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Information in This Handbook Who can help n Where to find info n Forestry Information in This Handbook Who can help n Where to find info n Forestry Graduate Student Association n Business office policies/procedures n Computer facilities & resources n Graduate degree requirements n Assistantships n

Primary Purpose Enhance graduate student personal, professional, and social experiences within the Department and Primary Purpose Enhance graduate student personal, professional, and social experiences within the Department and University by: a) promoting graduate student research and ideas, b) furnishing a forum for interaction and communication among current, incoming, and prospective Forestry graduate students and departmental faculty and staff, and c) when appropriate, advocating the position of the Forestry graduate students to the Department’s Chair, faculty, and other constituencies.

Membership • Forestry M. S. or Ph. D. student (advisor, co-advisor, or committee member Membership • Forestry M. S. or Ph. D. student (advisor, co-advisor, or committee member in the Forestry Department), and • Currently enrolled full or part-time Faculty Advisor • Dr. Terrell T. “Red” Baker Meetings • Regular meetings held monthly Officers • Elected at beginning of each semester • Term is one semester, with 2 term maximum

Recent Activities • Socials • Planted trees at Griffith Woods • Invited speakers • Recent Activities • Socials • Planted trees at Griffith Woods • Invited speakers • Reforest the Bluegrass • Spring coat drive • Pay raises for MS students • Pedagogy and course development • Participation in UK Grad Conference

Forestry GSA – Fall 2011 Officers President: Jared Craig (jaredcraig 3@gmail. com) Vice-President: Jonathan Forestry GSA – Fall 2011 Officers President: Jared Craig (jaredcraig 3@gmail. com) Vice-President: Jonathan Catron (jonathancatron@uky. edu) Secretary: Emma Witt (elwitt 2@uky. edu) Financial Officer: Abe Levin-Nielsen (abe. levinnielsen@gmail. com) Social Events Planners: Rich Biemiller (rbiemiller@uky. edu) Public Relations: Cat Hoy (hoy_catherine@hotmail. com) Information Technology Specialist: Tyler Sanderson (tyler. sanderson@uky. edu) Graduate Program Committee Representatives: Jared Craig (jaredcraig 3@gmail. com) Aaron Hildreth (hildreta@gmail. com)

Department Outreach n Department newsletter and website n n Employment information n n n Department Outreach n Department newsletter and website n n Employment information n n n Research updates, award news, GSA activities, etc. Binder (room 105) Bulletin board (outside room 107) Email and department website Student services Alumni relations Fall Picnic – Friday, Sept 9 at 4: 30 pm Laura Lhotka: 859 -257 -8718; laura. lhotka@uky. edu; Room 223

Budget & Other Policies/Procedures Budget & Other Policies/Procedures

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Leslie Queary n Administrative Coordinator n Room 105, 257 -7596, leslie. queary@uky. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Leslie Queary n Administrative Coordinator n Room 105, 257 -7596, leslie. queary@uky. edu n Debbie Gutierrez n Fiscal Officer n Room 107, 257 -2516, debbie. gutierrez@uky. edu n Reneé Williams n Information Specialist Senior, Extension n Room 216, 257 -7597, rdwill 5@uky. edu n

Travel n Before trip n n Enjoy your trip! After trip n n n Travel n Before trip n n Enjoy your trip! After trip n n n Fill out Travel Request form with supervisor signatures Submit request to Leslie Queary (Room 105) http: //sevencolors. org/images/photo/original/globe_west. jpg Complete travel voucher: (http: //www. uky. edu/e. Forms/alphaindex. php? startswith=T) Attach original receipts Please include account number Submit to Leslie Need help? . . . Ask us!

Budgets n Please direct all questions about your accounts and budgets to Debbie. Budgets n Please direct all questions about your accounts and budgets to Debbie.

HR and Payroll n n Please direct all questions about any human resources aspects HR and Payroll n n Please direct all questions about any human resources aspects and payroll to Leslie Queary in Room 105. To make any changes to payroll - address change, account number change, etc. please see Leslie.

