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How to Study the Bible Part 1: Christianity Under Fire The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Understanding Bible Basics • • The Bible is 66 different books Written by 40 different people Written over a period of about 2, 000 years Consist of 2 volumes called the Old Testament and the New Testament • Although spread out in 66 different books, the Bible is a single message • Written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
The Purpose of This Lesson • So that we may accomplish what Paul wrote about in: • 2 Timothy 2: 15 • “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ” • 2 Timothy 3: 17 • “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. ” The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
How to Study the Bible • Sensitivity to the culture • Sensitivity to the definition of words in their original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages • Interpret passages in their proper context • Scriptural Comparison – Let the Bible Speak for itself • Remember, this is NOT an intellectual exercise, but rather a supernatural experience • Take the Berean Approach (Acts 17: 11) • You CANNOT truly learn the depths of the Bible without accepting Jesus Christ and help from the Holy Spirit (John 14: 25, 1 Corinthians 2: 11 -14) The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
How to Study the Bible Part 1: • • • Population: 6. 9 billion Christians: 2. 1 billion (32%) Muslims: 1. 5 billion (23%) Buddhists: 1 Billion (17%) Hindus: 1 billion (17%) • What does that mean? The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
2. 1 Billion Christians? Are there really 2. 1 billion Christians in the world today? Do Christians really make up 1/3 of the world’s population? The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
2. 1 Billion Christians? Are there really 2. 1 billion Christians in the world today? Do Christians really make up 1/3 of the world’s population? of on iti n? fin stia De hri a. C The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
2. 1 Billion Christians? • • • • Eastern Orthodox Church Western Catholic Church Lutheran Church Episcopalian Church Baptist Church Methodist Church Mormon Church Presbyterian Church Pentecostal Church Jehovah Witnesses Disciples of Christ Church of Christ Seven Day Adventist Christian Science Unification Church The Berean Approach Well over 33, 000 distinct Christian communities in the world today. Source: 2001 Edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia www. thebereanapproach. com
2. 1 Billion Christians? • • • • Eastern Orthodox Church Western Catholic Church Lutheran Church Episcopalian Church Baptist Church Methodist Church Mormon Church Presbyterian Church Pentecostal Church Jehovah Witnesses Disciples of Christ Church of Christ Seven Day Adventist Christian Science Unification Church The Berean Approach • • Not all have the same God Not all have the same Jesus Not all have the same Spirit Not all have the same Gospel www. thebereanapproach. com
2. 1 Billion Christians? • • • • Eastern Orthodox Church Western Catholic Church Lutheran Church Episcopalian Church Baptist Church Methodist Church Mormon Church Presbyterian Church Pentecostal Church Jehovah Witnesses Disciples of Christ Church of Christ Seven Day Adventist Christian Science Unification Church The Berean Approach – Key Ultimate Test • In addition to obeying the Scriptures, the attributes of God and the Person, nature, and works of Jesus Christ must be consistent with that of the Holy Bible www. thebereanapproach. com
The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Early Problems within Christendom • The Apostle’s Paul’s condemnation to the Galatian Church in Galatians 1: 6 -9 • “ 6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. ” The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
“…for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. ” Acts 4: 12 The message of the Christian Church for 2, 000 years!!! The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Paul’s Warning to the Corinthian Church • 2 Corinthians 11: 3, 4 • “ 3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!” People who pervert the Holy Scriptures are called: The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Heretics Throughout Time • Gnosticism: (pre-dates Christianity) the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means (the doctrine of salvation by knowledge). • Adoptionism (2 nd Century AD): Jesus was a human being who was "adopted" by God at his conception, at which point he developed a divine nature. • Arianism (250 -336 AD): named after a priest in Alexandria who taught that Jesus was a special creation by God for man's salvation. • Socianism (1500 s AD): teaches that Jesus was not God but an extraordinary man. The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Heretics Throughout Time • The Mormon Church (1800 s) also known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter. Day Saints. Believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons with separate roles. God the Father and Jesus Christ have glorified bodies of flesh and bones while the Holy Ghost is a Spirit. People can become gods after physical death. Mr. Joseph Smith – Founder of The Mormon Church The Berean Approach • Believes that their living “prophet” supersedes the teachings of the New Testament. Their sacred books, “Doctrine and Covenants”, “The Pearl of Great Price”, and “The Book of Mormon”, often contradicts the Holy Bible. Jesus and Satan are brothers, and there are many gods. www. thebereanapproach. com
Heretics Throughout Time • The Watchtower Society, aka, The Jehovah Witness (1800 s), have rewrote much of the Bible (which they call “The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures”) to conform to the teachings of the organization’s founder Charles Taze Russell and his predecessor Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford. They believe Jesus is an angel, and they denied the trinity – the 3 and 1 nature of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Mr. Charles Taze Russell – Founder of the Watchtower Society The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Heretics Throughout Time • The Church of Scientology, teaches that the Bible is a byproduct of Hindu scriptures. It contradicts the Bible and denies the deity of Jesus Christ. Mr. L. Ron Hubbard – Founder of The Church of Scientology The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Heretics Throughout Time • The Unification Church, believes that God is dualistic in His nature, the Bible is untrustworthy in its reliability, and believes that Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah. Mr. Sun Myung Moon – Founder of The Unification Church The Berean Approach • 2004 Photo of the event in Washington, DC where Sun Myung Moon declared himself the Messiah and his wife as the Holy Spirit. www. thebereanapproach. com
