How to write an opinion essay Do you

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>How to write an opinion essay Do you use formal/informal style? DO NOT USE!!! How to write an opinion essay Do you use formal/informal style? DO NOT USE!!! and, but, also, well, you know, Guess what! Can you use contractions/brackets/exclamation marks? How many words should you write? How many paragraphs should the essay include? What are they? What is evaluated?

>Paragraph 1:  Make the introduction (state the problem)  Paraphrase Rhetorical questions The Paragraph 1: Make the introduction (state the problem) Paraphrase Rhetorical questions The other opinion Find in your handout useful expressions for paragraph 1 and write them down. How many words should you write in the 1st paragraph? 30 — 40 words

>Read the task and the essay question. What is the topic of the essay Read the task and the essay question. What is the topic of the essay in few words? Write the 1st paragraph Write a general sentence about the topic Add an extra sentence to support the first one. (optional) Explain ( state) in your own words the two contrasting views

>Paragraph 2:  State and explain your opinion Linking words Logics Common sense Develop Paragraph 2: State and explain your opinion Linking words Logics Common sense Develop ideas!!! How many words should you write in the 2nd paragraph? 60-70 words

>“Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals “Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals at home. What is your opinion?” Choose the opinion your support and write 4-5 arguments. As for me, I prefer home-made meal. Home-made meal is always fresh and wholesome. Cooking at home, you spend less money. Cooking at home, you can avoid genetically modified ingredients. Cooking at home, you can obtain useful practical skills which you need for life. Cooking at home, you can create your own exclusive recipes. As for me, I prefer eating in a restaurant or a cafe. You can save a lot of time when you eat a ready-made meal in a restaurant There are a lot of good restaurants not far from my house an you can choose from a variety of cuisines. You don't have to buy food and keep it at home. Eating out is a good opportunity to socialise and chat with your friends in a nice place.

>Develop your arguments giving details and other specific information:  - explanation - example Develop your arguments giving details and other specific information: - explanation - example - experience A home-made meal is always fresh and wholesome. Indeed, while cooking, you can use a steamer which preserves vitamins well. Cooking at home, you can avoid genetically modified ingredients. In other words, You can use fresh vegetables which you grow yourself. Cooking at home, you can obtain useful practical skills. In my experience, my mum or granny can teach me how to make salads or cakes. Cooking at home, you can create your own recipe. For instance, if you are keen on baking, you can mix different ingredients to get an unusual flavour.

>* Develop the argument: Argument: Cooking at home, you spend less money.  * Develop the argument: Argument: Cooking at home, you spend less money. In other words … … when you don't often eat out you don't pay a lot for a meal you can cook much cheaper at home For example, … … a dish from a menu in an average restaurant costs twice as much as a 3-course home-made meal . In my experience/In my case … … this is a chance to save up for something you couldn't afford for a long time. Once, … … I decided to cook at home for 3 months and, as a result, I managed to buy a new pair of designer shoes.

>Repeat the same with your own arguments.   Find in your handout useful Repeat the same with your own arguments. Find in your handout useful expressions for paragraph 2 and write them down.

>Paragraph 3: Express the opposing opinion and give 1 – 2 reasons for this Paragraph 3: Express the opposing opinion and give 1 – 2 reasons for this opposing opinion. Use the same pattern (see paragraph 2): Reason + explanation + example/experience write 40- 50 words Find in your handout useful expressions for paragraph 2 and write them down.

>Paragraph 4: Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion. - give counter Paragraph 4: Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion. - give counter arguments to the reasons for the opposing opinion(see paragraph 3): counter-argument + explanation + example/ experience write 40- 50 words Find in your handout useful expressions for paragraph 2 and write them down.

>Paragraph 5: make a conclusion  sum up everything   and restate your Paragraph 5: make a conclusion sum up everything and restate your opinion no new ideas in this paragraph Write 30- 40 words