Worker’s Comp n If you are injured in the field or on the job, Worker’s Comp n If you are injured in the field or on the job, please call UK’s Worker’s Comp office at 800 -440 -6285 to file the report. (please carry this number in your wallet) n n http: //www. uky. edu/HR/benefits/disability_ worker. html Please see Leslie if you have questions.

Mailings n n n Fed. Ex and DHL Next day and 2 nd day Mailings n n n Fed. Ex and DHL Next day and 2 nd day shipments Package item yourself Fed. Ex boxes in supply closet (Rm 116) Fed. Ex and DHL envelopes and labels in Rm 105 Please bring package, completed labels, and acct # to Leslie International shipments also available through Fed. Ex

Mailings cont’d UPS n Ground shipments n Package item n Attach UPS meter card Mailings cont’d UPS n Ground shipments n Package item n Attach UPS meter card (blue) n Leave in mail room for pick up

Mailings cont’d USPS n n Package item Attach the domestic meter card (manila) For Mailings cont’d USPS n n Package item Attach the domestic meter card (manila) For international shipments, attach pink meter card Leave in mail room for pick up

Mailings cont’d Campus Mail n n n Campus mail envelopes are in mail room Mailings cont’d Campus Mail n n n Campus mail envelopes are in mail room Place in envelope and leave in metal basket labeled ‘campus mail’ in mail room Mail is picked up daily between 8: 00 and 9: 00 AM

Supply Purchases n Office Supplies n n n First check supply closet, Room 116 Supply Purchases n Office Supplies n n n First check supply closet, Room 116 If item not available, please have an account number and see Leslie in Room 105 Lab Equipment n n Please have an account number You may use n n Fisher Scientific for chemicals (call Sandy Baker at 257 -2354) Carolina Biological Supply (online or by phone) Forestry Suppliers (online or by phone) If all else fails, see Millie for assistance in room 120

Pro Card (credit card) n When you make a purchase with a UK Pro Pro Card (credit card) n When you make a purchase with a UK Pro -card, please: n n n fill out the form attach original receipts turn in to Debbie, Room 107

Reimbursements n Reimbursements may be given when: n a purchase was not for: n Reimbursements n Reimbursements may be given when: n a purchase was not for: n n n travel food postage the amount is more then $25. 00 (if not, save receipts until total is more then $25. 00) Please have: n n n Original receipt Account number, then See Leslie (105) or Debbie (107).

Key Shop n n n If you need keys made, please see Leslie in Key Shop n n n If you need keys made, please see Leslie in Room 105 for the signed form. The key shop is behind Donovan Hall is the building across Huguelet Dr.

Car Reservations n n n Cars or trucks may be reserved through the College Car Reservations n n n Cars or trucks may be reserved through the College of Agriculture Motor Pool. Please see any of the staff to reserve a car. You will need: n n n account number departure and return day and time phone & email destination type of vehicle needed (truck, car, van, etc. ) who is traveling

Vans If you will be driving a van: n n You may need to Vans If you will be driving a van: n n You may need to be certified first See Leslie Queary for help or phone the Motor Pool (7 -7570)

Chemicals If you will be using chemicals n n You will need to complete Chemicals If you will be using chemicals n n You will need to complete a chemical hygiene test first Ask Millie Hamilton for details (TPC Room 120)

Forms n n n For most UK forms: http: //www. uky. edu/e. Forms/ Most Forms n n n For most UK forms: http: //www. uky. edu/e. Forms/ Most forms can also be found in the supply closet, room 116. If you have questions, see the Administrative staff.

