- Количество слайдов: 10
i³ italy israel innovation The agreement IT-IL Agreement on scientific, technological and industrial cooperation 15 years of implementation (started on 2002) ~10 Million Euro of binational activities each year Our Partners (even more…. , the friends who share our vision) : IL Ministry of Economy, IL Ministry of Science, IL Council of Higher Education
i³ italy israel innovation to entrepreneurship Instruments: from curiosity • • • Mobility of Scholars (the Rita-Levi Montalcini binational prize) Mobility of Young Researchers (the i-Core program) Binational Conferences in Israel (12 a year, more than 120 experts from Italy) Annual tender for Academic Cooperation (6 -9 research projects funded per year) Annual tender for R&D Industrial cooperation (10 -12 projects funded per year) 7 Joint Italian-Israeli Laboratories
i³ italy israel innovation Fostering mobility and interchanges: feeding the net • Mobility of Scholars (the Rita-Levi Montalcini binational prize) Starting 2016, Universities and Research Centers in Italy will have the opportunty to host an Israeli Scholar for half a sabbatical year (4 -6 month stay) • Mobility of Young Researchers (the i-Core program) Started on 2012, it offers grants to Italian post-doc to work within one of the i-Cores programs in Israel. It funded about 11 young researchers already. Some residual available. • Binational Conferences in Israel (12 a year, more than 120 experts from Italy) Proposal permanently accettable. Chalendar shaped on October.
i³ italy israel innovation Academic cooperation The tender for • Two subjects per years In cooperation with MOST, a tender is launched each year on two specific subjects. Deadline, 7 March 2016 • The projects Two research units must be formed. Each unit may be a consortium organized around a principal contractor (University, Research Center, hospital…) • Beneficiaries The Italian PC is funded by MAECI The Israeli PC is funded by MOST The size of the Project is 100, 000 Euro per part Duration: from 18 to 24 months
i³ italy israel innovation The tender for Industrial cooperation • The call In cooperation with ISERD (OCS), a tender is launched each year. The tender is open Subject- and budget-wise. Deadline, 7 March 2016 • The projects Two R&D units must be formed. Each unit may be a consortium organized around a principal contractor. In Israel the PC must be a Company. In Italy, it is allowed to Academic Insstitutions to act as PC (provided that the consortium will include at least a Company) • Beneficiaries The Italian PC is funded by MAECI The Israeli PC is funded by MOST Duration: from 18 to 24 months
i³ italy israel innovation Labs The IT-IL Joint • • Neuroscience (TAU and Institute of Complex Systems, CNR- Florence) Neurostimulation (Weizmann and San Raffaele Hospital, Milan) Public Health (BGU and Istituto Superiore della Sanita’) Cold Atoms (Weizmann and LENS, Florence) Solar Energy (BGU and ENEA) Cyber-Security (TAU and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Space Research (ASI and ISA) ……. (call to be launched soon for 2016)…….
i³ italy israel innovation • An Italian scientific community in Israel • An attraction of funds and opportunitie • A solid partnership in science, innovation and industry
i³ italy israel innovationtrack 2016 Industrial Joint Italian-Israeli R&D projects can be presented in the following areas, as listed in Article 2 of the Agreement: • • • medicine, biotechnology, public health and hospital organization; agriculture and food science; application of information technology to education and scientific research; environment, water treatment; new energy sources, oil alternatives and exploitation of natural resources; innovation in production processes; information technology, data communications, software, cyber security; space and earth observation; any other area of mutual interest
i³ italy israel innovation 2016 Scientific track Joint Italian-Israeli R&D projects can be presented in the following areas: • Research in motor-neurovegetative diseases: § § • familial dysautonomia amyotropic lateral sclerosis Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy myestenia gravis Migration: new technologies applied to cultural and demographic changes
i³ italy israel innovation The tender for Industrial cooperation Any Questions? accordo. italiaisraele@esteri. it scienza. telaviv@esteri. it dgsp. unita-cst@cert. esteri. it