- Количество слайдов: 21
How To Start IT business Oleksii Vitchenko Founding Partner of Digital Future digital-future. org
Our philosophy of investment We invest into digital products that change the future! digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Our Portfolio Companies digital-future. org
What it takes to create a successful tech startup? digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Startups Types Hobby / Lifestyle startups SMB startups Venture startups Social startups Scalable startups Startups for large corporations digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Startup Lifecycle Idea development Business model validation Building MVP Scaling digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Investors Types Money D S Fools, Friends & Family VC Funds Investment Banks Peer-to-Peer Face. Book audience Smart Investors Angel Investors Corporate VCs Expertise Accelerators Incubators Advisors Board members Employees B C digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Smart Money MONEY D S Dumb money Smart money Expertise Bulshit talk B Consulting C digital-future. org
How To Start IT business Smart expertise for startups Idea development - Networking - Experience - Common sense 1 2 Scaling - Business processes - HR Business model validation - Technical - Administrative - Marketing Building MVP 4 3 digital-future. org - Sales Business development Finance Legal
Sales team Developers team Jeapie: Success Story In-house marketing manager and content manager 28 customers 2 strategic partners Continuous revenue flow 3 prospective buyers
v How To Start IT business Jeapie Case Study Relocation and «Mivina Time» Idea & grant Pivots Validation of business model Smart Investment from Digital Future digital-future. org Revenue growth M&A Exit
v How To Start IT business Jeapie Case Study One business model Three founders First-Time-Founders $ 30 k grant Technical MVP Network capital digital-future. org
v How To Start IT business Jeapie Case Study Limited amount of money Technology that is ahead of the market No understanding of the further steps First Challenges No understanding of a prospective customer Lack of sales skills Difficulties with closing an investment round digital-future. org
v How To Start IT business Jeapie Case Study Entrepreneurial experience in e-commerce Recognized the value of service Jeapie offers Knowledge test Administrative expertise Checked if the team can make a delivery Provided team with office space and desks Technical expertise Business development expertise Offered resources for the development of SDK Helped to expand business network and find partners Digital Future Marketing expertise Sales expertise Validated the idea on different audiences Built sales processes Finance expertise Legal expertise Created planning and reporting system Ensured business acquisition deal structure digital-future. org
Three rules of successful companies digital-future. org
Rule #1 Quality first! Beat the competition by offering a superior quality, not dumped prices. digital-future. org
Rule #2 Revenue first! Put in the first place not cost reduction, but revenue growth digital-future. org
Rule #3 There are no other rules! Follow #1 and #2 digital-future. org
Everything is possible!
Oleksii Vitchenko Founding Partner of Digital Future Recognized as the most influential technology investor in Ukraine Serial entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience in building digital and e-commerce businesses He has advised and supported a number of entrepreneurs across a range of technology sectors: Mobile, Saa. S, AI, Ad. Tech, Digital Marketing digital-future. org
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