Скачать презентацию i 3 DVR Digital Video Systems The i Скачать презентацию i 3 DVR Digital Video Systems The i


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i 3 DVR Digital Video Systems The i 3 DVR systems give you the i 3 DVR Digital Video Systems The i 3 DVR systems give you the ammunition to take control away from your employees. The i 3 DVR systems provide excellent video quality, numerous configurations and point-of-sale interfaces.

i 3 DVR Awards i 3 DVR has won numerous awards including the prestigious i 3 DVR Awards i 3 DVR has won numerous awards including the prestigious ICS-West Judges Choice Award for best commercial product in 2005 at the SIA New Product Showcase from among eighty three (83) other entrants. i 3 DVR took top honors in two of the six categories at CANASA in 2004.

i 3 DVR Systems Three of i 3 DVR’s systems are shown below: i i 3 DVR Systems Three of i 3 DVR’s systems are shown below: i 3 DVR Pro Lite DVMS 16 Channel Video 120 FPS System, 4 -Lane POS upgradeable Embedded O/S and 500 GB Hard Drive 1 -Channel audio capable, Remote Monitoring capable i 3 DVR SRX Pro 24020 16 -Channel Analog Video, 4 or 8 IP Camera upgradeable, 240 fps 500 GB and 1 TB Hard Drive Standard Configurations Up to 4 -Channel Audio, supports remote monitoring, supports POS interface, 1 -Channel Human Recognition i 3 DVR SRX-E Series 48032 32 -Channel Video 240 fps capable, 80 os and 500 GB video Hard Drive Std. , Raid 5 Ready (up to 4 -Terabyte internal storage), Up to 8 -Channel Audio, supports remote monitoring, supports POS Interface, 1 -Channel Human Recognition

Which system is right for you? i 3 DVR Pro Lite Series If you Which system is right for you? i 3 DVR Pro Lite Series If you need a modest system for general purposes, the Lite Plus is for you. It supports 16 -Cameras with onechannel audio. It is upgradeable to support 4 terminal pos. Typical uses may include home, small retail, small liquor store, office or repair shop where a space is a concern. i 3 DVR SRX Pro Series The SRX Pro series is Rack Mount Based. It handles 16 Analog Cameras and upgradeable to 8 ip cameras. It supports multiple terminal pos units, remote monitoring and can be upgraded. Typical applications include C-Store, restaurant, fast food, retail, office, small scale commercial and large home. i 3 DVR SRX-E Series This is one of the mid-range upper end systems. It supports 32 cameras and has a large host of storage options. It supports 8 -channel audio and multiple terminal pos connections. It supports remote monitoring and is upgradeable. Typical applications may include school, manufacturing, medical, casino, food service, larger commercial, government and industrial to name a few.

Tips for Selecting the Right Camera System • A lower price does not make Tips for Selecting the Right Camera System • A lower price does not make it better • Look for a system that not only interfaces to your cash register, but more importantly allows you to instantly search and view questionable transactions. • Look for a system that does NOT make you pre-define theft that is going to happen and the ways in which it will happen. • Look for a POS Interface that allows you to search voids, no-sales, etc. AND also review or view those transactions without exiting that software and running another to view the video. • Select a system that has the features you need and is easy to use! • Look for a system that is proven. • Looking for systems that have won numerous awards don’t hurt either!

Translate Theft into Dollars What does a $ 40. 00 theft translate into? • Translate Theft into Dollars What does a $ 40. 00 theft translate into? • If you are an owner, it could be the loss of profit from 400 to 500 gallons of gasoline. • If you lease, it could be the loss of profit from 1, 300 to 2, 000 gallons of gasoline. • It could be the loss of profit from about (96) 20 oz soft drinks. • It could be the loss of profit from your ENTIRE dairy section.

i 3 DVR is watching over your business It is obvious that most of i 3 DVR is watching over your business It is obvious that most of your employees are not watching over your business, but i 3 DVR can. With our point of sale interface, you have the ability to monitor your employees like never before!

How we can help • • With scanning, you take control of pricing out How we can help • • With scanning, you take control of pricing out of your employee’s hands. Products are sold at your desired price not your employee’s price. With scanning, we give you the ability to control your inventory and keep an extra eye on your vendors. At the POS, we reduce as many “open department” keys on the register as possible. This further reduces the ability of your employees to steal. With i 3 DVR, we place a legal strangle-hold on your employees. Our video system constantly monitors what your employees are doing. We give you easy access to all of your voids, no-sales, refunds, safe-drops, and virtually any other information you may want to look at. You can print snap-shots or burn video to a CD for police back-up. With scanning and i 3 DVR, we help you stop or reduce under-ringing. With i 3 DVR, we can help you stop or reduce voids, no-sales, returns and a host of other things, as well as, investigate missing safe drops, etc. For C-Stores, we can help you stop or reduce “employee involved” drive offs. In essence, we can save you money and give you peace of mind!

Who uses the i 3 DVR System? The following customers use the i 3 Who uses the i 3 DVR System? The following customers use the i 3 DVR system at some or all of their locations. BP Oil Company (corporate) - numerous c-store jobbers from among the various major oils Shell Oil Company (corporate) – numerous locations numerous c-store dealers from among the various major oils Tim Horton’s Cafes (2000 installations) US / Mexico Border, Texas Ellsworth Air Force Base Hanscom Air Force Base CARA Foods Airport Services Division (food providers for airlines) Babies “R” Us (division of Toys “R” Us) Pizza Corporate Federal Reserve, Atlanta a large home improvement chain ( does not allow their name to be mentioned )

Who else uses i 3 DVR? The following customers use the i 3 DVR Who else uses i 3 DVR? The following customers use the i 3 DVR system at some or all of their locations. Macy’s Department Store The Deadwood Gaming Community Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise locations Tommy Hilfiger Popeye’s Chicken franchise locations Coldstone Ice Cream franchise locations Burger King ( US & Canada ) franchise locations The Seattle Space Needle Wendy’s franchise locations The City of Murfreesboro Mc. Donald’s franchise locations One of the worlds largest technology moguls at his living community in Washington State The Penn Traffic Company ( operates 109 supermarkets ) a world famous singer ( we cannot mention her name in print ) Brentwood Baptist Church Kroger

Users of i 3 DVR If you noticed the names in the “Who uses Users of i 3 DVR If you noticed the names in the “Who uses i 3 DVR” sections, you can probably conclude that the companies listed are the type that do considerable research before they buy a single unit. These companies do not make “on the fly” decisions! Just as most of us don’t either.

Important Statistics and Information ACCORDING TO NACS ( The National Association of Convenience Stores Important Statistics and Information ACCORDING TO NACS ( The National Association of Convenience Stores ) • Almost 80% of all theft is contributed to the employees ( in some way ) • You are forced to rely on unsupervised personnel to conduct your transactional business and keep your inventory secure ACCORDING To The National Survey of Retail Theft and Security • Shrink from small retailers is approximately 1. 91% • Over 97% of the shrinkage is undetected at the time of the crime • For every theft detected, 46 go undetected • Shrinkage is rising dramatically. Estimated to have doubled since 1986.

i 3 DVR Layout As shown above, the i 3 DVR Server monitors activity i 3 DVR Layout As shown above, the i 3 DVR Server monitors activity from your POS allowing you to utilize the PAC Data Manager to effortlessly review information such as no-sales, voids, transaction cancels and most any other information you want to view or review. Just click on a transaction to view the video. The system is tightly integrated and there is no complicated third party software required for its use! Press ESC to exit back to main menu