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I 3 EURONS Status report of the AGATA joint research activity EURONS : Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I 3) for Nuclear Structure 45 contractors and 33 other institutions from 27 countries 27 activities: 8 Trans-National Access (TNA) to research infrastructures, 9 Joint Research Activities (JRAs), e. g. AGATA, 8 Networking activities Contract for the EURONS project has been signed (~14 M€) Project started on 1. 1. 2005 and ends on 31. 12. 2008 Ø Coordinator and management team : GSI Ø Scientific manager : A. Mueller (IN 2 P 3) Ø Project coordination committee (PCC) ü comprises one representative from each activity ü 1 st PCC meeting held at Funchal (Madeira) on 7. /8. 2. 2005 Ø General assembly (GA) ü comprises one representative from each institution ü 1 st GA planned for September 2005 Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Minutes of the first PCC meeting Ø Presentation of all activities Ø Activity information sheet (AIP) reporting every 6 months ü Monitoring the progress of the project (milestones & deliverables) ü Preparation of the (annual) reports (management & activity) Ø Discussion of management organization, payments etc. Ø Executive board of the PCC was elected (3 x 2 members + manager) Ø Advance payment from GSI in early March : ü 2/3 of request for the first 18 months’ period ü Yearly payments after submission of each annual report ü Audit certificate needed from each contractor every 2 years check with your local administration Ø Consortium agreement (CA) distributed to all institutions ü Comments by the end of February ü Signatures needed by March 31 st, 2005 ü “Late comers” will accede to the contract Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS AGATA JRA : Objectives and Tasks Objectives: Development, construction, commissioning and evaluation of the first modules for an advanced gamma ray tracking array (AGATA) including digital front-end electronics and a data acquisition system capable of handling the gamma-ray tracking procedure Description of work: Task T-J 02 -1: General Tasks Subtask T-J 02 -1. 1: Conceptual design Subtask T-J 02 -1. 2: Subsystem commissioning Subtask T-J 02 -1. 3: Prototype commissioning Task T-J 02 -2: Detector module and infrastructure Subtask T-J 02 -2. 1: Characterization Subtask T-J 02 -2. 2: Assembly Subtask T-J 02 -2. 3: Tests Task T-J 02 -3: Local Level Processing system Subtask T-J 02 -3. 1: Electronics Subtask T-J 02 -3. 2: Pulse-shape analysis Subtask T-J 02 -3. 2: PSA evaluation Task-T_J 02 -4: Global Level Processing system Subtask T-J 02 -4. 1: Trigger and system integration Subtask T-J 02 -4. 2: Gamma-ray tracking Subtask T-J 02 -4. 3: DAQ Task-T_J 02 -5: MC simulation and data analysis Subtask T-J 02 -5. 1: Physics emulator Subtask T-J 02 -5. 2: Data bases Subtask T-J 02 -5. 3: Analysis routines Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Tasks and Responsibilities Task Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 Task name General Tasks Detector module & Infrastructure Local Level Processing Global Level Processing MC Simulations & Data Analysis 1 st sub-task Conceptual design of the full AGATA array INFN Padua Characterisation of asymmetrically shaped 36 fold segmented Ge detectors Univ. Liverpool Prototype electronics for analogue and digital signal processing CCLRC Daresbury Global trigger, synchronisation and integration of ancillary detectors INFN Padua Conceptual array design and Monte Carlo simulations incl. ancillary detectors INFN Legnaro 2 nd sub-task Commissioning of all sub systems Task leaders Cryostat and pre amplifier developments, detector module assembly and acceptance test Univ. Köln Pulse shape analy sis (PSA) algorithms TU München Gamma ray tracking (GRT) algorithms CSNSM Orsay Databases for event data storage IPN Lyon 3 rd sub-task Commissioning of the full AGATA prototype system Project leader Test benches and infra structure for “in beam” tests, incl. ancillary detectors IRe. S Strasbourg Simulation of detector signals and comparison with experimental data CEA Saclay Data acquisition, and storage, run control, graphical users interface IPN Orsay Generic data analysis routines Uppsala Univ. Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Milestones : Short title Date due M J 02 1. 1 Conceptual design of the full array finalised 06/05 INFN Padua M J 02 1. 2 AGATA demonstrator sub systems commissioned 12/07 Task leaders M J 02 1. 3 Final report delivered to managing institution 12/08 Project leader M J 02 2. 1 Asymmetric Ge detector prototype characterized 06/06 U Liverpool M J 02 2. 2 AGATA prototype triple cluster module assembled 12/06 U Köln M J 02 2. 3 Infrastructure for in beam tests commissioned 12/07 IN 2 P 3 IRe. S M J 02 3. 1 Prototype local level processing electronics delivered 12/05 CCLRC M J 02 3. 2 Pulse shape analysis algorithms optimised 06/06 TUM/IPNO M J 02 3. 3 Pulse shape analysis performance evaluated 06/07 CEA DSM M J 02 4. 1 Prototypes for data acquisition hardware delivered 12/05 INFN Padua M J 02 4. 2 Gamma ray tracking algorithms optimised 06/06 IN 2 P 3 CSNSM M J 02 4. 3 Data acquisition system commissioned 06/07 IN 2 P 3 IPNO M J 02 5. 1 Physics emulator integrated in MC simulations 12/05 INFN Legnaro M J 02 5. 2 Event data base storage commissioned 12/06 IN 2 P 3 IPNL M J 02 5. 3 Analysis routines for event data commissioned 12/07 U Uppsala Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA Date accomp. Remarks/ lead participants AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Deliverables and lead contractors Deliverables: Short title Lead contractor Date due 5 D J 08 1. 1 Delivery of the full AGATA prototype system CCLRC D J 08 1. 2 Final evaluation report on the full prototype system commissioning D J 08 2. 1 Type[ii] Disseminat ion level[iii] Remarks : 12/07 R/PU Project leader CEA DSM 12/08 R/PU JRA coordinator Delivery of prototype triple cluster module U Köln 12/06 P/PU D J 08 2. 2 Report on the characterisation of the detector module U Liverpool 12/08 R/PU D J 08 3. 1 Delivery of prototypes of digital signal processing electronics IN 2 P 3 06/06 P/PU D J 08 3. 2 Report on local level processing system and pulse shape analysis IN 2 P 3/TUM 12/08 R/PU D J 08 4. 1 Delivery of prototypes of specific data acquisition hardware INFN 06/06 P/PU D J 08 4. 2 Report on global level processing system and gamma ray tracking IN 2 P 3/INFN 12/08 R/PU D J 08 5. 1 Report on MC simulations and data analysis routines U Uppsala 12/08 R/PU Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA Date deliver ed AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS AGATA JRA participant (Nr. & short name) 28. CEA Saclay 1 1. GSI Darmstadt 3. GANIL Caen 4. Univ. Jyväskylä 5. INFN Legnaro 5. INFN Milano 5. INFN Padova 11. Univ. Sofia 17. Univ. zu Köln 20. TU München 23. NBI Copenhagen 29. CNRS/IN 2 P 3 33. Istanbul University 35. Univ. Warsaw 36. NIPNE Bucharest 38. KTH Stockholm 39. Uppsala Univ. 40. CCLRC Daresbury 1 41. Univ. Liverpool 44. Univ. York Project Coordination (CEA Saclay) TOTAL Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA Finances and first payment Personnel Networking Overheads 24. 000 36. 000 24. 000 0 39. 000 47. 000 56. 000 0 46. 000 50. 000 20. 000 70. 000 0 12. 500 0 45. 000 27. 000 45. 000 21. 000 0 9. 440 15. 000 7. 667 17. 500 5. 333 6. 583 6. 917 10. 000 9. 000 5. 