- Количество слайдов: 14
HUNGER AT HOME Ms. Sarah Barry and Mr. Christensen
Today’s Objectives l Look at hunger and homelessness in the world, United States and Michigan. l Discuss why there is hunger and the national and state programs that fight it l Look at Food Banks, shelters and kitchens, what can we do to help?
World Hunger and Homelessness l 24, 000 die daily from hunger and related causes l Hunger--800 Million go hungry daily l 100 million completely homeless one billion lack adequate housing
United States Hunger and Homelessness l 27 Million People are Food insecure (11 million children) l 750, 000 homeless each night, three million some time during the year
Michigan Hunger and Homelessness l l 111, 000 households are hungry 305, 000 households are food insecure 24, 713 sheltered homeless 41, 338 unsheltered homeless
Reasons for Hunger l l l Poverty Buy Heat or Food Buy Rent or Food Buy medicine or Food Family members are in poor health
Federal Hunger/Food Programs in Michigan l School Breakfast Program (daily 213, 153) l National School Lunch Program (815, 025) l Summer Nutrition Participation (37, 514) l Food Stamp Program (750, 037)
Federal Programs l Special Nutrition Program for women, infants and children (WIC) (215, 845) l Child and Adult Care Food Program (25, 854) l The Emergency Food Assistance Program
Reason for Not Participating l Do not know they are eligible l Pride l Afraid (illegal immigrants) l Eligibility requirements (Red Tape)
Non-Governmental Food Programs l l l America’s Second Harvest (food bank) distributes food and groceries to: Church and non-profit charitable organizations who run Pantries Kitchens Shelters
From the Food Bank Council of Michigan; http: //www. fbcmich. org/michigan-report. pdf
FOOD BANK CARD GAME l l l All teams receive asset cards (labor, transportation, equipment, storage, and food items). Teams trade asset cards they have in abundance to acquire items they need to complete their network Remember balanced meals
From the USDA; http: //www. usda. gov/cnpp/pyrbklt. pdf
From the USDA; http: // www. usda. gov/cnpp/pyrbklt. pdf