- Количество слайдов: 19
http: //www. grants. nih. gov/
Subscribe to the monthly Nexus for a summary of the latest NIH grant happenings, resources, events http: //www. grants. nih. gov/grants/nexus. htm
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NAVIGATION POINT #7 I need to find someone to talk to!
http: //www. grants. nih. gov/
FINDING THE RIGHT STAFF TO TALK TO AT NIH • All FOAs include contact names for program, review and grants management staff. • All Institute websites have org charts or contact lists so to help you find a name. www. nih. gov • Use the NIH Staff Directory if you already have a name http: //ned. nih. gov/
http: //www. nih. gov/
http: //www. nih. gov/icd/index. htm
DETERMINING RELEVANCY OF YOUR PROJECT TO THE INSTITUTE PORTFOLIO • Look on Institute websites for program highlights, areas of emphasis, priorities • Talk to program staff at the funding Institute • Look in Re. PORTER to see what NIH is currently funding
http: //www. grants. nih. gov/
NAVIGATION POINT #8 Who and what does NIH fund anyway?
http: //www. grants. nih. gov/
Transparency ∙ Accountability ∙ Public Trust Re. PORT: Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tool www. report. nih. gov 13
Opening the Black Box 14
Central Point of Public Access 15 15
Re. PORT Stakeholders Internal Stakeholders • • NIH Director and Principal Deputy NIH Office of Extramural Research NIH Office of Intramural Research NIH Office of Science Policy NIH Office of Budget NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison NIH Offices, Institutes, Centers External Stakeholders • • • • Congressional, White House, and DHHS staff White House Office of Science and Technology Policy White House Open Government Initiative OMB data. gov Patient advocacy groups Scientific and professional associations Media and Publishing NIH-supported institutions and small businesses Applicants and NIH-supported investigators Students Marketing consultants Economists and science policy analysts 16 Other federal science agencies Patients and their friends and family 16 16
Re. PORT Stakeholders 17 17 17
Re. PORT History FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 v 1. 0 Beta Strategic Plans FY 08 Global Re. PORT FY 09 FY 08 V 1. 0 FY 09 Beta In. PORT: IC-RCDC Geo-Coding Re. Tools Re. PORT Atlas FY 07 FY 09 v 1. 0 Beta 4 18
On-Line Demo Let’s go live! www. report. nih. gov 19