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How to bring your association to the top level Garth Wyllie, Jacques Cosnefroy & Tamuna Gabilaia
Standards for DSA’s • The purpose of the standards are for DSA’s to both understand the minimum standards that DSA’s need in order to function and to encourage DSA’s to achieve more as their ability and resource permit • Bronze is the minimum for WFDSA membership since below this level there will be serious gaps in the DSA’s ability to act as the representative of the industry in the country. • Moving up to Silver and Gold does require more commitment but is achievable by most DSA’s.
Achieving Platinum! Platinum requires a DSA to stretch itself and through proactive activities. Platinum can be achieved by: • Mentoring another DSA to move up a level • DSA must launch a major media initiative aimed at improving the direct selling image • DSA must launch a major new education initiative locally aimed at generating a positive image of the industry within the industry sector • DSA must launch two or more major social media platforms which it will support on an on-going basis • DSA must launch a new major research study outside of the normal data that the DSA would look to capture for statistical purposes
DSA Toolkit on Efficient DSA Management: Membership Categories/Dues Structure • Full/Active Members – companies that manufacture or deal in goods or services intended to reach the consumer through a personal sales contact. Dues for such members are typically based on their net or retail annual sales; • Supplier Members – companies that provide goods and/or services to support direct selling companies. Supplies may pay a flat fee to join the association or be assessed dues on a sliding scale based on annual revenues. • Prospective/Provisional Members – prospective membership is designed to meet the requirements of both established companies and new direct selling businesses whose eventual aim is to apply for full membership. Terms of prospective membership vary from one DSA to another. Prospective/provisional members may pay a flat fee to join the association.
DSA Toolkit on Efficient DSA Management: Membership Criteria • Evidences from the applicant company that its business complies with the national legislation; • Evidences that the applicant company has been active on the national market for at least six month and will abide by the national DSA’s Code of Ethics; • Absence of any anti-competitive or subjective criteria; • Decision on application should be taken by the DSA within a period no longer than six months after receipt of the application form and all the required documents and information.
DSA Toolkit on Efficient DSA Management: Membership Services • Government Relations Services – representation of members general and particular interests in negotiations with government in order to provide a marketplace free from unnecessary or discriminatory restrictive regulations; • Education and Information – the opportunity to attend conferences and seminars which should cover a range of issues relevant to direct selling companies; electronic newsletters to disseminate information and foster interaction among members; case studies on direct selling; the opportunity to seek election to the DSA’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee, any other relevant committees; marketing plan/document review and advisory service; • Consumer Education/PR Services – developing a greater awareness of direct selling as a convenient, economical, and reputable method of distribution of product and services; publicity of member companies through various PR tools to the general public, government, consumer groups, etc.
DSA Toolkit on Efficient DSA Management: § Effective Infrastructure (rotating Chair, Board, committees) § External Relationships Ethics and self-regulation - must participate in the WFDSA Global Code of Ethics initiative to qualify as Silver level and above § § Research Services
French Direct Selling Assocation
Economic weight of Direct Selling in France For 2015 4, 140 billion euros of Turnover 640 000 people + 2, 8 % Workforce growth + 2, 4 % Growth of Turnover Rate of return of 17% on average
Structure du Turnover Breakdown of members compagnies’ turnover of the French DSA by business sector
French Direct Selling Association Professional association created in 1966 Structure of the French Direct Selling Association (DSA) • French DSA • Vente Directe Promotion 143 Members companies 47 Partners companies o 60% of French companies o 15% of European companies o 25% of International companies 100% subsidiary of French Direct Selling Association
Organisation chart of French DSA Executive Director Jacques COSNEFROY Executive Director’s Assistant Patricia MAYORGA Communications Officer Véronique BESSON Head of Legal department Yann BÉDARD Accounting firm (once a week) Véronique LAUTRETE Trainning Officer Alan BAYET Head of monitoring Business and Partner Marion THIEBOT In charge of the Joint Committee of the Direct Selling Mediation Clarisse MASSIP
Evolution of the French DSA
Particularities of French DSA
Vente Directe Promotion Subsidiaty of French DSA Pratical Guide of VDI FVD News Professional Identification Card Sold 15 000 copies a year Bi-annual publication Sold 130 000 copies a year Subscription formula Paper edition : 2 000 exemplaires Digital circulation to 100 000 people
