Скачать презентацию Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery How much are Скачать презентацию Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery How much are

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Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery How much are YOU worth? Adlet Dairbekov 20120996 Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery How much are YOU worth? Adlet Dairbekov 20120996

Outline I. Introduction I. What is Human Trafficking? II. Main Body I. How did Outline I. Introduction I. What is Human Trafficking? II. Main Body I. How did this happen? II. Where is it? III. Statistics III. Conclusion

What is Human Trafficking? • Human Trafficking = Forced to work without pay, under What is Human Trafficking? • Human Trafficking = Forced to work without pay, under threat of violence and unable to walk away. • Modern day slavery. • People are bought, sold, and traded.

How did this happen? • Tricked • Promised a “better life” • “Help” immigrating How did this happen? • Tricked • Promised a “better life” • “Help” immigrating • Lured • Fake jobs • No negative aspects • Forced • Kidnapped • Beaten • Raped

Want a job? Want a job?

What are they made to do? • Prostitution • Brothels • Forced labor • What are they made to do? • Prostitution • Brothels • Forced labor • • Sweat shops Commercial agricultural Domestic situations Construction sites

Where is this happening? Human Trafficking is EVERYWHERE Where is this happening? Human Trafficking is EVERYWHERE

Who are the victims? • Everyone. • Women and children. • Poor. Who are the victims? • Everyone. • Women and children. • Poor.

Statistics • 27 million people worldwide! • Second largest criminal industry worldwide. • $32 Statistics • 27 million people worldwide! • Second largest criminal industry worldwide. • $32 billion a YEAR

What can you do to help? • Get educated on the issue! • Be What can you do to help? • Get educated on the issue! • Be aware! • Get involved in the fight against Human Trafficking!

References • Dhs. gov. 2013. Human Trafficking | Homeland Security. Available at: https: //www. References • Dhs. gov. 2013. Human Trafficking | Homeland Security. Available at: https: //www. dhs. gov/topic/human-trafficking. • Humantrafficking. org. 2013. Human. Trafficking. org: A Web Resource for Combating Human Trafficking in the East Asia Pacific Region. Available at: http: //www. humantrafficking. org/. • Polarisproject. org. 2013. Human Trafficking | Polaris Project | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery. Available at: http: //www. polarisproject. org/human-trafficking/overview. • Theguardian. com. 2013. Human trafficking | Law | The Guardian. Available at: http: //www. theguardian. com/law/human-trafficking. • Unodc. org. 2013. What is Human Trafficking? . Available at: http: //www. unodc. org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/what-is-humantrafficking. html.