Скачать презентацию Humor How use it for improving your self-representation Скачать презентацию Humor How use it for improving your self-representation

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Humor How use it for improving your self-representation skills during public performance or only Humor How use it for improving your self-representation skills during public performance or only just for better adaptation to new multicultural environment, better socialization

Types of humour Black humor (Literature definition) Definition Used for works characterized by a Types of humour Black humor (Literature definition) Definition Used for works characterized by a desperate, sardonic humor intended to induce laughter as the appropriate response to the apparent meaninglessness and absurdity of existence. Politically correct humor potentially offensive to a particular group of people: in terms of racism, sexism , gender etc. . Neutral humor Humor for using in everyday speech to make the lexicon more colorful, vivid without pretending to reveal your opinion on the socially-hot issues, such as religion, gays marriage, immigration crisis and so on.

Humour & Politic and History There is undoubtedly a long historical association between humor, Humour & Politic and History There is undoubtedly a long historical association between humor, comedy and politics. From the ancient Greek comedies of Aristophanes (Cartledge 1990), to the medieval court jester (Otto 2001) to Yes Minister, humor has played a vital roles in offering political critique or advice. In these and many other cases, political humor and satire can express what may be unpopular or subversive, and possibly influence public and political opinion. Sigmund Freud argues that jokes allow for the expression of subjects that are taboo in general discourse. Freud further argues that what he terms ‘tendentious’ jokes are […] especially favored in order to make aggressiveness or criticism possible against persons in exalted positions who claim to exercise authority. The [tendentious] joke then represents a rebellion against that authority, a liberation from its pressure”.

Exercises for getting a new lexicon fixed. Please put in the correct word for Exercises for getting a new lexicon fixed. Please put in the correct word for a definition (see below): The act of _________ ing , the state of being ____ed A systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within. An example: By insisting that she pay me for helping her she ______ed my noble desire to do a good deed without reward. 2. To cause someone to do something , to cause something to happen or exist Medical: to give a pregnant woman special medicine in order to make her give birth : to cause (labor or birth) to begin by giving special drugs. An example: The finally ____ed the eyewitness to the gangland slaying to cooperate with the police. 3. The prohibited or criteria under prosecution which cannot be accounted in when, for example, somebody is applying for a job. In case of opposite attitude to THIS THING the employee can ask for defending his /her rights during legal proceedings. An example: the racist jokes are _______ed in multicultural environment. So, the joke: why pills are white- because they work is not such a funny as you might think. Or: what a Mexicans favorite s sport- Cross country. And the last one absolutely vulgar and offensive: Yo mama's so black that lightening bugs follow her in the daytime 1.

Politically correct humor – humor which not abuses the classes of people in terms Politically correct humor – humor which not abuses the classes of people in terms of sex, race or gender. If Disney Movies Had Politically Correct Titles

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As the star of Only Fools and Horses and Open All Hours, Sir David As the star of Only Fools and Horses and Open All Hours, Sir David Jason is responsible for some of the most amusing moments on television. The comic actor says many of them would, however, never make it to the screen these days because of a growing “political correctness” that is killing comedy. “We seem to have lost our British sense of humour, ” he tells Mandrake. “It’s a great shame. We have to be so careful nowadays, we’ve lost a lot of humour by people being frightened of getting to near touchy subjects. It’s a great loss to comedy. ” Sir David, who was knighted by the Queen in 2005, points to the speech impediment suffered by Ronnie Barker’s shopkeeper, Arkwright, in Open All Hours, which created much gentle comedy. http: //www. youtube. com/watc h? v=63 rcd. Le. Xi. U 8 http: //www. youtube. com/watc h? v=svu. Pb. OHWF-M

Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 1. We sometimes add information Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 1. We sometimes add information about a person or thing referred to in one noun phrase by talking about the same person or thing in a different way in a following noun phrase: (please see in red examples above ) Taking a playful poke at himself and at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is considering a bid, Obama said: “Apparently, some folks want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House. We could get a third Obama term after all. ” The artist, a self-confessed former graffiti vandal, revealed Mr Cameron’s unguarded remarks during a filmed interview to mark the start of three-day conference on graffiti at London’s South Bank centre. In writing the items are usually separated by a comma , and in speech they are often separated by a pause or other intonation break. However when the second item acts like a defining relative clause , when it is usually a name , there is usually no punctuation in writing or intonation break in speech: My friend Mia has moved to Sweden The current champion is expected to survive her first round-match with the Italian Silvia Farina

Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 2. The adverb NAMELY and Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 2. The adverb NAMELY and the phrase THAT IS are used also for the same purpose: This side effect of the treatment, NAMELY weight gain, is counteracted with other drugs. The main cause of global warming , that is the burning of fossil fuels , is to be the focus of negotiations at the international conference. 3. Using participle clause – ing/ -ed/ being+ -ed also similar to defining relative clauses: Mr Cameron joked to his wife that she did not need to worry about him meeting the billionaire former Italian PM ‘I started off tagging stuff – I’m not meant to be having tea and biscuits with the prime minister. ’ The deputy of dean to everyone surprise being promoted recently was definitely emotionally- unsteady person , making nonsense from typical kind of job – preparing exams time schedules and issuing slips. She was in some kind of manner a women having onetrack mind with a lack of talent and aspiration for development in a career.

Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 4. To-infinitive clause WASHINGTON — Grammar material: Ways of adding information to noun phrases: 4. To-infinitive clause WASHINGTON — A presidential election just getting into gear provided President Barack Obama plenty of new material to work with on the night he describes as Washington celebrating itself. 5. Prepositional phrase. We commonly add information about a thing or person using a prepositional phrase. Often these have a meaning similar to a relative clause : Now, with yellow hair and bold side of the scalp , she is a kinda of women in the middle of depression state. Guys under the 4 th floor have got enough beer in this party to cobble dogs with. Note, that non-defying relative clauses could always be omitted or withdrawn out of the sentence: "Birthers" believe Obama, whose late father was born in Kenya, was not born in the United States and thus is unqualified to be President.

Watch the video online and express your opinion: Do you agree with the fact Watch the video online and express your opinion: Do you agree with the fact British humor really exists today? Have you ever watched any British comedy or soap opera – share your experience with a group. How the main hero behaves himself in different situations? Use the most of adjectives. Try to guess the meaning of following British idioms: 1. For donkey’s years (I’ve been a plumber for donkey’s years. It’s time for a change. ) 2. All talk and no trousers (Be careful. Politicians are known to be all mouth and no trousers. ) 3. If you’ll pardon my French (What she needs is a kick in the ass, if you‘ll excuse my French. ) 4. When pigs fly ( A similar saying was first used in Scotland in the late 1500 s and a version of which even appeared in Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland. ) (Yea, right! You will get Justin Bieber to ask you on a date when pigs fly!) 5. Cat got your tongue (Apparently, the phrase stems from the middle ages when witches were greatly feared. It was said that if you saw a witch, her cat would somehow “steal” your tongue so you couldn’t report the sighting. Not a nice thought but definitely a reason why you would be speechless. ) (Come on, Bob! Tell us what you think about our little party. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? )

Topic for free discussion - political correctness of humor of two political leaders : Topic for free discussion - political correctness of humor of two political leaders : Barack Obama and Sir David Cameron/ WASHINGTON — A presidential election just getting into gear provided President Barack Obama plenty of new material to work with on the night he describes as Washington celebrating itself. Taking a playful poke at himself and at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is considering a bid, Obama said: “Apparently, some folks want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House. We could get a third Obama term after all. ” The dinner also gave the president an opportunity to rib some of his loudest critics. “Just this week Michele Bachmann actually predicted that I would bring about the biblical end of days. Now, that’s a legacy, ” he said. “That’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington, they didn’t do that. ” https: //youtu. be/oi 86 E 5 Ggaw. Y

"I suspect that some of my critics back home are suspecting that I'm back here to look for my birth certificate, " the President laughed while delivering a toast at a state dinner hosted by his Kenyan counterpart, President Uhuru Kenyatta. "That is not the case. « "Birthers" believe Obama, whose late father was born in Kenya, was not born in the United States and thus is unqualified to be President. The fringe movement began during the 2008 election season and persisted throughout Obama's first term in office, until he released his long-form birth certificate in 2011 that shows he was born in Hawaii. Since then, the President has often joked about the conspiracy theory. "If I did not love America, I wouldn't have moved here from Kenya, " the President quipped earlier this year. Kenyan musical brings Obama's life to the stage 01: 16 Donald Trump, a leading skeptic of Obama's claims that he was born in the United States, made headlines earlier this month when he told CNN's Anderson Cooper he still isn't totally convinced Obama was born in the United States.

Mr Cameron joked to his wife that she did not need to worry about Mr Cameron joked to his wife that she did not need to worry about him meeting the billionaire former Italian PM ‘And he jumped up and said “Samantha I’ve got to go off to Italy – dinner with Berlusconi. Don’t worry I’ll get so-and-so to pull me out of the jacuzzi before the whores turn up”. ‘And then he walked out the door. And I was like, that’s great, prime ministers aren’t meant to say that in front of bods like me, just in case I do this and repeat the story in front of a video camera. ‘I started off tagging stuff – I’m not meant to be having tea and biscuits with the prime minister. ’ David Cameron told his wife she did not need to worry about him going for dinner with Silvio Berlusconi – because he would get an aide to pull him out of the Jacuzzi before the ‘whores’ turned up. Mr Cameron made the quip before heading to Rome for a state dinner with his Italian counterpart, it was revealed today. Graffiti artist Ben Eine was in Downing Street when the PM cracked the joke after being invited for tea and biscuits. The artist, a self-confessed former graffiti vandal, revealed Mr Cameron’s unguarded remarks during a filmed interview to mark the start of three-day conference on graffiti at London’s South Bank centre. Mr Eine said the PM had to leave early to travel to Rome. He said: ‘We were sitting there chatting away and his PA or assistant came in and said: “David, we’ve got to go”.

Eine’s painting Twenty First Century City was presented to Barack Obama in 2010 on Eine’s painting Twenty First Century City was presented to Barack Obama in 2010 on Mr Cameron’s first trip to Washington in 2010. Shortly afterward the artist was invited to Number 10 – just before Mr Cameron was due in Rome for his first meeting with then Italian leader. Mr Cameron jokingly reassured his wife that he would not be sharing jacuzzis, Mr Eine told on a conference in London.

Exercises to prove grammar knowledge Define the syntactic role of all of the clauses Exercises to prove grammar knowledge Define the syntactic role of all of the clauses below – is it a defining or nondefining relative clause. Put on comma/ dashes in case of it is the last one. The humble cat’s arse originally known as “felinus bottomus” to the ancient Greeks is sometimes used to describe the facial expression adopted by a scorned woman. An idiom is an everyday figure of speech or metaphorical expression whose meaning cannot be taken literary. Idioms often go against the logical “rules of language and grammar” despite being commonly used by the language’s native speakers. When someone does a runner, he leaves a place in a hurry in order to avoid paying for something (like in a restaurant) or flees a difficult situation to escape punishment.