on east side of Beech St. and will relocate/replace up to five (5)utility poles at or near the Burnett Ave. and Teall Ave. intersection and aerial electric.
27 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design Build project(PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Ü National Grid will need three (3) weeks to relocate these poles after three (3) weeks notification by the Design-Builder. Ü National Grid will relocate and/or replace approximately ten (10) utility poles and aerial electric lines along Teall Avenue south of I 690. National Grid will relocate/replace up to two (2) utility poles and aerial electric lines along Canal Street near the intersection with Teall Avenue. Ü National Grid will need five (5) weeks to relocate these facilities after 3(three) weeks notification by the Design-Builder.
28 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others Ü Northland Networks LLC: Northland Networks LLC will relocate/transfer impacted lines along Teall Avenue and Canal Street as determined by the Design-Build Plan. Northland Networks LLC will need approximately one month notification to begin work and will need approximately 3 weeks to complete their work. Ü New Visions will relocate and/or transfer their aerial lines at and or near the Teall Avenue/Burnet Avenue intersection should it become necessary as per the final Design-Build plans. New Visions will need three weeks to complete the work after a three week notification by the Design-Builder.
29 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design Build (PIN 3506. 41, D 900035) BIN 1051149 - I-690 over Teall Avenue and BIN 1051139 - I-690 over Beech Street Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others q National Grid- gas Ü National Grid will relocate 750 foot of 12 NPS gas main on Teall Avenue. National Grid will also relocate any portion of the 8 inch gas main along Canal Street at or near the intersection of Teall Avenue. q National Grid will need at least a 2 weeks notification from the Design Builder to begin the work and the relocation work will take 6 to 9 weeks. q National grid will not do tie-ins, relocation work or services between October 15 th and April 15 th.
30 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) BIN 1051149 - I-690 over Teall Avenue and BIN 1051139 - I-690 over Beech Street Relocations to be performed by Design Builder
31 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DB q City of Syracuse Water Department q The Design-Builder shall relocate the following water line facilities within the stipulated durations. The durations of waterline relocations include the pressure testing and chlorinating of the new waterline. The water line relocations include the construction of all appurtenances involved in the relocation work. A minimum of 24 hour notice is required via hand delivery to customers that will have temporary short term service outages resulting from the work. Location Facility Estimated Length Teall Avenue 12 inch +/- 370 LF
32 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DB The Design builder will relocate the following sanitary sewer lines on Teall Ave to the extent necessary if impacted by the project work as determined by the NYSDOT Project Manager. Owner Estimated Length City of Syracuse 12 inch sanitary +/- 1015 LF City of Syracuse 18 inch sanitary +/- 370 LF City of Syracuse Ü Facility 35 - 66’ sanitary +/- 680 LF The Design-Builder shall videotape the 30 inch combined sewer pipe located approximately 656 feet west of Beech Street and the 48 inch combined sewer pipe located approximately 660 feet west of Teall Avenue.
33 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DB The limits of the video shall be to the nearest manhole outside of the Right-of-Way on either side of the I-690, including any NYSDOT easements that may exist. The cost for the video recordings shall be included in the Contract Price. Ü The video recording will be submitted to the Department Project Manager who determines the need for repair which will be done by the design builder. Ü The cost of the repair will be paid for by force account.
34 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination Ü Three Way Coordination-Design Builder, Utility Company, and Department: q Coordination meeting will be held between the Department, all short listed firms, and the utility companies before or shortly after the Final RFP. Ü Design Builder Responsibilities: q The Design –Builder is expected to coordinate with any and all affected utility owners and the Department negotiate and execute 3 -Party Final Utility Work Agreements. The Design. Builder is responsible for participating in the negotiations and coordinating with work schedules.