You need to know Darryl ! Darryl Cremeans, Ph. D. Data Systems Manager You need to know Darryl ! Darryl Cremeans, Ph. D. Data Systems Manager

Darryl wears many hats n Many of which can help facilitate your success here Darryl wears many hats n Many of which can help facilitate your success here

Space Committee Chairman n n n Desk assignments Office allocation Lab space needs Storage Space Committee Chairman n n n Desk assignments Office allocation Lab space needs Storage Renovation projects etc. The committee has ratified a protocol for making these decisions

Departmental Safety Contact n n n Oversee lab inspections Remedy any safety issues identified Departmental Safety Contact n n n Oversee lab inspections Remedy any safety issues identified by the Fire Marshall etc. If you encounter anything you feel puts you at risk – You need to report it to your major professor, if they fail to resolve it to your satisfaction please discuss with Darryl.

Inventory Control Assistant n Annual inventory (Oct. Dec) n We need you to bring Inventory Control Assistant n Annual inventory (Oct. Dec) n We need you to bring in for scanning every piece of bar-coded University equipment you possess.

Data Systems Manager n Tech support n n n n n dcremean@uky. edu Office Data Systems Manager n Tech support n n n n n dcremean@uky. edu Office 257 -1396 Ag Helpdesk – 257 -3335 UK Helpdesk – 218 -HELP Network Administrator Web master Computer Labs etc.

Your Computer n n n The department endeavors to provide each graduate student with Your Computer n n n The department endeavors to provide each graduate student with a pc (desktop or notebook) and a printer If your printer runs out of ink – get an account number from your major professor and give it and your model to Leslie. Free network printers in the lab n n Please do not print frivolous documents. Password protected to prevent abuse.

Safe Computing n n If you just perform work related tasks on your pc, Safe Computing n n If you just perform work related tasks on your pc, you should be able to avoid problems Avoid Peer to Peer file sharing programs Keep antivirus software up to date Install Microsoft security patches n Little yellow shield in lower right corner

Computer Lab – Room 121 n n n n General use Poster printing Scanners Computer Lab – Room 121 n n n n General use Poster printing Scanners ARCView databases SAS PDF creation Can be used for instruction etc.

Network Resources n n Shortcut to Forestry 3 = file server for pc lab Network Resources n n Shortcut to Forestry 3 = file server for pc lab Forestry 8 = print server, GIS data Forestry 5+6 = file servers for faculty, staff, and graduate students n n n I: drive I: common I: homelogin. ID

Departmental Listservs n n n n Forestry-all@lsv. uky. edu – every full time employee Departmental Listservs n n n n Forestry-all@lsv. uky. edu – every full time employee Forestry-ext@lsv. uky. edu – all extension people Forestry-fac@lsv. uky. edu – all faculty Forestry-grads@lsv. uky. edu – all graduate students (even if not hosted by Forestry) Forestry-ps@lsv. uky. edu – professional staff Forestry-res@lsv. uky. edu – research folks Forestry-teach@lsv. uky. edu – forestry instructors All-students-fore@lsv. uky. edu – all forestry students (both undergrad and graduate)

Forestry Department Web Site http: //www. ca. uky. edu/forestry/ n n n Faculty and Forestry Department Web Site http: //www. ca. uky. edu/forestry/ n n n Faculty and Staff Graduate Program Information Department Seminar Schedule GSA newsletter Grad Student pages Etc.

Parking at the Cooper Building n n n Only for official vehicles and visitors Parking at the Cooper Building n n n Only for official vehicles and visitors (who need a one-use hang tag from Leslie) There are three “loading zone” spaces (black/yellow, 15 minutes maximum) Please don’t get towed!

Campus Life n Seminars Campus-Wide http: //www. google. com/calendar/embed? src=hpp 5 hqgd 56 qot Campus Life n Seminars Campus-Wide http: //www. google. com/calendar/embed? src=hpp 5 hqgd 56 qot 5 lle 6 e 57 sua 8 8%40 group. calendar. google. com) n Student Organizations http: //getinvolved. uky. edu/ n Graduate Student Congress http: //www. uky. edu/Student. Orgs/Grad. Student. Congress/welcome. html n Campus Recreation http: //www. uky. edu/Student. Affairs/Campus. Rec/

