Скачать презентацию HULL-JACKSON MONTESSORI Mrs Parks Mrs Mikhail Скачать презентацию HULL-JACKSON MONTESSORI Mrs Parks Mrs Mikhail


  • Количество слайдов: 14


ATTENDANCE POLICY Arrival: • School begins each morning at 8 am. • Children may ATTENDANCE POLICY Arrival: • School begins each morning at 8 am. • Children may begin coming into the classroom at 7: 45 am. • Breakfast is served from 7: 35 -7: 55. (If your child is pre-S/pre-K you must stay & supervise your child. ) We understand emergencies happen, but please try to have your child finish his/her breakfast at home or in the Dining Hall. We discourage breakfast being brought to the classroom as it interrupts our morning learning time. • Pre-S/Pre-K children MUST be signed in each day. • Please allow your child to be independent by putting up his/her folder/lunchbox & hanging up his/her backpack on his/her own. Dismissal: • School ends at 3 pm. Children MUST be picked up by 3: 15 pm. • Pre-S/Pre-K children may begin being dismissed at 2: 45 from the classroom. They need to be signed out each day. K children will not be released until 3 pm. • You MUST have your dismissal card every day in order to pick up your child. There are many children on the waiting list to get into our program. Repeated tardies &/or absences may lead to losing your child’s spot at Hull-Jackson.

POLICIES, PROCEDURES & MORE • Communication Folder: Please check your child’s backpack EVERY night. POLICIES, PROCEDURES & MORE • Communication Folder: Please check your child’s backpack EVERY night. You will find important school-home communications in your child’s folder. • Birthday Policy: Metro’s policy states that children are not to have birthday parties at school. At HJ, we honor your child’s special day through our “Celebration of Life. ” During this time, we sing a song highlighting important events from each year of your child’s life. If you would like to send in a special snack on that day, you may. It should be a healthy snack—muffins, fruit, etc. NO CUPCAKES, ICE CREAM, ETC. Also, goody bags should be saved for your child’s birthday party not for school. We really appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. *Birthday party invitations should not be given out in school unless there is one for every child. • Snack/Flowers: I will send home a snack calendar each month. When your child’s name appears on the calendar we ask that you supply the class with a healthy snack (see your Welcome packet for suggestions). • Communicating with me: Arrival is an important time for me to greet your child & ensure a great start to the school day. This is not the best time for me to conference with you. If you need to speak with me, you can call during my planning time (1: 30 -2: 30) or e-mail me. You can also leave me a note & I will get back with you as soon as possible.

 • Illness Policy: Your child’s health is extremely important to us, and we • Illness Policy: Your child’s health is extremely important to us, and we need your help in maintaining a healthy environment for all of our children. Please be protective of your child and other children by not sending your child to school if he/she exhibits any of the following signs of illness: fever above 100 degrees, diarrhea, vomiting. Any child with these symptoms must be kept at home a full 24 hours without symptoms before returning to school. Head Lice – If your child should become infested with head lice, it is the policy of the district that he/she may not return to school until you have obtained a statement from your physician or the Health Department stating that your child is nit free. You may visit Lentz Health Center for a health care release (free of cost). A student’s absence will only be excused for three days following being sent home for infestations. Strep Throat – Students should not return to school until at least 24 hours after beginning antibiotic therapy and being fever free. Communicable Disease – If a child develops chickenpox, mumps, measles, strep throat, or “pink eye”, your child must have a doctor’s statement stating the child is not contagious and may return to school. • Personal Items: All personal items should remain at home. This includes toys, money, jewelry, etc. • Standard School Attire: Students need to be in a white or navy collared shirt & navy bottoms. Girls may wear navy plaid as well. Any tights/leggings should be a solid color. Your child may want to keep a sweater (no hoodies or outdoor jackets) in their cubby at school.