35 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Utility Coordination Ü Status of Preliminary Utility Work Agreements: q Signed Preliminary Utility Work Agreements are included in the RFP Part 4, Appendix C
36 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) General Contract Information
37 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Lump Sum Design-Build Contract Best Value Selection Process (50% Price, 50% Quality) Project Completion Date shall be the earlier of: December 31, 2018 or The number of days past NTP proposed by the successful Proposer on Form SCD (ITP Appendix E) A Project Labor Agreement will be Required Escrow Submission of Bid Documents for Successful Proposer
38 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Liquidated Damages will be assessed for: Failure to achieve Project Completion by the Project Completion Date (as determined by the number of calendar days after NTP indicated in Table SCD-1 on Form SCD); and/or Failure to achieve Interim Completion Milestone date (as determined by the number of calendar days after NTP indicated in Table SCD-2 on Form SCD); and/or Each calendar day traffic is impacted, at each site, in excess of the number of Traffic Impact Days indicated in Table SCD-3 and/or for each day that traffic is impacted in excess of the Traffic Impact Duration indicated in Table SCD-3. Early Completion Bonuses will be paid if: Interim Completion Milestone is achieved in in advance of the Interim Completion Milestone Date (10 Calendar Days Maximum); and/or The actual number of Traffic Impact Days is less than the number of Traffic Impact Days proposed by the successful Proposer. I-690 EB Entrance and Exit Ramps (5 Calendar Days Maximum) I-690 WB Entrance and Exit Ramps (5 Calendar Days Maximum)
39 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Ü There is a Schedule of Prices and a Work Payment Schedule provided in the RFP. q Schedule of Prices (Form SP) Construction Work (3 Items) Design Services Construction Inspection Services Quality Control Services (Material Testing) Force Account Work ($2, 500, 000) Site Mobilization - % of Construction + Force Account (4% max) q Work Payment Schedule (Form WPS) Breakdown of Construction Work Items Input by Proposer (100% max)
40 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Contract Information Ü Ü Ü Stipend to Unsuccessful Proposers (50% of Qualified Costs, $200 K max. ) Must satisfy criteria in ITP General Instructions: q Pass all Pass/Fail Factors q Achieve at least 60 points on Quality Factors q Proposal must be competitive and reasonable q Proposal was not selected by the Department as providing the Best Value There is a Buy America Clause There is an Iran Divestment Act Clause There is a DBE Participation Goal of 12% Environmental and construction related permits by Design-Builder
41 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) ATCs Ü Alternative Technical Concepts (ATCs) are proposals from the Proposers to design and construct the Project in a manner that is different from the Contract Requirements and which: q are submitted to the Department for review, consideration and approval prior to Proposal submittal; q have significant savings in time, and/or reduction of traffic impacts, and/or community disruption, and/or project costs, and/or environmental impacts, and/or other beneficial impacts to Project parameters; and q offer, in the Department’s judgment, an equal or superior Project.
42 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) ATCs Ü Proposers may submit on a confidential basis any number of ATCs for the Department’s approval using Form ATC. Ü The proposed end product of each ATC must, in the Department’s judgment, be equal to or better than the Work product described in the Contract Documents. Ü The Department may provide ‘Conditional Approval’ of an ATC. Ü The Design-Builder is solely responsible for obtaining approvals from any local municipality, public agency or permit issuing agency for ATC concepts which would affect their facilities, operations or issued permit.
43 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Anticipated Procurement Schedule Activity Due Date Draft RFP Informational Meeting August 8, 2016 Final RFP to Shortlisted Firms August 24, 2016 Date Proposers may start submitting ATCs for review August 25, 2016 Proposal period one-on-one meetings with all Proposers, specific dates to be determined. Final date for Proposers to submit ATC’s for review September 5, 2016 to September 21, 2016 September 28, 2016 Final date for requests for changes to Proposer’s organization and personnel October 5, 2016 Final date for Department’s responses to ATCs submitted for review October 5, 2016 Final date for receipt of Proposer questions October 12, 2016 Final Date for proposers to respond to conditional approval of ATC’s October 18, 2016 Issue Date for Final Addendum and/or answers to Proposer questions October 21, 2016 Proposal Due October 28, 2016 Post Proposal meetings (if required) Selection of Best Value TBD December 2016 Contract Award January 2017 Notice to Proceed January 2017
44 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) One-On-One Meetings Ü If One-On-One Meetings are held, at least one meeting will be offered to each Proposer. Ü The Department reserves the right to disclose to all Proposers any issues raised during the meetings that may materially affect the project. Ü The Department will not disclose information pertaining to an individual Proposer’s technical concepts, proposal or ATCs. Ü Additional One-on-One Meetings may be held if required to review ATCs, or if the Department believes it is warranted.
45 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Request For Proposals (RFP) Documents Ü RFP Documents: q Instructions to Proposers q Part 1: D-B Agreement q Part 2: General Provisions, Section DB 100 and Appendices q Part 3: Project Requirements (Scope of Work) q Part 4: Utility Requirements q Part 5: Special Provisions q Part 6: RFP Plans (Directive and Indicative) q Part 7: Engineering Data q Part 8: Special Specifications (Including New DB Specifications) q Part 9: The Design-Builder’s Proposal q Part 10: RFP Addenda (If Any) Ü Reference Documents: On Department’s website (Not Part of the Contract Documents)
46 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035) Request For Proposals (RFP) Documents RFP Documents: Instructions to Proposers • General Instructions • Appendix A – Project Information • Appendix B – Administrative Submittal Requirements • Appendix C – Technical Submittal Requirements • Appendix D – Price Proposal Submittal Requirements • Appendix E – Forms • Appendix F – Conflicts of Interest Policy • Appendix G – Abbreviations and Definitions
47 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Quality Control (QC) Ü Ü Ü Ü Quality Control is the Design-Builder’s responsibility. The Design-Builder shall appoint a QC Manager responsible for QC Plans for both Design and Construction. Design QC shall be the Design-Builder’s responsibility and shall be performed in accordance with the QC Plan. The QC Plan is a living document and will be further developed and updated throughout the Project, as described in RFP Part 2. Construction Inspection shall be performed by an Independent Engineering Firm (hired by the Design-Builder). Materials Testing shall be performed by an Independent Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory (hired by the Design-Builder). Offsite Plant Quality Control will be performed by the Department.