000 7. 500 26. 667 10. 000 25. 000 14. 167 5. 000 13. 000 20. 000 9. 000 5. 000 18. 560 10. 000 6. 333 3. 500 8. 867 10. 717 12. 583 2. 000 11. 000 5. 500 19. 333 2. 000 7. 500 2. 833 10. 000 39. 000 13. 000 6. 000 0 Total EU 52. 000 61. 000 38. 000 21. 000 53. 200 64. 300 75. 500 12. 000 66. 000 33. 000 116. 000 12. 000 45. 000 17. 000 60. 000 79. 000 78. 000 36. 000 5. 000 607. 500 233. 334 209. 166 1050. 000 First 18 months 21. 000 26. 000 13. 000 7. 000 22. 000 27. 000 32. 000 4. 000 54. 000 30. 000 24. 000 50. 000 4. 000 24. 000 6. 000 16. 000 27. 000 33. 000 19. 000 2. 000 457. 000 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Activity information sheet Participant No. 5 11 17 20 23 UKBH TUM U-Köln U-Sofia INFN JYU Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA 4 GANIL Personnel / k€ 48 months presently spent next 18 months Other / k€ 48 months presently spent next 18 months Sum / k€ 48 months Presently spent next 18 months 3 GSI Personnel/PM 48 months presently spent next 18 months 1 CEA/ DSM Saclay Participant short name 28 (Coord. ) EU PI EU PI EU PI 6 48 12 48 6 36 0 24 72 252 0 36 9 84 24 96 6 12 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 6 16 2 12 0 6 30 96 0 12 9 36 12 36 6 3 24 36 24 0 142 0 46 50 20 0 0 0 0 12 18 8 0 65 0 46 25 20 33 25 14 21 51 12 20 16 13 0 0 0 0 0 12 8 5 7 16 4 8 5 4 57 61 38 21 193 12 66 66 33 0 0 0 0 0 23 26 13 7 81 4 54 30 24 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Activity information sheet (cont. ) 29 38 39 40 41 44 U-York ULiverpool CCLRC U-Uppsala KTH NIPNE Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA 36 U-Warsaw Personnel / k€ 48 months presently spent next 18 months Other / k€ 48 months presently spent next 18 months Sum / k€ 48 months presently spent next 18 months 35 U-Istanbul Personnel/PM 48 months presently spent next 18 months 33 IN 2 P 3 Participant No. Participant short name EU PI EU PI EU PI 24 192 0 36 12 72 0 36 24 48 11 96 12 84 6 24 0 0 0 0 0 12 72 0 12 9 24 0 12 6 18 4 30 6 36 4 6 80 0 12. 5 0 45 45 27 45 21 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 9 0 11 11 10 22 14 36 12 32. 5 17 15 15 52 33 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 14 6 5 5 17 11 5 116 12 45 17 60 60 79 78 36 0 0 0 0 0 50 4 24 6 16 16 27 33 19 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Research Infrastructures in FP 7 (as seen by the EC) Proposed Lines of Action (major role for RI) Ø Continue and improve the current line of action on RI Ø Reinforce RI action adding new line for development of new ‘unique’ RI Vision. Roadmap for RI in Europe in the next 10 -20 years. The Roadmap can have periodic updates and revisions. Ø Criteria for priority projects in Roadmap : ü Pan-European interest; potential impact on ERA; ü Size (>50 M€); maturity of the project and timeliness; ü Existence of multi-annual and long-term budgetary planning, ü Quality of management. AGATA has good chances to become a priority RI project Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005
I 3 EURONS Research Infrastructures in FP 7 (as seen by Nu. PECC) Ø Nuclear Physics community should submit one I 3, instead of I 3 HP and I 3 EURONS; but Nu. PECC is open for suggestions. Ø A committee should be formed soon to look into the various issues and ‘new’ criteria connected with I 3 applications in FP 7. Ø New design studies and new construction projects should be inventorised. Current priorities for construction: FAIR and SPIRAL-2 Other installations such as a “High-intensity stable beam facility” and other initiatives will be discussed later (according to M. Harakeh) The AGATA collaboration must start defending its interests Wolfram KORTEN, JRA-02 AGATA week, GSI, 21. February 2005