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Hydro. Pneumatic Overview
Applying Hubbert Pick theory based on US Department of Energy estimates on Oil and Gas reserves of about 2, 000 billion of barrels, we get the demand/offer pick on 2008. OIL and GAS MARKET
Oil Companies and US Department of Energy agree on URR (Universal Resources Reserve) value about 2, 000 billion of barrels (2 Terabarrels) While a 2005 USGS (United States Geological Survey) study on behalf of International Energy Agency (IEA) fixes URR value to 3, 000 billion of barrels (3 Terabarrels). OIL and GAS MAREKET
Two EIA oil production scenarios based on expected ultimate world-recoverable oil of 3. 000 billion barrels and a 2% annual world demand escalation OIL and GAS MAREKET
- EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery , which can help moderate oil production declines from older conventional oil fields - Coal liquefaction, an established technique for producing clean substitute fuels from the world’s abundant coal reserves - Heavy oil/oil sands, a large resource of lower grade oils, now produced primarily in Canada and Venezuela - Clean substitute fuels produced from remote natural gas Based on Hirsch study for the US Department of Energy, the implementation of above “crash program” 15 years before Hubbert Peak, are enough to respond to growing demand, even after the reach of forecasted peak (2017 -2037). HUBBERT PEAK AFTER
Hydro Pneumatic Bonetti (HPB)
Founded in 1968 in Fiorenzuola (Piacenza – Italy) HYDROPNEUMATIC has long standing experience in the field of Oil & Gas processing and control. HYDROPNEUMATIC manufactures a complete line of wellhead and production safety equipment, including Safety Valves. The company’s Safety Shutdown Systems are used extensively in wellhead, production, pipeline and process systems applications. HYDROPNEUMATIC and has become well known for its design, innovation and engineering of quality, reliable products – the cornerstones of HYDROPNEUMATIC’s continuing efforts to provide the highest customers’ value to today’ s demanding of Oil & Gas industry. In 2006 Marina Bonetti has become the owner of HYDROPNEUMATIC BONETTI SRL (formal HYDROPNEUMATIC) offering to worldwide market exactly the same previous CHP products and services portfolio with renovate enthusiasm, same quality, technical skills and business seriousness. Hydro. Pneumatic BONETTI srl
. 25 years experience in Hydropneumatic . 25 years experience Biffi/Tyco . 30 years experience in General Electric Management
Special attention to Design & Realize single valve part Over sizing of critical components Yearly knowledge on appropriate construction material Deep skill on fluid characteristic and behavior WHAT it has to manage (oil, gas, etc. ) WHAT HOW it has to work (modulate, cut, divert, etc. ) HOW WHERE it has to do its job (sea, sand, etc. ) WHERE Hydro. Pneumatic BONETTI SRL : Key Points
Pavia University Ke ep Te ch ni ca l. E xc ell en ce Commercial Partners t uc d ro P Spare Parts Market C. R. M. lio fo rt Po th w ro G eld Fi l ca ni ch Te er rtn Pa Pr oa cti ve Se llin g STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS : Partners Network
Commercial Partner Applied Tek : Distributor in India Sales Partner in Dubai and Middle East - Dubai Al Yaseah OGISS : Distributor in Abu Dhabi ACM : Distributor in Nigeria IIPL : Distributor in Pakistan Sales Partner in Malaysia Selangor Darul Ehsan KITS : Distributor in Saudi Arabia Rye Pala Engineering : Distributor in Iran TRC : Distributor in Kuwait Commercial Partner - Genova Field Technical Partner Post-sales on-site Technical Support - Milano PARTNERS NETWORK AR Technology : Distributor in Egypt Spare Parts Partner Spare Parts & Replacement - Ravenna
OIL WELL An oil well is a term for any perforation through the Earth's surface designed to find and release both petroleum oil and gas hydrocarbons WELLHEAD The wellhead is assembled from, or incorporates facilities for, the upper casing and tubing hangers. This effectively provides the upper termination of the wellbore and provides a mounting position for the surface flow-control equipment or Christmas tree. OIL WELL & WELLHEAD
FLOWLINE A surface pipeline carrying oil, gas or water that connects the wellhead to a manifold or to production facilities, such as heater-theaters and separators. MANIFOLD An arrangement of piping or valves designed to control, distribute and often monitor fluid flow. Manifolds are often configured for specific functions, such as a choke manifold used in well-control operations and a squeeze manifold used in squeeze-cementing work. In each case, the functional requirements of the operation have been addressed in the configuration of the manifold and the degree of control and instrumentation required. FLOWLINE & MANIFOLD