48 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Quality Assurance (QA) Ü Ü Ü Design and Construction Quality Assurance is the Department’s responsibility. The Department may perform QA on any of the Design-Builder’s design and construction activities. The Department will establish and maintain its own staff, or utilize an independent consultant, to perform QA of the Design-Builder’s design and construction work. Offsite plant Quality Assurance will be performed by the Department. RFP Part 2 describes in detail the Department’s QA role for the Project.
49 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 RFP Evaluation and Selection Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors Legal – Financial – Administrative – DBE Compliance - Price Proposal (Bond/Conformance) Quality Evaluation Factors (50%) Design-Build Organization and Process (30 Points) Key Personnel (15 points) Overall Design-Build Team Organization (15 points) Design-Build Approach to the Project (40 points) Project Understanding (5 points) Design Solutions (25 points) Construction Approach (Means and Methods) (10 points) Schedule (30 points) CPM Schedule with Gantt Chart (10 points) Project Completion / Interim Milestones (20 points) Price (50%) Design-Builder must obtain a minimum score of 60 points on Quality Evaluation Factors
50 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix A – Revised Requirements Quality Evaluation Factors, Subfactors and Weighting Ü Design-Build Organization and Process q Key Personnel q Over-all Design-Build Team Organization Ü Design-Build Approach to the Project q Project Understanding q Design Approach q Construction Approach (Means & Methods)
51 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix A – Revised Requirements (continued) Quality Evaluation Factors, Subfactors and Weighting Ü Schedule q CPM Schedule with Gantt Chart; q Project Completion / Interim Milestones (Form SCD)
52 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix A – Revised Requirements (continued) Quality Evaluations and Proposal Format Compliance: Proposers shall comply with all formatting requirements stated in the ITP in Appendices A, B, C, and D, including page size, section length, and font size. In addition, all Proposers shall comply with the following format requirements: Ü The inside and outside surfaces of all binders, and both sides of all dividers, shall be solid and shall contain only text; no pictures, renderings or graphics shall be included. Ü All narrative pages, resumes, Initial Management Plan components and forms shall contain text only and shall contain no pictures, renderings or graphics.
53 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix A – Revised Requirements (continued) Ü Photographs, visualizations, and/or renderings, if requested in the ITP, shall not contain any text. Ü All drawings submitted as part of the Proposal shall include no narratives or text other than notes or call-outs which would typically be included on design drawings. Ü External web links are not to included anywhere in the Proposal. Ü Failure by a Proposer to follow the formatting requirements stated in the ITP will result in the particular page(s) being deleted from the Proposal before technical evaluation. A Proposal may receive a lower score as a result of any pages removed.
54 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix C – Revised Requirements Design-Builder’s Organization and Process Ü Key Personnel Ü Overall Design-Build Team Organization q Design-Build Team Organization Chart q Design-Build Team Communication Protocol q Design-Build Quality Control Plan
55 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 ITP Appendix C – Revised Requirements (continued) Design-Build Approach to the Project Ü Project Understanding q Identify and discuss three (3) critical risks for this Project, focusing on what the Proposer’s team considers the most relevant and critical to the success of this Project in order to achieve the Project goals. Ü Design-Build Approach to Design Ü Construction Approach (Means & Methods)
56 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Additional Information – Submission Guidelines Ü Submit ALL Forms required: q Do not alter any Form unless indicated on the Form. q Do not add any appendices or attachments to the Forms. q Do not include photographs or illustrations unless specifically indicated. q Do not submit the following with Proposal: Form SA (Stipend Agreement) => 20 Days after Proposal Due Date Form BDEA (Bid Document Escrow Agreement) PAB (Payment Bond (Labor and Material Bond)) PEB (Performance Bond (Faithful Performance Bond))
57 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Additional Information Responses to Proposer Questions will be posted on the Department’s Project Web Site. Reference Documents are Posted on the Department’s Project Web Site: https: //www. dot. ny. gov/main/business-center/designbuildproject 35 Reference Documents include: Final Design Approval Reports Bridge Inspection Reports Record Plans of Roadways and Structures within the Project Limits Subsurface Exploration Boring Logs Potentially others (To be Determined)
58 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Rules of Contact Bill Howe Attention: I-690 over Teall Ave. & Beech St. Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York 12232 Bill. Howe@dot. ny. gov
59 Region 3 Bridge Replacements (Onondaga County) Design-Build Project (PIN 3506. 41; D 900035 Questions ?