- Количество слайдов: 22
Hygienic process connections l Dairy connection acc. to DIN 11851 l Aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 l Aseptic connection NEUMO l Bio. Connect- NEUMO l SMS-Connection l Clamp connection acc. To ISO 2852 l Tri Clamp®-connection l Varivent®- connections l APV-c connections l DRD- welding adapter for vessels l. Process connection DN 25 Ingold l Installation recommendation 1
Dairy process connection DIN 11851 Different parts of the dairy connection DIN 11851 from left to right: nut, threat part, conical part, seal Annotation: The dairy connection acc. to DIN 11851 is, in Europe, the most used screws in food and beverage Industry. It can be used as well to connect to a vessel either than to a pipe. Beside the outstanding price, the robust equipment is the biggest advantage. The hygienic conditions in this connection are, due to the big, undefined sealing, not the best. The sensor can’t be mounted complete flush to the process. 2
Dairy process connection DIN 11851 3
Aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 Annotation: The announced successor of the 11851 is the 11864 connection. Here we find a defined load and a very small surface of the sealing to the process. The DIN 11864 follows the engineering rules of EHEDG (European Hygienic Equipment Design Group). Unfortunately, no unique standard has developed so far. 2 different versions are described: Example: aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 A (Photo: Stericom / GEA) Form A is a construction using an ORing seal. Form B is using a special formed sealing. 4
Aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 Example, aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 (Photo: Stericom von GEA - Version A) Advantage of this sealing concept is the standard O-ring. It is easy and cheap to purchase. Disadvantage of the O-ring is his susceptibility against vacuum. 5
Aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 Series 2 - sealing version A, flange Series 1 - sealing version A, screwed We also have to differentiate between flange and screwed connection. For both versions, two series each exist. Series 1 is the screwed, series 2 is defined as the flange version. The sealing is equal for both. 6
Aseptic connection acc. to DIN 11864 Series 1 - sealing version B The version B is also built in 2 series, one with screwed connection (version 1) and one with flange (version 2). The sealing is guided in a defined room. There is no problem with vacuum, but the purchase and asset management boroughs more expenses and efforts. Because of the big installed base of the DIN 11851 and the fact, that there are several connections built to full fill DIN 11864, this new standard could not prevail so far. 7
Aseptic connection - Neumo Annotation: This connection is one Neumo approach for hygienic connections. It follows the aim of the DIN 11864. The defined load of the small sealing in a defined and completely filled room prevents the sealing from being stressed during installation, and from “breathing” while temperature changes. Disadvantage are the small and sensitive edges that easily can be damaged while handling. The sealing is realised by a standard O-ring. 8
Bio. Connect - NEUMO Annotation: The Bio. Connect was especially prepared for hygienic use in the Pharmaceutical Industry. It follows the same argumentation the Neumo Aseptic Connection. 9
Process connection SMS Annotation: The SMS process connection is mostly used in Scandinavia and France. Sensors can be connected neither to pipes or vessels. Advantage is the robust construction and the low price of this equipment. Disadvantage is the big sealing with all the resulting hygienic problems SMS-connection 10
Process connection SMS Threat, nut, sealing 11
ISO 2852 - Clamp-connection Annotation: The clamp connection is as well used in food as in the pharmaceutical industry. It is the standard connection in USA/ NAFTA countries (Tri Clamp). The clamp is used for connections to pipes and to vessels ISO Clamps are standardised connections for ISO pipes. In the ISO world, there also clamps following DIN 32676. They are used for pipes following DIN 11850. The clamp connection is sealed by a flat form sealing. The load to this seal is created at all points by the clamp even. The seal is stressed less than in a DIN 11851 connection, but it is more complicated to install. ISO-CLAMP-Process connection Parts of the clamp-connection: 2 x clamp-welding parts, clamp, 12 sealing
TRI-CLAMP®-connections Annotation: Beside the clamp connections for the DIN/ISO-world, mostly for USA/NAFTA, the company TRI Clover is preparing the TRI-CLAMP® - connection. The extend is just close to the ISO clamps. Beside the soft plastic sealing, for TRICLAMP®-connections there is also sealing available made from peek. This sealing ease the installation of the connection, TRI-CLAMP®Prozessanschluss because it sticks on the clamp part. 13
Varivent®-Inline-housing Annotation: The Varivent®-Inline housing is used to install instruments in pipes. We achieve a good flush mounted installation. The instrument is mounted direct in the flow. Because of the construction, there is no pressure loss in the housing. The design ease CIP cleaning. The connection is sealed by a standard O-ring. The fastening is realised with a clamp. This might result in a bad surprise, if the clamp is opened while there is some pressure left on the process. 14
Varivent®-Inline-housing Special topic for the Gea Inlinehousing is, that 3 types cover all pipe diameters from DN 10 to DN 162. They are defined like follows: Varivent Typ 1 fits for diameters DN 10 and DN 15 Varivent Typ 2 fits just for diameter DN 25 Varivent Typ 3 fits for diameters from DN 40 up to DN 162 This results in optimised asset management, as well for the instruments as for the spare parts. 15
Varivent®-Tank-Adapter Annotation: Beside the inline housing, there is also a Varivent®Vessel welding adapter. Advantage is, that instruments can be used for both. The version U allows the installation also in tight circumstances like in cone areas. Because of it’s slight construction it is harder to weld the adapter to the vessel without damaging it. The T version needs much more space for installation. Tank-Adapter Version - U - 16 Tank-Adapter Version - T -
Varivent®-Family Example: the complete family of Varivent®-process connections 17
APV-Inline-housing Annotation: The APV inline housing is according to the connection to the process, quite similar to the Varivent®- housing. It delivers the same advantages. The flange is fixed with 4 screws. The sealing is realised with a form sealing. A good flush mounted process connection is reached. Two instruments can be placed in both inline housings. APV-Inline- housing 18
APV-connection Annotation: Also APV offers the possibility to use the same instrument in an inline housing or a tank welded adapter. Because of its big diameter it mainly is used in cylindrical part of vessels. Here also, the asset management is supported by interchangeability of the sealing and flange. APV-welding adapter 19
DRD-welding adapter for vessels Annotation: The DRD adapter is prepared to connect instruments to vessel. A good flush mounted integration is reached. The sealing is realised by a common flat sealing. The instrument is fixed by 4 screws. This decreases the risk while opening the flange, even if there is still pressure on the process. Deltapilot S with DRD-flange The DRD flange is well used in food industry. His disadvantage is the big diameter of 125 mm, witch might prevent the use in the conical part of a tank. DRD-welding adapter 20
Process connection Ingold DN 25 Annotation: The Ingold connection DN 25 is mostly used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is the standard connection in fermenting vessels. Welding adapter DN 25 with nut and level switch Liquiphant M 21
Process connection Ingold DN 25 Pressure sensor Cerabar M PMP 45 Level switch Liquiphant M 22