Wellhead: the system of spools, valves and assorted adapters that provide pressure control of a production well . Choke Valves, API/ANSI, manual and automatic control. API 6 A Gate Valves, up to 4 1/16”. API 6 D Gate Valves, up to 6” . ANSI Gate Valves 1” and 1 ½” class 150 up to 2500. Linear Actuator, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Diaphragm. Control Valves for high pressure separator. Wellhead safety system . Air/Gas driven Injection Pump and skidded unit for Methanol/Glycol/Inhibitors . Pilots, Relays and Blow Out Preventers and accessories for Safety Systems. Fire Sensors WELLHEAD
In petroleum and natural gas extraction, a christmas tree is an assembly of valves, spools and fittings for an oil well, named for its resemblance to a decorated tree. The function of a christmas tree is to both prevent the release of oil or gas from an oil well into the environment and also to direct and control the flow of formation fluids from the well. When the well is ready to produce oil or gas, valves are opened and the release of the formation fluids is allowed through a pipeline leading to a refinery, or to a platform or to a storage vessel. It may also be used to control the injection of gas or water in application on a none-producing well in order to sustain "producer" volumes. Functionality may be extended further by using the control module to monitor, measure and react to sensor inputs on the tree or even down the well bore. CHRISTAM TREE
Pneumatic-Hydraulic single well-head shut-in system to control pneumatic Wing (SDV) – pneumatic Master (SSV) and hydraulic Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV). Panel logic assures full sequential opening and closing for the three valves. Basic components include HI-LO pressure sensor unit, fire loop system and relays. Additional safety device and actuator accessories are available as optional equipment. Automated wellhead control single and multi-well central consol PRODUCTION : Christmas Tree Control panel includes manual shutdown capability, manual override features and first-out indication as well.
A choke valve is valve that lifts a solid cylinder (called a "plug" or "stem") up and down which is placed inside another cylinder which has holes or slots. Cho ke V alve The design of a choke valve means fluids flowing through the cage are coming from all sides and that the streams of flow (through the holes or slots) collide with each other at the center of the cage cylinder, thereby dissipating the energy of the fluid through "flow impingement". The main advantage of choke valves is that they can be designed to be totally linear in their flow rate. Heavy duty industrial choke valves control the flow to a certain Flow Coefficient (Cv) determined by how far the valve is opened. They are regularly used in the oil industry and for highly erosive and corrosive purposes, they are often made of tungsten carbide or inconel. Choke Valves
HPB choke valves are used for the control of high pressure drop and contaminated fluids in gas/oil production, gas lift, water injection, depressurization flow lines, glycol units, etc. HPB choke valves are designed to be used also on severe applications whole sections of metal can be eroded away, affecting the pressure integrity of the valve body and downstream pipe work. HPB choke valves are designed to be used where high uncontrolled fluid velocities (gas or oil) can result in shock waves/turbulence interaction leading to high noise levels and vibration problems HPB choke valves are suitable for : -contaminated fluids - resistance against high pressure drops - high seat tightness - guaranteed fixed Cv valve - high calibration/ flashing resistance - exhibits low noise - easy maintenance design - low life cycle costs - operation by hand, pneumatic or hydraulic actuator Choke Valves
API/ANSI PRODUCTION CHOKE VALVES 2” through 6” – Pressure Rating to to 15. 000 PSI Choke Valves : HPB Line
The cage trim results in low noise levels in gas applications, and reduced downsteam flashing and flowing velocities in oil production applications. complete piston guidance The cage trim holes are uniformly divided over the full circumference, ensuring symmetrically distributed flow. Consequently, the flow jet energy is dissipated in the centre of the valve, within the fluid itself and not a choke component. Preferential flow, the major cause of hazardous body erosion, is fully avoided. Choke Valves : VR Series
