Скачать презентацию How Did the Japanese Capture Singapore Alex Lang Скачать презентацию How Did the Japanese Capture Singapore Alex Lang


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How Did the Japanese Capture Singapore? Alex Lang, Lilly Findlay, Erin Leahy How Did the Japanese Capture Singapore? Alex Lang, Lilly Findlay, Erin Leahy

Why Singapore? n n n Oil Strategically good position Strong defence They supported China Why Singapore? n n n Oil Strategically good position Strong defence They supported China Singapore was connected to Malaya - who had great resources

Yamashita & Percival Yamashita & Percival

Only 50 days after the Japanese defeat of Malaya the Battle for Singapore had Only 50 days after the Japanese defeat of Malaya the Battle for Singapore had begun. Australia, Great Britain, India, and Malaya, soldiers helped to make up the 100 000 Military personal February the 8 th- the Japanese directed a strategic air and artillery attack on the north-west coast. Australian defense was broken. February 10 th- The Japanese had successfully taken the Singapore side of the Causeway.

February 11 th- Bukit Timah village was taken. Alexandra Hospital Massacre, 200 died. Food, February 11 th- Bukit Timah village was taken. Alexandra Hospital Massacre, 200 died. Food, water and ammunition supplies were low, causing Percival to surrender

Bibliography Bateson, C 1968, The War With Japan, Horwitz Group Books, London Robertson, J Bibliography Bateson, C 1968, The War With Japan, Horwitz Group Books, London Robertson, J 1985, Australia goes to War, Mead & Beckett INC, Macquarie, Sydney Australian War Memorial 2010, Battle for Singapore, Accessed 31 st August 2010, URL: National Archives of Singapore 2010, Battle for Singapore- 1942, Accessed 31 st August 2010, URL: Smith, P 2004, The Battle for Singapore, Accessed 31 st August 2010, URL