Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina Nowadays the

Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nowadays the worth of human rights is increasing. The concept of human rights is enshrined in almost all the constitutions and many international laws, such as European Convention on Human Rights, for example. But human rights still keep being violated.

Since olden times ethical identity is a common ground of discrimination. There are a lot of examples in the world history. Everyone would remember systematic oppression of black people and native Americans in USA but almost nobody knows about a case of ethnical discrimination which is happening much closer to us, in a beautiful country named Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was born after the break-up of Yugoslavia and three years of a brutal war between Bosniacs, Serbs and Croats.

The preamble of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina states what nationalities belong to Bosnia. Not surprisingly, that are Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. The Constituation is not the only law that mentions ethnicity.

The Election Law states possible ethnical identities of candidates. There is the three-member body which collectively serves as head of state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There may be only one Serb, one Croat and one Bosniac. There are also territorial restrictions.

There were multiple case of rejection people’s application to be elected on the ethincal ground. The most well-known case is the case of Ilijaz Pilav from Srebrenica. There was also a notable case of Azra Zornić who identifies as a citized of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The only authority where a person of another nationality may hold office is the central Election Committee.

The most discriminated ethical minority is Roma. Unemployment rate among Roma is 95%!

Media freedom is restricted. In 2015, a local journalist organization has registered 52 cases of media freedom violence including physical attacks and death treats.

Progress in bringing to justice those responsible for war crimes remains slow. Ratko Mladić isn’t convicted for genocide in Srebrenica yet.

- Количество слайдов: 13