Needle valves are used to control flow into delicate gauges, which might be damaged by sudden surges of fluid under pressure. Needle valves are also used in situations where the flow must be gradually brought to a halt, and at other points where precise adjustments of flow are necessary or where a small flow rate is desired. They can be used as both on/off valves and for throttling service. Needle Choke Valve “T 2 H series” Needle valves are used in almost every industry in an incredibly wide range of applications - anywhere control or metering of steam, air, gas, oil, water or other nonviscous liquids is required. They can be found in every industry from aerospace to zoological sciences, every service from gas and liquid dispensation to instrumentation control and cooling to power generation. Choke Valves : Adjustable
Gate valves are linear motion valves in which a flat closure element slides into the flow stream to provide shut-off. Gate valves are designed to minimize pressure drop across the valve in the fully opened position and stop the flow of fluid completely. They are used in applications that involve viscous liquids such as heavy oils. They are available in large sizes to better handle thick flow. They are excellent for use anywhere a shutoff valve is needed. They can also be used where throttling capabilities are desired. Gate Valves Gate Valve
API 14 D Gate Valves Section
SPECIFICATION: manufactured to API specification 6 A, Last Edition, PSL 1 -4 Material for H 2 S and CO 2 service in accordance with NACE MR-01 -75, latest edition. AVAILABILITY: Available in API Material Classes AA through HH, Temp. Classification L through U. Other end connections, size and material classes available on request. SIZE: 2 -1/16 through 4 -1/16 PRESSURE: rating 2/3/5/10/15. 000 PSI Series “M 30” Gate Valves (Wellhead & Manifolds Applications)
Actuated Gate Valves
Actuators transfer the linear motion of a piston cylinder actuator to rotary motion. They are ideal for automating manually-operated valves Actuator Valve actuators move linear valves such as gate, globe, diaphragm, and pinch valves by sliding a stem that controls the closure element. Other features for valve actuators include over torque protection, local position indication, and integral pushbuttons and controls. Travel stops or limit stops restrict linear or rotary motion. Actuator
When a large amount of force is required to operate a valve, hydraulic actuators are normally used. A typical piston-hydraulic actuator is shown in this figure. It consist of a cylinder, piston, spring, hydraulic supply and return line, and stem. The piston slides vertically inside the cylinder and separate the cylinder in two chambers. The upper chamber contains the spring and the lower chamber contains the hydraulic oil. By regulating amount of oil supplied or drained from the chamber, the valve can be positioned between fully open and fully closed. Hydraulic actuator can be designed to fail-open or fail-closed to provide a fail-safe feature. The hydraulic supply and return line is connected to the lower chamber and allows hydraulic fluid to flow to and from the lower chamber of the actuator. The stem transmits the motion of the piston to a valve. Hydraulic Actuator
A pneumatic actuator converts energy (in the form of compressed air) into motion. The motion can be rotary or linear, depending on the type of actuator. Pneumatic actuators can be used in both gas and oil wells. One of the opening characteristics of a pneumatic actuator is that once sufficient force is generated to break the differential, the valve will instantaneously go from closed to full open. The surface safety valve is a pneumatic-controlled actuator that is operated by an air or gas source As part of a surface safety system, the actuator will shut off flow from the well in the event of a catastrophic event. Pneumatic pressure acting on the piston holds the valve open. Loss of pneumatic pressure in the actuator's cylinder allows the well or flowline pressure acting on the area of the lower stem to force the stem and gate closed. Pneumatic Actuators