Commissions and meetings of Information and Exchange Ethical and Legal Training 4 Committees International Business & THEMATIQUES MEETINGS Communication
TRAINING VENTE DIRECTE ACADEMIE Tool of e-learning Launch in 2010 More than 12 000 learners 4 levels : LICENCE MANAGEMENT ET MARKETING DE LA VENTE DIRECTE SYMPOSIUM INNOVATION AND TRADE 4 th edition in october 2016 1 st Professional licencee of Direct Selling in Montpellier alterning Meetings with companies, 14 students for this 1 st promotion University lecturers and students initiated in 2015 FVD has become a certifying organization in 2012 Delivery of professional certifications Major event for the Direct Selling industry
Ethical requirements of the DSA for it’s members Administrator of the Code At the DSA, the Administrator of the Code follows : Three levels of commitement THE LAW THE ETHICS CODE OF DIRECT SELLING THE CHARTERS Ethics Code Charter regarding to companies of Direct Selling Code of Conduct of companies of Direct Selling Charter regarding companies of House Renovation
A DSA very comitted next to the Ministeres Ministeriels Agreements The DSA maintain close relationships with following Ministeries: • Ministere of National Education : Signature of a framework Agreement of cooperation in 2003 and renewed in 2011 • Ministere of University & Education : Signature of a framework Agreement of cooperation in 2013 • Ministere of Economics, Industry and Employement : Signature of a national Agreement for the creation of 100 000 jobs in 2010
ON LINE More than 250 000 visits in 2015 More than 1 million views / year Fédération de la Vente Directe @FVD_OFFICIEL 394 abonnés
PRESS 425 media in 2015 214 newspapers articles 147 web
TV and BROADCAST 11 TV (+ 13 web TV) 25 Broadcast (+ 15 web song)
DSA Structure and Function: New Zealand • As a small DSA in a small population country, the New Zealand DSA has to work within tight constraints. How we achieve the results are through both member support and through working collectively with other associations. • Some key aspects on how this works: 1. The DSA contracts its services to the equivalent of the local chamber of commerce who provide a full time person available for as much or as little time is needed for the DSA to function. The resources of that organization are also available when required This is cost effective but ensures the ability to meet all the requirements of the DSA 2. Members assist when required for lobbying, organization of events and for other activities 3. Other functions are contracted out such as accounting to further reduce costs with oversight from the DSA Board
DSA Structure and Function: New Zealand 4. The DSA sets up a planned schedule of meetings each year including workshops by webinar 5. The DSA works with the DSA Australia to utilize some of their social media resources and website design skills 6. Over half of the members are organizationally based in Australia with limited or few staff in the country so we share our conference by having a New Zealand segment each year within the Australian conference. 7. We have a code administrator who is a retired high court judge and operates as an independent adjudicator. He only charges the DSA for any time he spends on DSA matters. 8. Membership matters so we proactively seek out new members that we believe will meet and adhere to our Code 9. We budget to ensure we spend time with both officials and government every year and lock this into our strategic plan
DSA Programs & Initiatives: Depending on your resources you can achieve a lot or a modest amount. Social Media Social media can be difficult to maintain so start with those you can manage easiest and build up. Share resources with or from other DSA’s if you can. Twitter - easy to start up and can be maintained from any device. A picture of activities and events are positives that can easily be placed on twitter. In New Zealand I maintain twitter almost exclusively from my mobile phone. Snapchat – again this can be maintained by any device and if you are posting to twitter then think about also doing a snapchat Facebook – Well known but make sure you have the time to maintain content
Social Media – The Australian Example Australia developed a strategic plan that included the need to have a real social media program targeting key areas. This meant they would target cross platform social media. This was achieved by: 1. Creating a new website for good visual and messaging 2. Placing a new video blog each week in the web site 3. Cross lodging the video along with other messages on facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. (You can go to any of these and see the same video via Vimeo links) 4. Real interviews with real people – Skype interviews with distributors talking about how they had benefited from being involved in the industry and then placed as a series of interviews timed to load up at scheduled times throughout the year. 5. Monitoring the likes and comments is critical. They do this again from a mobile device and address negative comments quickly.
The KEY to develop the Federation Create a specific environment for the Direct Selling Develop content Search for Members and Partners (Budget) Communicate
Thank you! Facebook. com/World. Fed. Dsa Twitter. com/World. Fed_Dsas Wfdsablob. org