How I Spent One Million Dollars On A Go Cart Track n by Logan Curnal
Logan’s Go Cart Track I chose to do my million dollar project on a go cart track because I enjoy driving go carts and I believe other people do to n In my project I put every thing I would need for a go cart track n
My Major Categories n n n n Home Purchase College Savings Black top Go Carts Gas For Go Carts Sidewalks And Common Space Items Other Expenses Logan's million dollar project. xls
Pie Chart Of MY Million Dollar Project
Logan’s Home Purchase n n n The road it is on is 163 Tanglewood drive in Tanglewood Lakes My house cost $281, 559. 00 dollars with taxes Logan's million dollar project. xls
Logan’s College Savings n n n I put $15, 000. 00 in a PNC savings account I put $10. 00 in a Dime Bank savings account The college I want to go to is the University of North Carolina I called this number and talked with George (570)676 -8390 Logan's million dollar project. xls
College Savings Bar Graph
Logan’s Blacktopping For a Track I talked to a man named Joe he told me all the info the I would need for the track the phone number is n I got the 640 square foot slick road track n At $382. 81 per square foot the total was $245, 000. 00 n Logan's million dollar project. xls n
The Property I Put The Track On n n It is good size it is about 2 acres I did not have to pay for it My family owns the land I got permission to use it for a go cart track
Go Carts I bought 10 200 cc Road Rat Racer XB go carts for the price of $1, 599. 00 a piece the total is $15, 990. 00 n I also bought 8 84 cc Road Rat Racer XKB for a price of $1199. 00 the total is $9, 592. 00 n Logan's million dollar project. xls n
200 cc Road Rat Racer Go Cart
84 cc Road Rat Racer Go Cart
Gas For Go Carts I bought 8000 gallons of Exxon regular for $3. 21 a gallon and a total of $25, 680. 00 n I bought it from www. exxon. com n Logan's million dollar project. xls n
My Sidewalks I bought 250 square feet of side walking n I bought it from a man named Mike n The phone number is 1 -800 -892 -7262 n I got all my information on sidewalks that I needed n Logan's million dollar project. xls n
MY Other Expenses Some of the electronics that are in my other expenses are the Vtech LS 5145 cordless phone , HP rp 5000 cash register. I bought two of each n I liked the quality of them n Logan's million dollar project. xls n
Vtech LS 5145 cordless phone
HP rp 5000 cash register
Other Expenses There is also a glass top desk that my desk goes on, a oasis that my desk goes under I bought one of each n I also bought one garage that holds 18 go carts n I bought 1 electronic LED display sign n
Other Expenses I rented 6 butler porter potties n I also bought 6 5 -foot long aluminum benches n 3 carts that hold my supplies n General grading , water, sewer and electric n Taxes, legal licenses, permits and impact fees n
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