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How to apply for access to bases within Naval Base Kitsap (NBK) • Apply via the link below (you may have to copy this link directly into your web browser): • https: //www. bavr. cnic. navy. mil • **Important** – Badges cannot be issued prior to the application “Start date”. – You MUST apply a minimum of five (05) days in advance • Continue on for further instructions
Documents required for access Any and all students must present on of the following to gain access: • • • Certified Birth Certificate (not a copy) Un-expired US Passport/Passport Card Enhanced Drivers License (regular license and SSN cards do not count) Naturalization Papers Consular Reports of Birth Born Abroad (CRBA) If showing document with no photo must also present state issued photo id (i. e. Drivers License or ID cards) US Citizenship is required for to perform externships at NH-Bremerton. Non-US Citizens are not allowed. Permanent residency does not count.
**NOTE** Before access can be considered for non- military students : We must have a “Letter of Good Standing” on file from school officials, to include but not limited too: – Type/ Agency used – level (national is the only accepted level) – WSP WATCH Adult/ Child – National se offender list – OIG ( Office of Inspector General) – GSA (General Service Administration – And any other federal/ multi state checks/ inquiries – Start and end dates accordingly **Multiple student names can be on one letter if all favorably vetted. Email letter(s) to: nhb. securitymanager@med. navy. mil Mail to: Personnel Security Specialist (09 SE) Naval Hospital Bremerton One Boone RD. Bremerton, Wa 98312 NOTE: School officials for Medical (MD/NP/PA/Midwifery/ Psych NP etc. ) students already sending letter to our credentialing office need only modify the letters to include background check information.
Typing “BAVR” in Google also works.
Also: http: //www. cnic. navy. mil/cnrnw/index. htm
Still having problems? Are you getting this message or similar security message: "The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address“ This message is normal, it displays because IE expects the certificate to match the server name and it doesn't. If you click on “OK” or “Yes” or “Continue” then you should get to the site. This may occur twice. • Some users have additional issues depending on what they are using to connect. If the above does not work they can follow the directions below: – First step, go into Internet Explorer (IE), Tools, Internet Options, Advanced Tab and ensure that TLS 1. 0 is checked. • If still having problems call (360) 475 -4377/4308 M-F 0700 -1545.
***** Applicants must apply a minimum, five (05) working days prior to the visit “Start Date”. **** Click here
** Required** • *Company/Command: You “MUST” put the name of your school, “NOT” the hospital. • * Purpose of visit: This block “MUST” include your hospital Point Of Contact (POC) and their phone number. **If accessing Bangor clinic please indicate this here. * Sponsor E-mail: “MUST” be: nhb. securitymanager@med. navy. mil
**Complete all RED * Choose “Visitor” Choose “HOSPITAL”. Student applications good up to end of externship. Submit Nhb. securitymanager@med. navy. mil Inputting this will auto fill the other fields e. g. , Chivington
Application Status Once your application has been submitted you will receive email confirmation indicating either: “Completed” or “Denied” Approved email information provides instructions on how to proceed to the appropriate Pass & ID location (Hospital)…… DO NOT follow those instructions…. . IF accessing “more than” just the hospital. You must proceed to NBK Bangor/NBK Bremerton(PSNS) Pass & ID to obtain your badge for multiple base access. Completed: Proceed to Naval Hospital Bremerton Pass & ID: One Boone Road Bremerton, WA 98312 Phone: (360) 475 -4377 Email: nh. brembaseaccess@med. navy. mil **Remember badges will not be issued prior to “Start Date” unless after hours access is required i. e. , training on the wards. **Don’t forget to bring: » Valid driver’s license » Proof of US citizenship (original documents only) » Current vehicle registration/ rental car paperwork » Proof of insurance
Hospital Resource Information • Pass & ID: • Email: nh-brembaseaccess@med. navy. mil • (360) 475 -4377 • Security Manager: • email: nhb. securitymanager@med. navy. mil • Phone: (360) 475 -4308/4145/4576/4880 • Cell Phone (360) 516 -0486 (M-F 0700 -1530)