One Faith, One Gospel, Delivered Once Jude 3 HOLY BIBLE The Berean Approach Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. www. thebereanapproach. com
? ? ? The Berean Approach ? ? ? ? www. thebereanapproach. com
Another way to God? The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
False Prophets & The Road to the Wide Gate • Matthew 7: 13, 14 • 13“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. ” “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. ” • 15 The Berean Approach ? g in dy tu e S ru ! By e T ets th oph Pr www. thebereanapproach. com
How did this happen? ? ? • • • Many Different Approaches to Theology Biblical Theology Liberation Theology: the study of God. theos = God; Philosophical Theology logos = Word Natural Theology Systematic Theology Historical Theology Confessional Theology Prosperity Theology Feminist Theologies …. and many more Essentials of Christianity, Pastor David Spear; Parts 3 – 15: Theology – the Doctrine of God (http: //calvarychapelmanassas. org) The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
The Results! Different Theology Different ways to view the Bible Different ways for interpreting the Bible Division with the Church Different Christian Groups The Berean Approach Denominationalism www. thebereanapproach. com
• A religious denomination is a division within a religion that operates under a common name, tradition, and identity. • Most denominations can be classified as either false, liberal, or orthodox in their approach to Christianity. • John 17: 20, 21 • 20 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. ” • 1 Corinthians 1: 10 • “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. ” The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Different Approaches to Christianity False Christianity • • Wrong God Wrong Redeemer Wrong Spirit Wrong Gospel Liberal Christianity • • Right God Right Redeemer Wrong Spirit Wrong Gospel THEIR BOOK HOLY BIBLE Orthodox Christianity • • Right God Right Redeemer Right Spirit Right Gospel HOLY BIBLE (Sola scriptura) HOLY BIBLE The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Different Approaches to Christianity False Christianity Liberal Christianity • Eliminates the meaning of the Word of God • Replaces the Word of God with their own theology • Changes the meaning of the Word of God to conform to culture and modern day trends of society • Adds to the Word of God to keep it “up-todate” The Berean Approach Orthodox Christianity • Seeks the original meaning of the Word of God • Faithful and true to the original writings of the Word of God www. thebereanapproach. com
Different Approaches to Christianity False Christianity • Have their own version of salvation The Berean Approach Liberal Christianity • Avoids the general message pertaining to salvation with regards to sin and righteousness, repentance and eternal damnation Orthodox Christianity • Accepts the entire council of God; from Genesis – Revelation • Does not discriminate the Word of God, affirms to classical theology • Modeled after the first century church as found in Acts 2. www. thebereanapproach. com
The First Church: Acts Chapter 2 THE CALLING • Verses 1– 4: the arrival of the Holy Spirit, people began speaking in tongues • Verses 5 -13: the group of Jews from every nation under heaven were amazed to hear these men speaking in these languages • Verses 14 -21: the Apostle Peter begins his first sermon, quotes from the OT book of Joel to show that was happening was a fulfillment of prophecy of the Holy Spirit • Verses 22 -28: The Apostle Peter uses the OT book of Psalms to show the prophecy of Jesus and His resurrection • Verses 29 -36: the Apostle Peter proclaims Jesus is Lord and Christ The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
The First Church: Acts Chapter 2 THE RESPONSE • Verse 37: the men were “cut to the heart”, asked “what shall we do? ” • Verse 38: Peter answered: • • Go home and think about it? Discuss it with your wife? Go home and pray about it? Talk it over with your friends? N ! O The Berean Approach • REPENT! - Turn away from sin, turn your back on it, do not look upon it, renounce it • Be baptized for the remission (forgiveness) of sins, receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit www. thebereanapproach. com
The First Church: Acts Chapter 2 THE BIRTH OF THE CHURCH • • • Verses 40 – 47: Identifies True Orthodox Christians 3, 000 people where baptized They continued in the apostles doctrine (teachings) – apostolic teachings They fellowship with one another They broke bread together They prayed together They had all things in common Sold their possessions and goods to give to those in need They had simplicity of heart and had favor with all people The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved! The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
The First Church: Acts Chapter 2 THE BIRTH OF THE CHURCH • You can’t join a church! • You can’t be voted in! • Only God can add you to the church. True Christian Church The Berean Approach False Christian Church www. thebereanapproach. com
Matthew 13: 47 -50 – A Description of the Universal Church 47 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, 48 which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. 49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, 50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. ” Eastern. Lutheran Church Roman. Episcopalian Believers Methodist Catholic Pentecostal Baptist All Professing. Presbyterian Churches Non Orthodox Church Denominational Christian The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
True Christians = “well done true and faithful servant” False Christians = “depart from me you worker of iniquity. I never knew you!” The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com
Your Assignment • Study Acts Chapter 2 (together as a family) • Pay close attention to the attitude and spirit of the first church • Evaluate your attitude and spirit in light of Acts 2 • Pray to God and take appropriate steps based on what the Holy Spirit communicates to you • Purchase two items: – Buy a concordance – The New Strong’s Expanded Concordance – 5” by 3” Index Cards The Berean Approach www. thebereanapproach. com