How to sort the “Order Information report” from the service “Print Acquisitions Records acq-03” Yoel Kortick
Introduction • The sorting method employed here are not Ex Libris inventions nor are they unique to Aleph. • We use here standard xsl sort parameters and show examples of where this information may be found on the internet. • We do two different types of sorts here, while the user may build several more local examples. 2
The form • The service “Print Acquisitions Records acq-03” prints the form order-info-report. • By default there is no option to select the format in the service No field to choose format of report 3
The report • The output file by default is not sorted by any of the fields chosen to print (Not by Sublibrary, Vendor or title) 4
The raw xml • If we look at the raw xml we see that each of the three fields we printed are called “data-1”, “data-2” and “data-3”. If we would want to sort the xsl by, for example, vendor code then we would sort it by “data-2” 5
Sorting the xsl • Here is the xsl standard for sorting a report • This is from http: //www. w 3 schools. com/xsl/el_sort. asp 6
The edited xsl form • We add one line to the xsl form with the desired sort field. • In this case we edit the form order-info-report-01. xsl This is the only line we need to add to the xsl 7
Choosing the new format via the service • One option is just to have one format number and have every user use it. • Another more “attractive” option is to make a pull down box in the service to choose the new format which sorts by the second value • We will now add this option to the service interface 8
The form • The format number option already exists in the service but by default it is “hidden” 9
The form • Now we have added the option to choose a format. • We removed the “hidden” tags and made a dropdown box. . • This is file $aleph_root/pc_b_eng/p-acq-03. xml 10
Running the service • Here we run the service “Print Acquisition Records (acq-03)” and print fields sub library, vendor code and Title. Now we can choose format 01 11
The report is sorted Format 01 Sorted by vendor code 12
Another format • Now we will add format 02 to p-acq-03. xml. • It is for descending order sort for the third parameter (in this case title) 13
The xsl form • Here is $data_root/form_eng/order-info-report-02. xsl This format is sorted descending by the third value 14
The xsl form • Now we run the service choosing format 02 15
The descending order report • The output is sorted by the third value (title) descending Title descending order 16
Thank You! Yoel Kortick