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Human trafficking in Turkey is both a transit and destination country for women, and Human trafficking in Turkey is both a transit and destination country for women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. According to IOM-Turkey, over the last ten years, the Turkish Interior Ministry have identified more than 1, 300 victims of human trafficking. Ninety-eight percent of the victims were women forced into prostitution or other forms of exploitation.

Media coverage of human trafficking There is a positive improvement over the years in Media coverage of human trafficking There is a positive improvement over the years in Turkish media coverage of human trafficking. Sex trafficking of women began just after the collapse Soviet Union. There were stories like this one. “A ship full of Natasha is coming”

Today, Turkish media pay sporadic attention to human trafficking stories. Basic problems are; 1. Today, Turkish media pay sporadic attention to human trafficking stories. Basic problems are; 1. Lack of interest There is not many investigative and informative stories dealing with human trafficking problem. Even though it is a serious crime, Turkish media do not pay sufficient attention. One good story was published here, http: //www. istanbulajansi. ist/haber/koleligin-yeriniinsan-ticaretialdi/56682? utm_source=f 5 haber&utm_medium=f 5 haber&utm_campaign=f 5 haber

Media coverage of human trafficking 2. Stereotypical coverage Most human trafficking related stories are Media coverage of human trafficking 2. Stereotypical coverage Most human trafficking related stories are about police operations to human traffickers. However, when we look at these stories, they are mostly called as “prostitution operation”.

Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in hotels: HIV found in two women” Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in hotels: HIV found in two women”

Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in hotels: HIV found in two women” Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in hotels: HIV found in two women”

Media coverage of human trafficking 3. Victims are not protected Their identities and pictures Media coverage of human trafficking 3. Victims are not protected Their identities and pictures are published. Obviously this is an ethical problem as well. “Sex slaves with salary and premium”

Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in 13 cities: 731 persons are under Media coverage of human trafficking “Prostitution operation in 13 cities: 731 persons are under police custody” No mention of human trafficking.

Media coverage of human trafficking 4. Criminalizing language is used In Turkey, media generally Media coverage of human trafficking 4. Criminalizing language is used In Turkey, media generally use a criminalizing language when covering police operations. They most of the time make no distinction between traffickers and victims. http: //www. haberturk. com/gundem/haber/1376550 -istanbulsilivrideki-fuhus-operasyonunda-yakalanan-kadinlarin-13 uaidsli-cikti The story has not only exposing victims, showing their faces, but also using a questionable terminology. In the story it says that, “in the operation, 84 women with foreign nationalities who are forced into prostitution were caught by the police. ” As if they are criminals, not victims.

Media coverage of human trafficking “HIV found in 13 women who were caught in Media coverage of human trafficking “HIV found in 13 women who were caught in prostitution operation in Istanbul Silivri”

Media coverage of human trafficking “A huge prostitution operation in Antalya” In the story, Media coverage of human trafficking “A huge prostitution operation in Antalya” In the story, it says that women who are forced into prostitution are caught. They were sent to Migration Office to be deported.

Media coverage of human trafficking Of course, deportation is not the official policy of Media coverage of human trafficking Of course, deportation is not the official policy of Turkey for the victims of human trafficking. But we see these types of descriptions in news stories all the time. 5. Human trafficking aspect is mostly invisible Even though there is a positive improvements in the media coverage, there are many stories about police operations which never mention human trafficking aspect. 6. Sensational language is used to attract readers’ attention Especially in internet media, sensational language is used to attract readers.

Media coverage of human trafficking Source: http: //www. internethaber. com/o-kadinlarla-birlikte-olan 200 -erkek-araniyor-1744481 h. htm Media coverage of human trafficking Source: http: //www. internethaber. com/o-kadinlarla-birlikte-olan 200 -erkek-araniyor-1744481 h. htm

Media coverage of human trafficking “Turk loves blonde, send after hair coloured” Media coverage of human trafficking “Turk loves blonde, send after hair coloured”

Media coverage of human trafficking “Valentine’s Day raid to prostitutes” There is no information Media coverage of human trafficking “Valentine’s Day raid to prostitutes” There is no information in the story whether they were the subject of human trafficking. The headline and the picture are used to attract the readers’ attention.

Media coverage of human trafficking “Jury selected sex slaves” Media coverage of human trafficking “Jury selected sex slaves”

Media coverage of human trafficking There are some stories that correctly focus on human Media coverage of human trafficking There are some stories that correctly focus on human trafficking as a problem. However, they are very few. “ 6 sex slaves were rescued”

Media coverage of human trafficking “Women with foreign nationalities are forced into prostitution” Media coverage of human trafficking “Women with foreign nationalities are forced into prostitution”

Media coverage of human trafficking “Present day shame of humanity: Human trafficking as modern Media coverage of human trafficking “Present day shame of humanity: Human trafficking as modern slavery in 12 articles” https: //onedio. com/haber/insanligin-gunumuzdeki-utanci-12 -maddedemodern-kolelik-olarak-insan-ticareti-685928