Forestry Graduate Program Committee (MS FORE) n Student Members n n n Mr. Jared Forestry Graduate Program Committee (MS FORE) n Student Members n n n Mr. Jared Craig (jaredcraig 3@gmail. com, term ends Aug ‘ 12) Mr. Aaron Hildreth (hildreta@gmail. com, term ends Aug ’ 13) Faculty Members n n n Dr. Mary Arthur (marthur@uky. edu, term ends Aug ’ 13) Dr. John Cox (jjcox@uky. edu, term ends Aug ’ 12) Dr. Michael Lacki (mlacki@email. uky. edu, term ends Aug ’ 12) Dr. John Lhotka (jmlhot 2@uky. edu, term ends Aug ’ 13) Dr. Dave Wagner, DGS (dwagner@uky. edu, permanent member)

Grad School Web Pages: Provide Links to Most UK Info n n n Home Grad School Web Pages: Provide Links to Most UK Info n n n Home page: http: //www. rgs. uky. edu/gs/ Click on “Current Students” Click on “Graduate Student Resources” n n n n Bulletin Academic Calendar Computing Services University Libraries Health Insurance Etc. Grad Student Listserv (http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/Student. Development/listserv. ht ml)

More Pointers to Resources (examples) n Graduate School Travel Funds (http: //www. research. uky. More Pointers to Resources (examples) n Graduate School Travel Funds (http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/Student. Funding/supportfunding. html ) n Statistical Consulting – College of Agriculture n Kristen Mc. Querry (Graduate Statistics Consultant) n n 323 Plant Science Building 7 -5020 ext. 80768 Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays, 8 – 1 (or by appointment) Preparing Future Faculty Program (http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/PFF/index. html)

How Do I Earn My Degree? ? ? n If you are not in How Do I Earn My Degree? ? ? n If you are not in M. S. (Forestry) degree program see Director of Graduate Studies of your academic program è see your academic program’s web pages, e. g. : è http: //www. as. uky. edu/academics/departments_programs/Biology/g raduate-program/Pages/default. aspx http: //www. ca. uky. edu/entomology/dept/gradprogram. asp n If you are in the M. S. (Forestry) degree program see the following several slides è see http: //www. ca. uky. edu/forestry/academics. php è also, visit Dave Wagner (DGS) if you have questions è

M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements n Plan A: 24 graduate credits plus thesis Plan M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements n Plan A: 24 graduate credits plus thesis Plan B: 30 graduate credits FOR 768 credits do not count n Fulfill other requirements of n n n Forestry Graduate Program Graduate School Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) (read on for the details!)

M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A and Plan B) n Specific Courses n M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A and Plan B) n Specific Courses n n n FOR 601 (3 credits; take this your 1 st Fall Semester) FOR 602 (3 credits; taught odd-year Fall Semesters) FOR 770 (take 3 times; taught every Fall & Spring) Instructional experience in undergraduate course Exit seminar Oral final exam

FOR 770 Topics/Instructors (Tentative Schedule) Fall 2011 • • • The Policy and Economics FOR 770 Topics/Instructors (Tentative Schedule) Fall 2011 • • • The Policy and Economics of Ecosystem Services (Stainback) The Policy and Economics of Ecosystem Services Wild Felid Ecology, Management, and Conservation (Co x) University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Spring 2012 • Fire and Disturbance Ecology in Appalachian Forests (Arthur & Paratley) • Ecology and Management of North American Ungulates (Cox) • University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Fall 2012 • • • Wild Canid Ecology, Management, and Conservation (Cox) Ecological Economics (Stainback) University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Spring 2013 • Neotropical Migrant Songbird Management and Conservation (Cox) • University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Fall 2013 • • The Policy and Economics of Ecosystem Services (Stainback) University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Spring 2014 • Optimization Techniques in Natural Resources Management (Contreras) • University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only) Fall 2014 • • Ecology and Silviculture of Oak Dominated Forests (J. Lhotka) University Forestry Teaching (Wagner, for TAs only)

