Скачать презентацию Housing LIN 2015 2016 2 nd Quarter update Jeremy Скачать презентацию Housing LIN 2015 2016 2 nd Quarter update Jeremy


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Housing LIN 2015/2016 (2 nd Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director Housing LIN Housing LIN 2015/2016 (2 nd Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director Housing LIN

Housing LIN updates Policy and strategy news: • Healthy New Towns Initiative led by Housing LIN updates Policy and strategy news: • Healthy New Towns Initiative led by NHS England Public Health England – deadline end of September (details on Housing LIN ‘Health Intel’ webpages • NHS England Vanguard sites – alternative models of care • HAPPI 3 inquiry: APPG on housing decisions in later life. Due to report in May 2016 • CLG Select Committee on future viability of housing associations • House of Lords Committee on the built environment (HLIN made submission)

Housing LIN update Funding news: • £ 133. 6 m DH Adult Social Care Housing LIN update Funding news: • £ 133. 6 m DH Adult Social Care capital allocations for 2015/16 (details on Housing LIN funding pages) • DH/HCA/GLA Phase Two of CASSH Fund likely to be announced this autumn • Housing LIN/EAC blog for CSR calling for £ 1 bn investment in housing for older people over 3 years. Three strands: Advice, Adaptations and Accessible new homes

Housing LIN update Website development: Inspirational Achievements Regular features of Housing LIN partners’ achievements. Housing LIN update Website development: Inspirational Achievements Regular features of Housing LIN partners’ achievements. For example: Ø an award winning design Ø an innovative service development, or Ø the findings from pioneering new research

Housing LIN update Website development: • Health and Housing Exchange – Discussion Forum – Housing LIN update Website development: • Health and Housing Exchange – Discussion Forum – Post your good practice/useful reports and research

Housing LIN update Website development: SHOP@ Cyrmru Ø Extended SHOP@ functionality to include all Housing LIN update Website development: SHOP@ Cyrmru Ø Extended SHOP@ functionality to include all Welsh local authority areas Ø Shows 7, 500+ shortfall of specialist housing by 2030

Housing LIN update A Selection of new resources Viewpoint: Bricks, Mortar and Policy Perspectives Housing LIN update A Selection of new resources Viewpoint: Bricks, Mortar and Policy Perspectives for Intergenerational Living Blogs: Inclusive design in Australia Case studies: • The Live. Well Journey: Transforming South Yorkshire Housing Association’s Care and Support Business • A Fresh Approach to Palliative Care – Sustainable Design • Sensitive hospice design: A holistic end of life caring environment

Housing LIN update Forthcoming Housing LIN publications: • What is extra care housing? Refresh Housing LIN update Forthcoming Housing LIN publications: • What is extra care housing? Refresh Factsheet 1 • Update of Technical Brief on Care and Support in Housing with Care (in the light of the Care Act) • Partnership with academic bodies on research proposals eg DWELL (Sheffield), on extra care benefits (Bristol), community hubs / loneliness and isolation (Oxford Brookes), telecare (Coventry), housing & dementia international comparisons in housing for older people (KCL) • Public Health practice briefings x 4 • SW Housing LIN Leadership set Vision Statement

Housing LIN update Learning by example: • Inspired by the Housing LIN ethos for Housing LIN update Learning by example: • Inspired by the Housing LIN ethos for shared learning and improvement. Recent examples of consultancy: – – – – – LA and RSL SHOP@ & sheltered housing review RSL strategic positioning and workforce development Unitary authority: Independent Living Service review County Council: Stakeholder engagement on HWBB Private developer: Supporting planning application Charity: Market Position Statement Welsh Health Board: Evaluation of supported housing Govt department: Innovation & good practice support Training (on dementia with Sitra and University of Worcester) Forthcoming: Coaching, mentoring & Young Leaders programme To discuss your requirements/find out more, email: j. porteus@housinglin. org. uk

Housing LIN update Forthcoming Housing LIN events: • Half day seminar on community led Housing LIN update Forthcoming Housing LIN events: • Half day seminar on community led housing organised by London region with the Design Council – 4 th December 2015 • Housing LIN annual conference, Ashes Suite, KIA Oval, 11 March 2016

Connecting with the Housing LIN • Over 40, 000 subscribers • Sign up to Connecting with the Housing LIN • Over 40, 000 subscribers • Sign up to receive our free quarterly newsletter, Housing with Care Matters, and weekly bulletin, LINks • Check out our comprehensive online resources • Get involved in our discussion fora • Post relevant information on our regional noticeboard • Follow us on twitter at @Housing. LIN • Host a regional Housing LIN meeting • Write a blog, case study or viewpoint • Sponsor our website, topic or an event

Thank you! c/o EAC 3 rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE 1 7 Thank you! c/o EAC 3 rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE 1 7 TP email: info@housinglin. org. uk tel: 020 7820 8077 website: www. housinglin. org. uk Twitter: @Housing. LIN