- Количество слайдов: 27
How the Library Selects Adult Materials AN OVERVIEW
Collection Development Plan Introduction Purpose of Collection Development Plan The Community and the Library Principles San Francisco Public Library Mission Statement Collection Development Policy Collections Main Library Collection & Centers Branch Library Collections Children's Collections Teen Collections Electronic Resources Collections Selection and Maintenance Collection Levels Responsibility for Selection Criteria Suggestions for Purchase Gifts of Money and Materials Requests for Reconsideration Collection Maintenance and Evaluation Materials Budget Allocation and Collection Priorities Review and Revision
Millions Book & Materials Budget Over Time $ 11. 00 $ 10. 07 $ 10. 00 $ 9. 03 $ 9. 00 $ 8. 00 $ 7. 42 $ 7. 00 $ 6. 43 $ 5. 51 $ 5. 00 01 FY 00 $ 5. 80 $ 5. 10 $ 4. 65 $ 4. 00 $ 5. 53 2 -0 FY 01 -0 FY 02 3 FY 03 4 -0 FY 04 5 -0 FY 05 6 -0 FY 06 7 -0 -0 FY 07 8 9 -0 FY 08
Assessing Collection Priorities Ø Usage statistics Ø Public & staff surveys Ø Demand Ø Community assessments Ø Changing demographics Ø Rising costs Ø Library & societal trends Ø Format changes Ø Changes in technology for delivery of content Ø Branch bond program Ø Other strategic priorities
Usage: Circulation Over Time
Public & Staff Surveys Library satisfaction survey Branch adult collections assessment International Languages Are there unmet international language collection needs at your branch, or have you observed any significant changes in the patterns of use of international language materials recently? Please elaborate.
Branch Library Improvement Program
Format Changes Videos: VHS to DVD to Streaming/Downloadable Audiobooks & Music : Cassettes to CDs to Streaming/Downloadable Reference: Print to Electronic
Major Budget Categories Books Audiovisual Materials Leased Books & Audiobooks International Languages Periodicals Standing Orders Electronic Resources Vendor Services
Periodicals Use at Visitacion Valley Branch
Who Selects? Selection Committees Branch Selectors Main Selectors Collection Development Office
Key Selection Criteria suitability for meeting the needs of the community appeal to the interests of the community artistic excellence literary merit local interest technical quality of presentation reputation and significance of the author, generally and in the local community accuracy authoritativeness objectivity reviews in the professional and popular media originality of thought permanent value popular demand relation to existing collections and other material on the subject inclusion of title in standard or special bibliographies or indexes skill, competence and purpose of the author budget, cost and space considerations contemporary significance and current usefulness suitability of physical form for library use availability of materials at other libraries availability of materials online
Choosing Materials 2007: 173, 680 titles published in U. S. (Library and Book Trade Almanac) New Titles: reviews, vendor sites, publisher catalogs, patron & staff suggestions, media mentions, sample copies & galleys, specialty web sites New Editions & Replacements: missing title reports, school reading lists, missing title reports, same sources for new titles
Main Library Order Areas - Including Deweys, Selectors’ Names, Floor Managers and Location Codes Floor 069 Bibliographies Museum Studies Donya Drummond All selectors Quindi Berger Dede Puma xbtci Álvaro Sanabria xgcci 4 th 016 Computers Cathy Bremer xgcci 3 rd 004 -006 Generalities Selector Álvaro Sanabria 4 th 000 -099 Subjects Code 3 rd Dewey (Adult) Floor Manager Dede Puma xamci Department General Collections Bus/Sci/Tech All departments Art/Music/Recreation
International Languages
Collection Development Office Coordinates selection committees and selection lists production Places weekly orders with Acquisitions Coordinates gifts and grants
E-Collections Committee
Alexander Street Press Streaming Music
Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
Smithsonian Global Sound Recording Details Track: Out Standing in Their Field: The New Lost City Ramblers, Vol. 2, 1963 -1973. '31 Depression Blues Performed by: New Lost City Ramblers Cohen, John Schwarz, Tracy http: //sfpl 2. classical. com/permalink/recording/21475 29579/
SF Chronicle Proquest San Francisco Chronicle (1869 -Current File). San Francisco, Calif. : Feb 2, 1881. p. 2 (1 page) THE FREE LIBRARY. A Large Increase in Circulation and Visitors. IGNORING THE RULES “Nine persons have borrowed books and failed to return them…” “The Librarian stated that the total number of volumes now in the library was 21, 946” Article image - PDF (39 K)
Finding the Right Balance Entertainment/Education Bestsellers/Core Titles/Scholarly Titles Formats: Print, Audiovisual, Electronic International Languages
Opportunities Shared Collections Branch Bond Program Enhanced E-Collections More Readers Advisory
Next. Reads
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San Francisco Interest Newsletter
Better Tools Title Material Type Holds 880 -01 Shen tan [videorecording] = Mad detective / Yi bai DVD/VCD 124 My stroke of insight : a brain scientist's personal journey / BOOK 142 The holiday [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures Corporation DVD/VCD 147 Breaking Dawn/Twilight Saga, Book 4. Meyer, Stephenie. BOOK 237