Some more special topics opportunities. . . (Tentative Schedule) n FOR 599, Spring 2012 Some more special topics opportunities. . . (Tentative Schedule) n FOR 599, Spring 2012 n n FLORIDA'S ECOSYSTEMS: ECOLOGY, MANAGEMENT, AND POLICY Some course meetings during the semester + spring break field trip to Florida n FOR 599, Spring 2013 n n GREATER YELLOWSTONE ECOSYSTEM: ECOLOGY, MANAGEMENT, AND POLICY Some course meetings during the semester + after semester (early May) field trip to protected areas in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Instructional Experience Opportunities Check out the list of undergraduate forestry courses in the UK Instructional Experience Opportunities Check out the list of undergraduate forestry courses in the UK Bulletin

M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A & Plan B) Graduate School & CPE M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A & Plan B) Graduate School & CPE Course Requirements: § 2/3 of minimum graduate credits in “regular” courses § § 16 credits for Plan A 20 credits for Plan B FOR 599, 748, 768, 781, 791 do not count as “regular” courses except: FOR 599 does count if it has a subtitle and regular weekly classroom meeting pattern. 1/2 of minimum graduate credits in 600 - or 700 level courses § § 12 credits for Plan A 15 credits for Plan B Thesis, practicum, internship credits do not count (e. g. , FOR 748, 768). FOR 781, 791 do count.

M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A & Plan B) Graduate School & CPE M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A & Plan B) Graduate School & CPE Course Requirements (continued)): continued § 1/2 of minimum graduate credits in courses with FOR prefix § § § 12 credits for Plan A 15 credits for Plan B Thesis, practicum, internship credits do not count (e. g. FOR 748, 768). FOR 599, 781, 791 do count. 3/8 of minimum graduate credits in FOR courses at 600 - or 700 -level § § 9 credits Plan A 12 credits Plan B Thesis, practicum, internship credits do not count (e. g. FOR 748, 768). FOR 781, 791 do count.

M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A – Thesis) Here’s the bottom line meaning M. S. (Forestry) Degree Requirements (Plan A – Thesis) Here’s the bottom line meaning of the Graduate School & CPE course requirements of preceding two slides (for most Plan A students): § § At least 16 graduate credits in “regular” courses All other coursework fine print can be fulfilled by a single, 3 credit, 600 - or 700 -level, FOR course (in addition to FOR 601, FOR 602 & FOR 770 x 3). (Thesis, practicum, internship credits, e. g. FOR 748, 768, do not count. FOR 781, 791 do count. )

Additional MS FORE Requirement (before registering for classes for 1 st time) n n Additional MS FORE Requirement (before registering for classes for 1 st time) n n Meet with major professor(s) to develop tentative course plan (semester-by-semester) Submit plan to DGS for audit

Additional MS FORE Requirement (before end of first semester of enrollment) n n n Additional MS FORE Requirement (before end of first semester of enrollment) n n n Meet with advisory committee to review / modify / approve tentative course plan Composition of committee must meet requirements of the Graduate School (see next slide) Submit to DGS: 1. 2. Completed committee meeting report form (http: //www. ca. uky. edu/Forestry/committee. pdf) List of courses required by your committee

Tips for Smooth Progress 1. Your advisory/examination committee n Establish during your 1 st Tips for Smooth Progress 1. Your advisory/examination committee n Establish during your 1 st semester for review of course plan (consult major professor) (Meeting Report Form: http: //www. ca. uky. edu/Forestry/committee. pdf) n Rules for composition of the committee n n At least 3 faculty members At least 2 graduate faculty members (including committee chair or co-chair) At least 1 “full” member of the graduate faculty Majority must belong to Forestry graduate faculty Graduate faculty status, including who are “associate” members and who are “full” members, is at: https: //www. research. uky. edu/cfdocs/gs/dgsgradfac/

Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) 2. 3. 4. Plan all coursework at the outset Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) 2. 3. 4. Plan all coursework at the outset Consult major professor and committee frequently Plan thesis research project (Plan A) by end of 1 st semester

Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) Stay on top of deadlines 5. http: //www. research. Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) Stay on top of deadlines 5. http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/calendar. html § § “Application for Degree” (due near beginning of final semester; file online using “my. UK”) “Request for Final Examination” (at least 2 weeks before exam) http: //www. research. uky. edu/cfdocs/gs/Masters. Committee/Student/Selection_ Screen. cfm § § Final Examination: There is a “latest possible date” Thesis final copy (due within 60 days of successful final examination) (“Graduate School Forms” link on Graduate School home page) http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/forms. html

Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) 6. 7. If applicable, request substitutions early in your Tips for Smooth Progress (continued) 6. 7. If applicable, request substitutions early in your degree program Questions along the way? Ask your DGS !

Electronic Theses n Advantages n n Experience & skills Rapid worldwide access May use Electronic Theses n Advantages n n Experience & skills Rapid worldwide access May use less paper If you plan to submit an electronic thesis, obtain prior approval of your advisor & other thesis/exam committee members http: //www. gradschool. uky. edu/Current. Students/electronic_thesis_i nstructions. html

Full-Time (20 hours per week) RAships & TAships: Benefits n Stipend n Tuition paid Full-Time (20 hours per week) RAships & TAships: Benefits n Stipend n Tuition paid on your behalf (for graduate-level courses, . . . but see next slide. . . ) n “Funded Graduate Student” health insurance premium paid on your behalf (complements “University Health Service” but it’s not the same) n RAs & TAs do pay some “fees”

Full-Time TAs & RAs: Tuition for Undergraduate Courses n Undergraduate course tuition is paid Full-Time TAs & RAs: Tuition for Undergraduate Courses n Undergraduate course tuition is paid on behalf of TAs & RAs IF: n n n TA or RA also registers for 9 graduate credits during a semester when undergrad course is taken OR Undergrad course is required for degree AND is taken for letter grade (i. e. not Pass/Fail) Otherwise, graduate student TAs and RAs generally pay tuition for undergraduate courses

Health Insurance Coverage for Funded Graduate Students “Funded Graduate Student” health insurance n n Health Insurance Coverage for Funded Graduate Students “Funded Graduate Student” health insurance n n n A complement to “University Health Service” TAs & RAs may enroll dependents (but student pays extra insurance premium) For more information. . . n n http: //www. research. uky. edu/gs/Student. Funding/health_insurance. html Email: GSFH@uky. edu

Recreation and Student Health Fees n Mandatory for full-time students (≥ 9 credit hours) Recreation and Student Health Fees n Mandatory for full-time students (≥ 9 credit hours) n n n Part-time students (≥ 1 and < 9 credit hours): n n n Recreation fee University Health Service fee Recreation fee is mandatory (prorated for credit hours) University Health Service is optional and must be specifically requested if you want it If you are enrolled in FOR 748 (0 credit hours): n n Recreation fee is optional University Health Service is optional

Recreation and Student Health Fees n For more information. . . n n n Recreation and Student Health Fees n For more information. . . n n n Student Billing: 257 -3406 Recreation (Johnson Center): 257 -3928 University Health Service http: //www. ukhealthcare. uky. edu/uhs/ n 323 -5823 n n Remember. . . “University Health Service” is different from the “injury / illness” insurance provided to funded graduate students

Assistantships: Responsibilities n n Satisfactory progress toward degree Satisfactory research and/or teaching performance Responsible Assistantships: Responsibilities n n Satisfactory progress toward degree Satisfactory research and/or teaching performance Responsible to major professor and/or teaching supervisor Full-time commitment to degree progress (e. g. , other jobs usually not permitted)

Questions? Comments? Ask your major professor or DGS. Reminder: College of Agriculture TA Workshop Questions? Comments? Ask your major professor or DGS. Reminder: College of Agriculture TA Workshop Noon – 2: 30 TODAY E. S. Good Barn This free lunch is required for all TAS (both new and experienced)