Diaphragm actuator operates by a combination of force created by air and spring force. The actuator positions a control valve by transmitting its motion through the stem. A rubber diaphragm separates the actuator housing into two air chambers. The upper chamber receives supply air through an opening in the top of the housing. The bottom chamber contains a spring that forces the diaphragm against mechanical stops in the upper chamber. Finally, a local indicator is connected to the stem to indicate the position of the valve. The position of the valve is controlled by varying supply air pressure in the upper chamber. This results in a varying force on the top of the diaphragm. Initially, with no supply air, the spring forces the diaphragm upward against the mechanical stops and holds the valve fully open. As supply air pressure is increased from zero, its force on top of the diaphragm begins to overcome the opposing force of the spring. This causes the diaphragm to move downward and the control valve to close. With increasing supply air pressure, the diaphragm will continue to move downward and compress the spring until the control valve is fully closed. Conversely, if supply air pressure is decreased, the spring will begin to force the diaphragm upward and open the control valve. Additionally, if supply pressure is held constant at some value between zero and maximum, the valve will position at an intermediate position. Therefore, the valve can be positioned anywhere between fully open and fully closed in response to changes in supply air pressure. Diaphragm Actuator
HPB Single Diaphragm Actuator
10” - 300 8”-1500 3 1/16”-10. 000 4 1/16”-5000 HPB Actuators 3 1/8”-5000
HPB Actuators
HPB Actuators
BLOWOUT Preventer An uncontrolled flow of reservoir fluids into the wellbore, and sometimes catastrophically to the surface. A blowout may consist of salt water, oil, gas or a mixture of these. Blowouts occur in all types of exploration and production operations, not just during drilling operations. If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout. If the well experiencing a blowout has significant openhole intervals, it is possible that the well will bridge over (or sel itself with rock fragments from collapsing formations) downhole and intervention efforts will be averted. B. O. P. : BLOWOUT PREVENTER
The BLOWOUT preventer is designed to control excessive fluid return from a SSSV (Surface controlled Subsurface Safety Valve). The device may be connected directly to wellhead control tubing port. The preventer permits to properly operate any SSSV with a displacement of less than 575 cu. cm. (35 cubic inches). If control line return flow reaches the volume of 575 cu. cm. total displacement , the B. O. P. will automatically close the control line to prevent a blowout. B. O. P. : BLOWOUT PREVENTER
Control Panel Single-well control panel. Construction 316 stainless steel water-proof enclosure that contains all essential functions for safety shutin of the well-head and Down hole valves. Back cover permits easy access to instruments. Control Panel
re su es r P Pressure Sensor rs so en S
Pressure sensor uses an advanced spool concept, designed for long service life for spool seals. This features also allow for increased instrument pressure flow capacity than other common sensors with the benefit of faster response time. Increased flow capacity makes this sensor suitable for use in either pneumatic or hydraulic instrument systems. The sensor may be used to detect High or Low pressure in a safety system and transmit a signal to perform a specific control function. When in operation the Sensor is designed to allow instrument pressure to flow from inlet to outlet until sensing pressure rises or drops beyond pre-selected setting. Pressure Sensor
Basic Pneumatic Control System Using the Self Contained Control Basic Control System
ax im in M p m u P MINIMAX Pump Chemical Injection Skidded Unit MINIMAX pump
Fire Sensors Specifically designed for an extra measure of safety of control system, the plug contains a low-melting alloy that will melt at fire temperature and bleed control pressure downstream blocking at the same time upstream pressure. Fire Sensor
One-Button MANUAL emergency shutdown system for extra security. Manual Shutdown Systems Electrical Shutdown Systems ELECTRICAL emergency shutdown system for extra security. Control Panel Emergency Shutdown System
General: API Spec. 6° Pressure Vessels ASME Piping: ANSI Material: NACE MR-01 -75 Well Completion Equipment: API Spec. 14 D, API Spec. 6 FA ANSI/ASME/ASTM Well Control Equipment Codes & Standars
QUALITY SYSTEM UNI EN ISO 9001 QUALITY SYSTEM in conformity with API-Q 1 VALVES DESIGN API-6 A and API 6 D PED Conformity Certificate ATEX for electrical instrumentation ATEX for non electrical instrumentation CERTIFICATIONS