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How to deliver document to MP’s – new solutions By Liselotte Astrup (IT-manager of development)
Print volume and service Print: • 20 mil. prints pr. year • 4, 6 mil. dkr. pr. year in printing costs Service: • Running print and delivering paper copies in postboxes • Paper can not be dropped • All documents are available on the website www. ft. dk
Why electonic distribution ? • An user investigation in 2007 shows that the MP’s and their secretaries want smarter (electronic) ways to handle parliamentary documents, so that they can cut down or eliminate the large number of paper documents currently being used • Better service can be achieved through individual solutions, as the MP’s themselves can define which parliamentary documents they want to get and in which form • The Danish Parliament wants to cut down the print volume (20 mil. print pr. year in house)
Electronic distribution concists of 3 parts: • A personal subscription profile on the website (www. ft. dk), including information about which documents users want and in which format (paper, electronically by mail or E-box) • A Print application, which can gather the printfiles, sorting and address the documents according to the subscription profile • An E-box (My Site) with references to all the documents, which have been ordered according to the subscription profile
Today and tomorrow
Three ways of working Paper based like today: • subscription • all documents on paper • not using the E-box I chose myself • make subscription ü choose paper as required ü see message in the E-box I work electronically • no paper • use the E-box • print on demand • PC at meetings
The Subscription site on the web is expanded with a new feature ”on paper”
Automatic generation of prints during the night Register personal subscription on the web-site Gathering of printfiles and add information Paper will be printed and sorted during the night in personal packages Documentmanagement system (Ting. Dok) Paper will be delivered in the MP’s postbox
Delivery of paper (servicelevel) • 17. 00 p. m. the printfiles will be sent to the print bureau • The MP’s receive documents next morning at 8 o’clock • Sorted package: • Front page with name and list of content • Sorted after document type • Each printed page is printed on both sides and is bound Better sevice than before !
E-box Inbox to messages from the Subscription System e
E-box: The personal document archive • • My site on the intranet Reflects the subscription profile of the user Substitution for e-mails (no overload in the mail box) Links to documents in the document management system Possible to sort and archive the documents Can be used instead of the paper archive The E-box can be shared with others, fx a secretary
E-box e
You see only links e
Filters are made by system-labels
Special system-labels • Invitations (red label) • Committee trips (pink label)
Personal labels can be added manually
Search e
Time schedule December 2008 Invite offers Januar 2009 Contract with chosen vendor (Software Innovation) Break because of new web-site Okt-dec 2009 Analysis and designspecification for the printapplication Jan-febr 2010 Detailed design and system specification for the E-box Jan-april 2010 Development and internal test Maj-juni 2010 Pilot test with 20 representative users – MP’s, secretarys and administrtion Oktober 2010 Electronic Distribution in production
Business Case Costs: Development and implementation: 1, 5 mil. dkr. (Software Innovation) Maintenance pr. year: 200. 000 dkr. Cost reductions (based on the same printproduction as to day) : Internal printcenter: 5 employees -> 1 Manual distribution of paper: 4 employees -> 2 Reducing of print costs: 4, 6 mil. dkr. -> 3, 1 mil. dkr. pr. year Reducing the print with 50%: 4. 6 mil. dkr. -> 1, 55 mil. dkr. pr. year Return of investment: Max. 1 year
In production since 5. october 2010 • The MP’s and their staff are very satisfied with the new solution – much better service • Easy implementation and less support • Hugh reduction in print (75%): Last year: 80. 000 print pr. day Now: 20. 000 print pr. day • Reducing in print costs: 4. 6 mio. dkr. -> 0, 8 mio dkr. Return of investment in fact: 1/2 year