DISCIPLINE • Discipline comes from a Latin word meaning “to teach. ” The goal DISCIPLINE • Discipline comes from a Latin word meaning “to teach. ” The goal of discipline in the Montessori classroom is to teach your child self-regulation. • We have 3 main rules here at school: • Respect yourself. • Respect others. • Respect the environment. We expect all students and visitors to follow these guidelines. You will be contacted if your child has difficulty with any of the classroom rules. • Discipline in the Montessori classroom: 1. Verbal Reminder of classroom rules. 2. Redirect child. 3. Child should sit in the “Thinking Chair” for a few minutes to calm themselves down or reflect on their behavior. 4. Child may be taken to another classroom to work. 5. Child may lose a privilege or preferred activity. 6. The Principal or Guidance Counselor may be contacted for support. *Parents will be contacted either in writing or by phone at sometime during this process depending on the behavior concern.

THE MONTESSORI METHOD • • • Encourages & teaches independence. Is based in respect—respect THE MONTESSORI METHOD • • • Encourages & teaches independence. Is based in respect—respect for the child & the environment. Allows for individualized education for all students and has multi-age environments. THE MONTESSORI ENVIRONMENT • • • The environment is organized by curriculum area. All materials are located on the shelves in order from simple to complex from left to right, top to bottom. Each material has a specific use which will teach the child a particular skill or concept. Children work at a table or on a work rug designed to delineate their work space. Students are given a “lesson” on each material either one-on-one or in a small group. Once the child has learned how to use the material appropriately, s/he is allowed & encouraged to work with the material as often as s/he likes until the skill is mastered.

PRACTICAL LIFE This area of the classroom allows your child to learn skills practical PRACTICAL LIFE This area of the classroom allows your child to learn skills practical in every day life. These skills not only improve their concentration and fine motor skills, they allow them to become independent in caring for themselves and their environment. Another critical aspect of the practical life curriculum are the “grace & courtesy” lessons. These lessons teach the children manners & other skills, such as how to interrupt, how to greet someone & more.

SENSORIAL These materials isolate sensory impressions so that your child can learn different aspects SENSORIAL These materials isolate sensory impressions so that your child can learn different aspects of the world around them. Children learn to discriminate auditorily, visually & tactilely.

MATHEMATICS The math materials are sequential & scientific in their design. Materials go from MATHEMATICS The math materials are sequential & scientific in their design. Materials go from concrete to abstract.

LANGUAGE The Montessori language curriculum is based in phonics. Children learn the sounds a LANGUAGE The Montessori language curriculum is based in phonics. Children learn the sounds a letter makes first. Next they begin writing & eventually putting together sounds together to read.

CULTURAL There a variety of materials that expose the children to cultural differences & CULTURAL There a variety of materials that expose the children to cultural differences & geography as well as scientific concepts.

DAILY SCHEDULE 7: 45 -8: 00 -8: 30 -10: 15 -10: 30 -11: 00 DAILY SCHEDULE 7: 45 -8: 00 -8: 30 -10: 15 -10: 30 -11: 00 11: 15 -11: 45 -12: 00 Arrival • Hang up belongings. • Lunch boxes go on the cart. • Folders go in the basket. • Wash hands and choose a book on the ellipse quietly. Morning Meeting Pledge/Announcements Group Snack Montessori Work Cycle Clean-up/Prepare for lunch Lunch Playground Prepare for afternoon Kindergarteners 12: 00 -1: 30 Kindergarten Lessons 1: 30 -2: 30 Specials 2: 30 -3: 00 Afternoon Meeting 3: 00 Dismissal Pre-S/Pre-K 12: 00 -12: 30 -12: 45 -2: 15 -2: 30 -3: 00 2: 45 -3: 00 Group Activity Prepare for rest/bathroom Rest Time Prepare for dismissal Afternoon Meeting Dismissal

BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR CLASS WEBSITE/BLOG!!! Parks Place: www. parksmontessori. weebly. com BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR CLASS WEBSITE/BLOG!!! Parks Place: www. parksmontessori. weebly. com

WEBSITES AND CONTACT INFORMATION • Metro’s Website: www. mnps. org • Hull-Jackson’s Website: www. WEBSITES AND CONTACT INFORMATION • Metro’s Website: www. mnps. org • Hull-Jackson’s Website: www. hulljacksones. mnps. org • Teacher e-mail : • Kyra. Parks@mnps. org • Phone: 291 -6601